
  1. 火蛇来自阿兹特克的宗教神话。

    Xiuhcoatl was a mythological serpent in the Aztec religion .

  2. 《断头台》:一个现代宗教神话

    Guillotine : A Modern Religious Mythology

  3. 刑天神话属于巫术神话向宗教神话过渡时期的一种神话类型。

    Xingtian myth was one kind of myths which produced during the period from religious myth to witchery myth .

  4. “死”在索洛古勃的宗教神话体系中具有重要的地位,它首先具有破坏和权力交替的象征意义;

    " Death " - theme has an important status in Sologub 's mythoreligious system . Firstly , it is a symbol of destruction and power lost and regained ;

  5. 宗教神话作为人类精神活动的文化凝定,潜埋着人类最深层的文化-心理结构,这种深层的结构原则构筑了文化赖以传承的桥梁。

    As the cultural interpretation of mans mental activities , religious mythology reflects the deepest human culture & psychological structure , which enables the human culture to pass down from generation to generation .

  6. 诗性智慧最初的发生,作为原始人类宗教神话的一种思维方式,最突出的特征表现在:想象的类概念与以己度物的隐喻内容。

    The initial emergence of " poetic wisdom ", as a mythical kind of mode of thinking of original human religion , The most outstanding characteristic shows : Imaginative class-concepts is and with the metaphor content of the own degree of things .

  7. 关于古罗马的宗教和神话的研究

    a study of the religions and mythologies of ancient Rome

  8. 人的精神世界痛苦主要是恐惧宗教、神话和死亡。

    Human inner pains include fears , religion , myths and death .

  9. 它是传统宗教和神话原型在现代文化语境下的重置和变形。

    It is replacement and distortion of traditional religious and mythological archetypes under culture linguistic environment in the modern society .

  10. 英汉习语源自不同的宗教、神话与传说和寓言故事,因此在表达上存在着明显的差异。

    The English-Chinese idioms come from the different religions , myths , legends and fairy tales , so there are obvious differences existed in the expressions .

  11. 借由宗教和神话原型,尝试着分析和解读这篇当代流行的文学作品,是一种回归文学的尝试。

    An attempt to analyze and interpret this popular contemporary literary work with the aid of religious and mythological archetypes is an effort to return to literature .

  12. 同时宗教、神话和现代荒原话语把复活的意识统一在文本中的潜意识里。

    And at the same time , the discourse of religion , myth and the modern wasteland integrates the resurrection consciousness with an unconscious image in the text .

  13. 这可以当作明清与民初讨論宗教、神话和文学关系课题的解答之一。

    As a number of interpretive options are explored in tackling this problem , general issues of the relationship of religion , myth , and literature in late Imperial and modern China are addressed .

  14. 其来源主要有:与宗教和神话传说相关的人名、地名、科学家和发明家的名字、地点名称、商标名称以及文学作品中创造的人名和地名。

    The main origins are the names from religion and mythology , scientists , inventors , educators , the names of places , trade names , and the names from characters and places in literature .

  15. 这证明了东、西方宗教与神话传说中,以万物出于土又归于土的哲学思考是建立在物质运行规律基础之上的,是一种,科学的自然观。

    This proves that the philosophical thought in eastern and western religions and myth that everything grows from the earth and dies in the earth is based on the schedule that matter goes according to , which is scientific .

  16. 尤其是近东各民族的宗教和神话对希腊、罗马乃至基督教的影响甚为久远,经由他们的融合吸收、加工提炼,最后成为今日西方文明的一部分。

    Especially the influence of the Eastern religions and myths on greek , Rome and even the Christianism was permanent , namely being integrated and refined the religions and myths became one part of the Western civilization nowadays in the end .

  17. 楚文化历史悠久、源远流长,是我国文化中的重要一支,在这片充满原始宗教、神话、巫术的沃土上孕育出的了独具地方特色和民族特色的楚舞艺术。

    Chu Culture , which is one of the important branches of Chinese culture , and has a long history and a long standing , has bred the art of Chu dance with uniquely local and national features on this land full of primitive religions , legends and witchcrafts .

