
  • 网络pareto optimality;pareto optimal;Pareto Improvement
  1. 判断差距是否适度应遵循效率优先,兼顾公平、帕累托优化、最低保障、资源优化配制等原则。

    To judge whether the gap is appropriate , the principles of " efficiency first , fairness considered ", Pareto optimality , lowest guarantee , optimized distribution of resources should be followed .

  2. 基于帕累托优化的基本养老金替代率测算

    Counting the Substitution Rate of the Basic Pension Based on the Pareto Improvement Model

  3. 考虑需求价格弹性的销售电价帕累托优化折扣

    Pareto optimization on electricity price discount considering demand price elasticity

  4. 由于模型复杂度高、解编码要素多,因此利用帕累托优化的启发式遗传算法原理设计算法,进行模型求解。

    Because the model is complex , we use heuristic genetic algorithm based on the pareto optimization to design algorithm .

  5. 得出回购契约无法使买卖双方均获得帕累托优化,因此不能真正实现供应链的协调。

    It reaches the conclusions that Return Contract is not able to realize the coordination of supply chain because it cannot obtain the Pareto optimize in both parties .

  6. 在综合考虑供水单位和农民双方利益的基础上,从经济学角度探讨了基于帕累托优化的农业用水定价机制,建立了考虑国家对农民直接补贴的基于帕累托优化的农业用水的水价模型。

    This paper discussed agricultural water fixed price mechanism on the basis of Pareto optimum from economic angle , comprehensively considering supply unit and farmers ' benefits , set up an agricultural water price model of direct subsidy to farmers by the government .

  7. 本文从缴费率与平均替代率的关系、养老保险基金筹资模式和养老金计发办法三个方面分析了养老保险资源配置的帕累托优化。

    From three perspectives ( relationship between contribution rate and average substitution rate , insurance fund collection model , the method of calculating and providing pension ), this paper analyses the Paretian optimization of allocation of the resources in social insurance of supporting the old .

  8. 提出采用帕累托(Pareto)优化理论,综合考虑买卖双方的帕累托改进的实现,建立电价折扣模型。

    An electricity discount-pricing model is established using Pareto optimization theory to realize both sides of the Pareto improvement of buyer and seller .