
  • Parker;Tony Parker;Robert Parker;Mary-Louise Parker
  1. 帕克能让顾客对自己言听计从。

    Parker could have customers eating out of his hand .

  2. 两架飞机帕克均成功驾驶过。

    Parker had successfully flown both aircraft

  3. 这家公司刚刚宣布以2700万英镑买下了帕克宾馆。

    The company has just announced its £ 27 million purchase of Park Hotel .

  4. 我住在帕克新月街7号。

    I live at 7 Park Crescent .

  5. 帕克开始运动生涯时是个跳远运动员。

    Packer began her career as a long jumper .

  6. 帕克旅馆的名声当之无愧。

    The Park Hotel has a well-deserved reputation .

  7. 戈登下榻在米兰的帕克饭店。

    Gordon stayed at The Park Hotel , Milan

  8. 这种残忍的现实和浪漫美好事物的并存始终贯穿于帕克的短篇小说中。

    This juxtaposition of brutal reality and lyrical beauty runs through Park 's stories .

  9. 为了支持这一建议,德克萨斯大学拉达拉斯分校的丹尼斯·C。帕克和他的同事于2014年进行了一项研究,该研究证明,学习编织或数码摄影能增强老年人的记忆功能。

    In support of that suggestion , a 2014 study by Denise C. Park of the University of Texas at Dallas and colleagues demonstrated that learning to knit or do digital photography enhanced memory function in older adults .

  10. 埃莉诺和帕克史诗般的爱情故事是从埃莉诺在校车上从帕克背后窥读他的漫画书开始的。

    For example : Eleanor and Park 's epic2 love story begins when Eleanor peeks3 over Park 's shoulder on the bus to school to " eavesread " his comics .

  11. 我的小女儿们就把它叫做TwoFace。帕克女士告诉《每日邮报》澳大利亚记者站记者。

    ' My wee girls just called it Two Face , ' Ms Parker told Daily Mail Australia .

  12. 但帕克女士说,TwoFace似乎像羊群中的其他羊一样、是一只快乐的小羊。

    But Ms Parker said Two Face appears to be a happy lamb who interacts with the other farm animals like normal .

  13. 在罗伯特·E·帕克的理论中,面具成为人的社会属性的一种代名词。

    In the theory of Robert . E.

  14. 康韦和李以Facebook的联合创始人肖恩•帕克为例。

    Conway and Lee used Facebook co-founder Sean Parker as an example .

  15. 因为我们投简单的两分球,而不是命中率更低的三分球,”帕克告诉TheVertical。

    Because we 'll take two , an easy two , than a less percentage on a three-point shot , " Parker told The Vertical .

  16. 罗伯特·E·帕克被认为是大众传播的第一个大学研究者,同时也是最能代表芝加哥学派传播思想的学者。

    Robert Ezra Park , as the most representative of the Chicago School scholars , is considered the first college researcher of the mass communication .

  17. 实际上,帕克目前正申请在悉尼海港大桥(SydneyHarbourBridge)附近建设一所六星级酒店和奢华的赌场。

    Indeed , Mr Packer is seeking permissions to build a six star hotel and luxury casino close to the Sydney Harbour Bridge .

  18. 他历任施乐帕克研究中心(XeroxPARC)、AliasWavefront和硅谷图形公司(SiliconGraphics)的研究员,目前供职于微软研究院(MicrosoftResearch)。

    He has been a researcher at Xerox PARC , alias | wavefront , silicon graphics , and currently Microsoft Research .

  19. 创始人帕克(MonicaParker)说,如果以为管理层手里有个能预知这些事情的水晶球,那就大错特错了。

    ' It 's dangerous to assume that management has a crystal ball about these things .

  20. 安德鲁•帕克是风投公司SparkCapital的掌门人,致力于消费者服务领域中的技术应用层面。

    Andrew Parker ( @ andrewparker ) is a principal with VC firm spark capital , where he focuses on the applications layer of the technology stack in consumer services .

  21. 汤姆•帕克(TomParker)上校通过将埃尔维斯•普莱斯利(ElvisPresley)打造成当时最有名的艺人,间接促成了流行音乐的诞生。

    Colonel Tom Parker helped invent pop music by making Elvis Presley the most famous entertainer of his time .

  22. 然而酒市专家、美国葡萄酒评论家罗伯特•帕克(RobertParker)却对2004年葡萄酒表示出坚定的冷淡,因此该年份的酒价一直停滞不动。

    But the market maker , American wine critic Robert Parker , was decidedly lukewarm about the 2004s and so prices have stagnated .

  23. 对NBA球迷来说,托尼•帕克是一个耳熟能详的名字。他已经为NBA最佳球队之一效力10年了。

    For NBA fans , Tony Parker is a household name , a 10-year veteran on one of the best teams in the league .

  24. 邓肯、帕克和吉诺比利已经一起拿下了126场季后赛比赛的胜利,这一成绩在NBA三人组合的历史上高居第一位。

    Duncan , Parker and Ginobili have captured 126 career postseason victories together , which ranks as the most in NBA history by a trio .

  25. 帕克认为,随着LTE和Wi-Fi连接普及到小型电子设备上,无线技术对于未来的耳机来说将成为司空见惯的事。

    Park predicts that wireless technology will be typical of future headphones as LTE and Wi-Fi connections spread to smaller electronic devices .

  26. 塔因瓦拉和新秀丽首席执行官蒂姆?帕克(TimParker)在一次采访中强调,中国仍是新秀丽非常重要的市场。

    In an interview , Tim Parker , Samsonite chief executive , and Mr Tainwala stress that China remains a very important market for the company .

  27. 就在同一天,摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)的美国股票市场研究主管亚当•帕克(AdamParker)也收到了一封类似的邮件,只不过他没有选择无视。

    The same day Adam Parker , head of US equity research at Morgan Stanley , received a similar message , only he didn 't ignore it .

  28. 初次亮相舞会的弗朗西斯卡(FrancescaPackerBarham)的母亲格雷特尔•帕克(GretelPacker)则身穿澳洲设计师简•希尔(JaneHill)设计的黑色艳丽女裙,站在一旁驻足观望。

    Gretel Packer , mother of deb Francesca Packer Barham , looked on in a voluptuous dark dress by Australian designer Jane Hill .

  29. 一直有传闻今年33岁的帕克正在筹办一个主题婚礼,会按电视剧《权力游戏》(GamesofThrones)的情节来设计与蕾娜斯的婚礼。

    Parker , 33 , had been rumoured to be planning a themed event , based on the television series Game of Thrones , for his wedding to Alexandra Lenas .

  30. 公牛队寄希望于帕克能重新找回他的角色,恢复到最佳状态并兑现他作为2014年NBA榜眼秀的天赋。

    The Bulls are banking on revitalizing Parker 's career , restoring him to top condition and fulfilling his promise as the No. 2 overall pick in the 2014 NBA draft .