
  • 网络St. Louis;Saint Louis;saint-louis;ST.LOUIS
  1. 22岁的圣路易红雀队外野手OscarTaveras在他的家乡多米尼加共和国去世。

    And 22-year-old St. Louis Cardinals outfielder Oscar Taveras has died in his native Dominican Republic .

  2. 尽管1972年圣路易红雀(St.LouisCardinals)的中外野手科特·弗兰德输了美国最高法院对美国职棒大联盟(MLB)的起诉,但他的所作所为开辟了自由球员时代。

    Though St. Louis Cardinals center fielder Curt Flood lost a U.S. Supreme Court case against Major League Baseball in 1972 , his actions ushered in the era of the free agent .

  3. ClaudeFauquet是密苏里州圣路易唐纳德植物科学中心(donalddanforthplantsciencecenter)的科学家。

    Claude Fauquet is a scientist at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center in Saint Louis , Missouri .

  4. 在整整一面墙的陈列柜里,摆放着爱马仕(Hermès)瓷器、皮福尔卡(Puiforcat)银器以及圣路易(Saint-Loui)水晶三整套餐具,用餐者可任意组合,还配有单独的洗碗工:一位男士,而非洗碗机。

    Puiforcat silverware and Saint-Louis crystal from which diners can select their own settings . Table Lumi è re also has its own separate dishwasher : that 's a man , not an appliance .

  5. 这对夫妻在巴黎的圣路易岛相识

    The couple met in Paris , on the lie St-Louis .

  6. 她说她曾是圣路易的警察。

    She said she used to be a copin Saint louis .

  7. 我想我该回圣路易市了。

    I guess I should head back to Saint louis .

  8. 两分钟过后,他到了圣路易街。

    Two minutes later he was in the Rue Saint-Louis .

  9. 下周这个时候,我已经回到圣路易了。

    This time next week I 'll be back in St louis .

  10. 不久,他连圣路易街也走不到了。

    Soon he no longer came as far as the Rue Saint-Louis .

  11. 纽约-芝加哥-圣路易铁路公司

    New York , Chicago and St. Louis Railroad Company

  12. 这是我们在圣路易的最后一支舞。

    It 's our last dance in St louis .

  13. adj.华而不实的一般来自圣路易,低廉而俗丽的汽船到达了码头。

    gaudy A cheap , gaudy steamboat arrive at the wharf from St.louis .

  14. 目前圣路易红雀队以2比1领先旧金山巨人队。

    A last check the Cardinals were ahead 2 to 1 over the Giants .

  15. 探险队由圣路易市出发。

    The expedition set out from St louis .

  16. 对他们来说,圣路易就是文明社会的尽头。

    Saint Louis was the end of civilization .

  17. 当时她在圣路易,写她的第二本小说。

    She was in st. ''looey ''at the time , working on her second novel .

  18. 在1830年之前,他已经游遍了圣路易和密苏里州。

    By the year eighteen thirty , he had traveled to Saint Louis , Missouri .

  19. 下次辩论将在10月2号在密苏里州圣路易市的华盛顿大学举行。

    That event is scheduled for October 2 at Washington University in St. Louis , Missouri .

  20. 圣路易-旧金山铁路公司

    Saint Louis-San Francisco Railway Company

  21. 每当有人对某个模糊的事实比方对圣路易是什么人?

    Whenever anybody 's wondering about some obscure fact ( for instance : Who was Saint Louis ?)

  22. 头衔:圣路易市斯华盛顿大学妇产科助理研究员

    Title : Research Assistant at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Washington University in St. Louis

  23. 你见着他的时候,请你问问他还记不记得圣路易地方的杰弗逊·侯波这一家人。

    When you see him , ask him if he remembers the Jefferson Hopes of St. Louis .

  24. 但由于圣路易的天气日渐闷热、潮湿,唐纳德总是会捂出一身汗来。

    But because St Louis gets very hot and humid , Donald would be soaked with sweat .

  25. 1904年7月1日到10月29日在美国圣路易城举行的第三届奥运会。

    Arrive at third Olympiad holding in USA Saint-Louis city on October 29th on July 1 , 1904 .

  26. 700年前曾经有一位非常善良的法国皇帝,他后来成为圣路易,他就理在那儿。

    A very good king of France who lived 700 years ago and later became Saint Louis was buried there .

  27. 他回到圣路易成立于1935年和另一只略微成功的建筑事务所与一个朋友,罗伯特沃尔什。

    He returned to St Louis in1935 and established another only marginally successful architectural office with a friend , Robert Walsh .

  28. 黄大仙老人社区中心〔圣公会教区福利协会〕对他们来说,圣路易就是文明社会的尽头。

    Wong Tai Sin Multi-service Centre for the Elderly [ SKH Diocesan Welfare Council ] Saint Louis was the end of civilization .

  29. 旧金山巨人队在美联冠军系列赛中,以2–1的成绩领先,并以5–4的成绩战胜了圣路易红雀队。

    And the San Francisco Giants have taken a 2-1 lead in their series with the win over the St.Louis Cardinals 5-4 .

  30. 回到拱门,这是从东边进入圣路易所看到的第一个景象。

    Back to the arch , this is the very first view of the arch when entering St. Louis from the east .