  18. 有共同的宗教观念(神话)和崇拜仪式。

    The possession of common religious conceptions ( mythology ) and ceremonies .

  19. 几乎在行星上的每一个宗教,甚至神话,宣称在你死了之后会到某处去。

    Almost every religion on the planet , even the mythology , claims that you go somewhere after you die .

  20. 进化论或许是起点,但历经沧桑,人类的本性冲动受到修饰和系统化加工,并且被文化和宗教赋以神话论。

    Biology may be the starting point , but over time , human impulses are embellished and institutionalized and made sacred by culture and religion .

  21. 由于宗教文化、神话传说以及民族文化心理的影响,使得英汉习语中相同的数字体现出不同的文化内涵,或相同所指却借助于不同的数字来体现。

    But due to the influences of religion , myth and national cultural psychology , the same numbers in English and Chinese idioms embody different cultural connotations .

  22. 但由于受民族生理、宗教信仰、神话传说等文化差异的影响,数字被赋予了富厚的文化内在。

    But because of the cultural diversity found in the national psychology , religious belief and mythology , numbers are endowed with abundant cultural connotations and associations .

  23. 而英汉两个民族在生活环境、宗教信仰以及神话传说等方面的差异又导致了英汉诗歌中爱情隐喻构成的独特性。

    But the differences in economic patterns , religious beliefs and mythological legends , etc. between two peoples also cause the specific love metaphor in English and Chinese poems .

  24. 在印度的历史,宗教和宗教神话,印度一直贯穿这个古老的文明,即使在今天仍然是印度社会各阶层的一个组成部分的文化。

    In India 's history , religion and religious myths India has been run through this ancient civilization , and even today remains India all sectors of the community an integral part of culture .

  25. 民族文化是导致人类隐喻思维差异的重要原因,主要包括宗教信仰、神话传说、文学艺术、风俗习惯、劳动生产和历史背景等六个方面。

    National culture constitutes an important reason for differences in human metaphorical thinking and is mainly reflected in religion , mythology , literature and art , customs and habits , productive activities , historical backgrounds and so on .

  26. 原始艺术是在科学、宗教、巫术、神话等一系列的人类生存活动中显示自身的:它是在科学思维的发展中孕育;在宗教意识的成长中萌发;

    The primitive arts activities exist in the sciences , the religions the witchcrafts and the myths .

  27. 宗教、性爱和神话是作家观察美国中产阶级生活并对此进行积极思考的不同角度,作家关注的是现世生活中凡人琐事的意义,这让读者看到作家的人文关怀。

    Updike observes the lives of the middle class in America from religious , sexual and mythical perspectives , which shows readers the author 's humane solicitude .

  28. 小说的真正特点在于通过对作为一种“性的宗教”的爱情神话的生动描写,表现了对自由生命的信仰。

    The intrinsic feature of his novel is to represent the faith of free life , through the vivid depiction of love mythos which demonstrate the " sex religion " .

  29. 纬书中不乏有价值的内容,保存了大量有关天文、地理、宗教、文化、神话、历史等方面的知识与见解,对研究古代神话、历史、科学、文学等方面都有重要的史料价值。

    Moreover , there is a great deal of information and opinion on the astronomy , geography , religion , culture , myth and history in the book , so it is helpful to the study of the ancient myths , history , science , literature and other important aspects .

  30. 第四章对宗教与意识形态的关系进行阐述,揭示由宗教意识形态神话到宗教对意识形态勾连的变革,再到宗教的二维意识形态角色的逻辑演变。

    Chapter IV describes the relations between religion and ideology , to reveal the logical evolution , which is from the start that religious ideology of myth , to the transformation of the ideology articulated system , at last to the role of religious of two-dimensional ideology .