
  • 网络PARA;Para State;Par
  1. Salobo矿场位于巴西帕拉州的Tapirapé-Aquiri国家森林,并由Vale公司全资拥有的一个子公司运营。

    The Salobo mine is located at the Tapirap é - Aquiri National Forest , in the state of Para , Brazil , and operated by a wholly owned subsidiary of Vale ( formerly Companhia Vale do Rio Doce ) .

  2. 帕拉河流域亚马逊州的大型露天矿山设备,通往大西洋各港口的铁路线路和铁矿石运输船,简直是中巴两国间的巨大运输带。

    The installations at giant open-pit mines in the Amazon state of Par á, railway lines to Atlantic ports and the ore carriers that ship the metal constitute nothing less than a giant conveyor belt between Brazil and China .