
  • 网络St. Louis;Saint Louis;San Luis;ST.LOUIS;STL
  1. 芳邦大学是一所文科大学,位于圣路易斯市郊的居民区。

    Fontbonne is a liberal arts college , located in a residential suburb of St. Louis .

  2. 布雷默和加兰为主题曲《相逢圣路易斯》配和声。

    Bremer and Garland harmonize on the title song , ' Meet Me in St. Louis ' .

  3. 今年他早早地前往圣路易斯以便适应新环境。

    This year he has left for St Louis early to acclimatise himself

  4. 然而,Twitter仍最能体现这个圣路易斯比萨饼餐馆业主之子的个性。

    Yet it is still Twitter that embodies the son of a pizza restaurant owner from St Louis .

  5. 在圣路易斯,密苏里州,与在塔夫脱总统威廉H之沿着密西西比河,1909年10月开始考察轮船拥挤的海滨。

    The Saint Louis , Mo. , waterfront crowded with steamboats at the start of President William H.Taft 's inspection trip down the Mississippi River , Oct.1909 .

  6. 1939年5月13日,德国远洋班轮圣路易斯号(SSStLouis)从汉堡起航。

    On May 13 1939 the SS St Louis , a German ocean liner , set sail from Hamburg .

  7. 莎凡特1946年出生于中南部的圣路易斯,名为玛丽莲马赫(MarilynMach)。

    Savant was born Marilyn Mach in south central St Louis in 1946 .

  8. 密苏里州圣路易斯大学的JackStrauss教授称,最近的经济复苏在创造就业机会方面非常缓慢。

    Jack Strauss at Saint Louis University in Missouri says recent recoveries have been slow to create jobs .

  9. NPR新闻的伊莉斯·胡将从圣路易斯北部郊区带来报道。

    NPR 's Elise Hu reports the north St. Louise suburb .

  10. 而这正是在圣路易斯市的华盛顿大学(WashingtonUniversityinStLouis)工作的马修?埃利斯(MatthewEllis)及其同事们为罹患乳腺癌的妇女们所作的工作。

    And this is just what Matthew Ellis and his colleagues at Washington University in St Louis have done for women suffering from breast cancer .

  11. 同时,mittromney正在南圣路易斯安纳州参见竞选活动,而奥巴马将在周六将抵达新罕布什尔拉票。

    Meantime Mitt Romney was in South Louisiana and Obama will pursue campaign Saturday in the New Hampshire .

  12. (GeneralMotorsInstitute,现更名为凯特林大学[KetteringUniversity])、堪萨斯大学(UniversityofKansas)、密苏里大学圣路易斯分校(UniversityofMissouri,St.Louis)和达特茅斯学院(DartmouthCollege)。

    the General Motors Institute ( now called Kettering University ) ; the University of Kansas ; the University of Missouri , St. Louis ; and Dartmouth College .

  13. 圣路易斯一家退伍军人医院的牙科助手可能使1800名退伍军人暴露与肝炎或HIV的风险下。

    Dental assistants at this St. Louis VA hospital may have been exposed or may have exposed , rather , more than 1800 of our vets to HIV or hepatitis .

  14. 今年7月,圣路易斯的PatriotCoalCorp.申请破产保护。之前不久,该公司丢掉了一份向亚洲一家钢铁企业供应煤炭的合同。

    In July , Patriot Coal Corp. of St. Louis filed for bankruptcy protection , shortly after it lost a contract for coal bound for an Asian steelmaker .

  15. 戴安魏(dianeweiliang)在这方面小有成就,但最多产的此类作家要数上海出生,现在定居于美国密苏里州圣路易斯市的裘小龙。

    Diane Wei Liang has enjoyed success in this field , but the most prolific contributor is Shanghai-born Qiu Xiaolong , who now lives in St Louis , Missouri .

  16. 由圣路易斯市的华盛顿大学的LFC领导的小组在老鼠身上发现的。

    A team led by LFC at Washington university 's school medicine in St Louis ,( Missouri ) made discovery in mice .

  17. 9月在费城开办的天普大学瘙痒中心以及2011年在圣路易斯开办的华盛顿大学(WashingtonUniversity)瘙痒研究中心(CenterfortheStudyofItch)是美国开办的第一批瘙痒研究和治疗中心。

    For the first time in the United States , itching research and treatment centers have opened : Temple 's in September , in Philadelphia , and Washington University 's Center for the Study of Itch , in 2011 , in St. Louis .

