- 网络Religious conservatism

The Tea Party is also divided over how much to stress religious conservatism ; and between supporters of a muscular , militarist foreign policy and those who want to close American bases overseas .
The Republicans ' most reliable remaining supporters are religious conservatives and those who applaud Mr Bush 's tough line on terrorism .
However , the stand-off is the latest sign of mounting tension between Southeast Asia 's increasingly vocal gay community and religious conservatives , with multinationals caught in the crossfire .
Most of the 130000 Republicans who attended the 2008 caucuses in Iowa , the first battle of the race , did indeed identify themselves as religious conservatives , as one might expect in a state settled by pious Lutherans , Methodists and Catholics .
In the US , because of religious right groups and conservatism , scientific topics like evolution and climate change have become politically controversial .
But I also agree with your emendation to my point about " Interstellar " : Nolan 's sci-fi vision , despite occasional spiritual-ish elements , is basically right-wing in a libertarian rather than a religious or socially conservative key .