
  • 网络FRED;Freddie;frederick;Frade;Fextrader
  1. 弗雷德说他很快就要走了。

    Fred said he 'd be leaving soon .

  2. 弗雷德喜欢在谈话中时不时蹦几个军事术语。

    Fred liked to lace his conversation with military terms .

  3. 弗雷德和博洛迪亚晚上挤在不通风的船舱里热得要命。

    Fred and Volodia sweltered at night in the stuffy , crowded cabins .

  4. 但弗雷德觉得很无聊,想要回家。

    But Fred was bored and desired to go home

  5. 我认为你高估我了,弗雷德。

    I think you overestimate me , Fred .

  6. 弗雷德不停地和客人们开着粗俗的玩笑。

    Fred keeps cracking rude jokes with the guests

  7. 是弗雷德对浮华、奢靡生活的强烈欲望使他们越走越远。

    It was Fred 's lust for glitz and glamour that was driving them apart .

  8. 弗雷德没能给我一个想要结束我们婚姻的正当理由。

    Fred has given me no good reason for wanting to break up our marriage .

  9. 弗雷德从不使用公共厕所。

    Fred never uses public toilets .

  10. 弗雷德舅舅发的一封电报来了。

    A telegram from Uncle Fred arrived

  11. 弗雷德优哉游哉地躺在安乐椅上。

    Fred lazed in an easy chair

  12. 弗雷德对讽刺挖苦置之不理。

    Fred ignored the sarcasm .

  13. “当然,一个幸存的也没有,”弗雷德说,喉咙发紧。

    ' There were no survivors , of course , ' said Fred , his throat tight .

  14. 幸运的是,作为弗雷德的私人助理,休办事效率很高,工作很出色。

    Luckily , Sue is very efficient and does an excellent job as Fred 's personal assistant .

  15. 弗雷德字斟句酌。

    Fred spoke with deliberation

  16. 我不想让你抱很大希望,但我明天会和弗雷德说一声的。

    I don 't want you to build your hopes up , but I 'll have a word with Fred tomorrow .

  17. 弗雷德一开始觉得食物太简单了。

    Fred found the food too simple at first .

  18. 19岁的弗雷德去年和乔治的家人一起在德国度过。

    Fred , nineteen , spent last year in Germany with George 's family .

  19. 相应地,乔治的儿子迈克在弗雷德的美国的家里呆了一年。

    In turn , George 's son Mike spent a year in Fred 's home in America .

  20. 弗雷德是一个活泼的年轻人,他来的时候几乎不懂德语,但经过两个月的学习,他就已经学会了。

    Fred , a lively young man , knew little German when he arrived , but after two months'study , the language began to come to him .

  21. 弗雷德改变了主意,邀请那个小男孩回家。

    Fred had a change of heart and invited the young boy into his home .

  22. (被殴打所致的)乌青的眼眶弗雷德青着眼睛回家,却怎么也不告诉我们到底发生了什么!

    Fred came home with a horrible black eye today , but he won 't tell us what happened !

  23. 我父亲弗雷德C特朗普(FredC.Trump)是我的导师。

    My father , Fred C. Trump , was my mentor .

  24. 在《外交政策》(foreignpolicy)即将发表的一篇文章中,弗雷德提议,将美国的经常账户赤字上限设定为占国内生产总值的3%。

    In a forthcoming article in foreign policy , he proposes a current account deficit ceiling of 3 per cent of gross domestic product for the US .

  25. 关于Banach空间算子的T正则点Ⅰ半弗雷德霍姆域中T正则点的特征

    On the characteristic of t-regular points of operators acting in Banach Spaces

  26. 本文根据弗雷德r戴维提出的九要素标准对国内46家企业的使命陈述进行了实证分析和评价。

    The author analyses and evaluates the mission statements of46 China enterprises with ninth element standard , which developed by Fred r.david .

  27. 弗雷德和乔治都穿着蓝色毛衣,一件上面有一个大大的、黄色的“F”,另一件上面有一个大大的、黄色的“G”。

    Fred and George were wearing blue sweaters , one with a large yellow F on it , the other a G.

  28. 联邦快递(FederalExpress)是我最欣赏创业企业之一,而我最钦佩的人就是弗雷德•史密斯。

    One of my favorite company foundings , start-ups is federal express , and who I greatly admire is , Fred Smith .

  29. 英国前贸易部长琼斯勋爵(lordjones)表示,弗雷德爵士的行为“相当糟糕”,他应当放弃一半的养老金。

    Lord Jones , former trade minister , said Sir Fred had behaved " fairly dreadfully " and should give up half his pension .

  30. 身为美国环境保护基金(EnvironmentalDefenseFund,EDF)主席,弗雷德•克虏伯携同政商两界人士着眼于气候和节能,共同改进相关政策与企业实践。

    As president of the Environmental Defense Fund , Fred Krupp has worked with both politicians and businesspeople to improve policy and business practices for climate and energy .