  18. 当道格•舒卡看到其位于圣路易斯的住宅按揭银行USAMortgage将放贷额从2009年1月的1.13亿美元增至年底的12亿美元时,他感到很兴奋。

    Doug schukar was thrilled when USA mortgage , his residential mortgage bank in St. Louis , increased the loans it funded from $ 113 million in January 2009 to $ 1.2 billion by the end of the year .

  19. DoaneAgriculturalServices驻圣路易斯首席小麦经济学家丹曼透那(DanManternach)补充道:这向粮食进口国敲响了有关俄罗斯可靠性的警钟。

    Dan Manternach , chief wheat economist at Doane Agricultural Services in St Louis , added : This is a wake-up call for importing nations about the reliability of Russia .

  20. 六旗(世界上最大的主题公园连锁品牌)正在美国德州的圣路易斯六旗乐园打造据称是世界上首个4D自由飞翔过山车。

    Six Flags is building what it says is the world 's first first ' four-dimensional free fly ' roller coaster at its park in San Antonio , Texas .

  21. 赛尔克在2006年曾担任圣路易斯红雀队(theSt.LouisCardinals)的心理训练总监,这一年红雀队20年来首次赢得棒球大联盟(WorldSeries)冠军,2011年该队再获冠军。

    Selk was director of mental training for the St. Louis Cardinals in 2006 , when the team won its first World Series in 20 years , as well as in 2011 , when the Cardinals won it again .

  22. 很多人都看过Chuck,Berry表演,我也经常看,就在一两年前,我在圣路易斯,看到他弹着吉他,做着舞步,有点像一只狗在走路。

    Chuck Berry , one can see even I , every so often in the facility of Saint Louis I saw him a year or two ago , playing guitar and doing something approximating a dog walk .

  23. 这意味着要沿着全长300多英里(480千米)加州海岸线,拜访从圣路易斯(SanLuisObispo)到圣迭戈(SanDiego)的每一个汽水批发商,检查是否有人从错误的销售人员进货的行为。

    To do so meant visiting every major soda wholesaler from SanLuis Obispo to San Diego - about 300 miles ( 480km ) of California coast - andchecking whether any were selling soda from the wrong salesperson .

  24. 圣路易斯公羊队的进攻内锋罗杰o萨福德就是一名热心玩家,他还参加了2013年在阿纳海姆市举办的MLG电竞比赛。

    St. Louis Rams offensive lineman Rodger Saffold is an avid gamer who attended his first MLG competition in Anaheim in 2013 .

  25. 根据社会科学读物出版机构CQ出版社发布的这份报告,去年,圣路易斯每10万居民中就发生了2070例暴力犯罪案件,远远超过美国429例的平均水平。

    St. Louis had 2070 violent crimes per 100000 residents last year , well over the national average of 429 , according to the report issued by social science publisher CQ Press .

  26. 公关主管Sarah说:我在一家圣路易斯的公司工作过,发现公司在去年有七名员工加入和辞职,更糟糕的是,公司总共只是五个人在经营。

    I joined a firm in St. Louis and learned that the company had seven other employees come and go in the past year , says Sarah , a public relations executive . What 's worse is that it was only a five-person operation .

  27. :刺伤,刺痛首先报道的是发生在圣路易斯密苏里州东部十英里处伊利诺斯州Maryville的教堂枪击事件。

    We begin with the shooting at a church service in Maryville Illinois ten miles east of St. Louis Missouri .

  28. 圣路易斯的华盛顿大学妇产科主任、美国妇产科医生协会(AmericanCollegeofObstetriciansandGynecologists)发言人马肯斯(GeorgeA.Macones)说,剖腹产的增多并没有使生产并发症减少或母婴更健康。

    The rise in caesarean sections hasn 't resulted in fewer delivery complications or healthier moms and babies , says George A. Macones , chairman of obstetrics and gynecology at Washington University in St. Louis and a spokesman for the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists .

  29. 据《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)报道,8月31日,位于密苏里州圣路易斯市的希尔斯伯勒高中(HillsboroHighSchool)的近200名高中生走出校门,抵制跨性别青少年莱拉·佩里(LilaPerry)使用女厕所和女更衣室。

    On August 31 , almost 200 high school students walked out of class in Hillsboro High School outside of St. Louis , Missouri to protest the use of the girls ' restrooms and locker room by Lila Perry , a transgender teen , according to the New York Times .

  30. 下面就跟随记者来关注一下。SAVIDGE:圣路易斯已经夜幕降临,随之而来,温度也在下降。男声:大风带来降雪,同时,市区的温度也会下降5摄氏度。

    UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE : Blowing snow as well , the wind chill index five below downtown at the arch .