
ɡōnɡ xìn lì
  • government credibility
  1. 政府公信力的两个影响因子缺一不可。

    The two factors of the government credibility are indispensable .

  2. 政府公信力是政府赢取公众信任的能力,体现的是公众对政府的信任程度和满意程度。

    Government credibility is the ability of government to win public trust .

  3. 受欢迎的,具有公信力的用户更为重要,如上所示,可以揭露其他被怀疑是假冒者的用户。

    A popular , trusted user matters more and , as shown above , can expose others who are suspected of being fakers .

  4. 转变政府职能,深化简政放权,创新监管方式,增强政府公信力和执行力,建设人民满意的服务型政府。

    The government needs to transform its functions , further streamline capacity , building itself into a service-oriented government able to satisfy the needs of the people .

  5. 我们将提供具有国际公信力的IRIS认证。

    We can offer you internationally recognized certification according to IRIS .

  6. CPA行业提高社会公信力的思考

    The Thoughts of Improving the Level of Social Credit in CPA Industry

  7. imf能做的,是提供避免危机和(当危机真的发生时)解决危机的能力和公信力。

    What the IMF can do is provide the capacity and credibility to avert crises and resolve them when they do occur .

  8. 在分析CPA行业审计失败原因的基础上,探讨了CPA行业提高社会公信力的途径。

    On the basics of analysing the reasons of audit failure in CPA industry . The aim is discussing the ways of improving the level of social credit in CPA industry .

  9. ipcc需要更强有力的领导层来维持公信力,包括一个全新的执行委员会(至少得有一名成员不是气候领域的科学家),以及执行总裁而不是相对无权的秘书处。

    The IPCC needs stronger leadership to maintain credibility , including a new Executive Committee ( with at least one member who is not a climate scientist ) and a chief executive rather than a relatively powerless secretary .

  10. WaesiAdili:“我想突尼斯已经摆脱了旧政权,让人满怀希望的是,这样的政治体制将会带来公信力、尊严感、宽容及就业。”

    WAESI ADILI : " I think Tunisia has escaped from the old regime . Hopefully the political system will offer , dignity , tolerance -- and work . "

  11. 第一,网络媒体与媒体公信力。

    The first , network media and public trust of media .

  12. 论不动产抵押登记与公信力

    On the Real Estate Mortgage 's Register and Public Trust Dint

  13. 因此中介组织被赋予更多的社会责任、具有更强的社会公信力、产生更大的社会影响范围。

    Social intermediate organizations have more liability and stronger social force .

  14. 打造我国非营利组织的公信力

    Creating Public Credit of Non-profit Organizations in China ON THE FORCE

  15. 首先阐述慈善组织公信力的相关理论基础。

    Firstly , charity organization credibility of relevant the cortical foundation .

  16. 最重要的是,采取的措施要有公信力。

    Above all , it is vital that steps are credible .

  17. 这就是公信力,可以让你放心地去消费。

    This is the credibility that allows you to consume safely .

  18. 股东名册的公信力可通过托管来加强。

    The credibility of the shareholder register by hosting to strengthen .

  19. 公示具有推定力、对抗力、公信力。

    Publicity with a presumption of force against the force , credibility .

  20. 我国政府公信力建设问题与对策探讨

    The Government Public Credibility Construction Problem and Its Countermeasure Exploration

  21. 行政登记没有明确的公信力。

    The administrative registration lacks explicit force of public credibility .

  22. 简论和谐社会的司法公信力基础

    Public Confidence in Justice : One of Harmonious Societal Foundations

  23. 大众传媒媚俗化倾向与提升媒体公信力探析

    Tendency of Vulgarization and Improvement of Public Faith of Media

  24. 我国非营利组织社会公信力缺乏的原因及构建

    Lack of reason and construction on national Non-profit Organizations ' social trustworthness

  25. 把握好新闻的真实性,关系到网络媒体的公信力。

    Nesw reality is important for net media 's truth .

  26. 但是当前我国司法实践中,人民陪审员制度塑造司法公信力的价值并未得到充分实现。

    But the latter value has not been realized in practice yet .

  27. 重庆地区三种市场形态报纸的公信力比较

    A Comparison of Credibility of Three Categories of Market-Oriented Newspapers in Chongqing

  28. 探究不动产登记公信力与善意取得的关系。

    Research the registration of credibility and good faith acquisition of the relationship .

  29. 政府公信力,稳定与效率的纽带

    Public Credibility , The Bond of Stabilization and Efficiency

  30. 政府信息公开与政府公信力建设问题研究

    On the Opening of Government Information and Construction of Public Faith in Government