
  • 网络Padua;Padova
  1. 帕多瓦和维琴察两市商业繁荣,建筑古迹保存良好,也没有蜂拥而至的游客。

    Padua and Vicenza are prosperous , well-preserved cities , not overrun by tourists .

  2. 大楼建于1172年至1219年,被认为是在帕多瓦最著名的古迹。

    The building was constructed in1172-1219 and is considered one of the most notable monuments in Padua .

  3. 第二年,他取道威尼西亚进入意大利,焚毁阿基利亚和帕多瓦,洗劫米兰。

    Next year he came into Italy by way of Venetia , burned Aquileia and Padua and looted Milan .

  4. 利用帕多瓦大学研发的一种新技术,对该气管进行了六个多星期去细胞处理,以至于不会残留供者细胞。

    Using a new technique developed in Padua University , the trachea was decellularised over a six-week period so that no donor cells remained .

  5. 朱塔斯表示,他的南瓜将会被送往纽约市,于本月在纽约帕多瓦植物园对外展示。

    Jutras said his fruit is headed to New York City , where it will be on display this month at the New York Botanical Garden .

  6. 由来自巴塞罗那、布里斯托尔、帕多瓦和米兰等城市的大学组成的泛欧洲团队在《柳叶刀》上报道了这一开创性的工作。

    The pan-European team from the universities of Barcelona , Bristol , Padua and Milan report on this pioneering work in an article in The Lancet .

  7. 这对夫妇在季风雨季的高峰时节,在被水淹过的马尼拉圣安东尼帕多瓦教堂里喜结连理。

    The couple tied the knot inside the flooded San Antonio de Padua Parish Church in Singalong , Manila , at the height of the monsoon rains .

  8. 吉塞佩马特拉齐因为其执教生涯而赢得不菲的国内和国际声望,他曾经执教过比萨、拉齐奥、巴里、帕多瓦、布雷西亚、皮亚琴察、里斯本竞技以及天津泰达等多支球队。

    Giuseppe Materazzi won domestic and international fame as a coach , having guided teams such as pisa , lazio , bari , padova , brescia , piacenza , Sporting Lisbon and Chinese side Tianjin teda .

  9. 这幅肖像画叫《艾尔沃斯·蒙娜丽莎》,根据一处伦敦郊区命名。八九十年前,英国艺术鉴赏家休·布莱克曾将这幅画保存在此处。意大利帕多瓦的几何学家鲁比诺得出的结论是,艾尔沃斯肖像的几何结构符合达·芬奇的作品特色。

    The conclusion by the Padua-based Rubino was that the Isleworth portrait - named after the London suburb where it was kept by the British art connoisseur Hugh Blaker 80-90 years ago - matched Leonardo 's geometry and must be his .