
  • 网络Parma;Palma;Parmesan;palma de mallorca;PMI
  1. 玛丽·摩根(MaryMorgan)是住在俄亥俄州帕尔马(Parma,Ohio)的一名护士。七年前,她被确诊为肺气肿,肺气肿是慢性阻塞性肺疾病的一种表现形式。

    Mary Morgan , a nurse who lives in Parma , Ohio , was diagnosed seven years ago with emphysema , a form of COPD .

  2. ValueRetail旗下的其他购物中心也会吸取当地的文化。科茨沃尔德附近的英国购物中心就在牛津市外,模仿了英国东南部的小村庄风情。而另一个靠近意大利帕尔马的购物中心以威尔第歌剧为主题。

    Value Retail 's others malls also simulate the local culture : the English mall near the Cotsworlds , outside Oxford , mimics a village in southeastern England , while one near Parma , Italy is based on Verdi 's operas .

  3. 我来上菜,你把帕尔马干酪磨碎。

    I 'll dish up and you can grate the Parmesan .

  4. 一位旅行社职员给她开出的从布里斯托尔至帕尔马的机票报价是160英镑。

    A travel agent quoted her £ 160 for a flight from Bristol to Palma

  5. 旅行从帕尔马开始,可以在一些旅馆或任何旅行社预订这些旅游线路。

    Tours leave from Palma and are bookable at some hotels or any travel agency .

  6. 2010年,四辆无人驾驶汽车参加了VisLab州际自驾汽车挑战赛,从意大利的帕尔马一路开到中国的上海世博会(theWorldExpoinShanghai)会场,全程长达8077英里。

    In 2010 , as part of the vislab intercontinental autonomous challenge , four driverless electric vans made the 8,077-mile drive from Parma , Italy , to the World Expo in Shanghai .

  7. Jeremy告诉我你最爱帕尔马烤鸡。因为意大利血统,我刚好是很棒的厨师。

    Jeremy told me that chicken parmesan is one of your favorites , And I happen to be a good cook . The Italian roots demand it .

  8. 在《安娜愠列尼娜》(AnnaKarenina)中,臃肿、荒淫、操着法语的奥勃朗斯基(Oblonsky)要了一桌包括弗伦斯堡牡蛎、帕尔马干酪和夏布利酒的大餐。

    InAnna Karenina , the corpulent , adulterous , French-speaking Oblonsky orders a meal of Flensburg oysters , Parmesan and Chablis .

  9. 恐怖程度居中的是刚刚上映的由金伯利?皮尔斯(KimberlyPeirce)执导的《魔女嘉莉》(Carrie),它翻拍自从斯蒂芬?金(StephenKing)的小说改编而来、布赖恩?德帕尔马(BrianDePalma)1976年的经典影片。

    Somewhere in between on the carnage meter is the just-released ' Carrie , ' director Kimberly Peirce 's remake of the 1976 Brian De Palma classic , adapted from the Stephen King novel .

  10. 他的姨妈是马卡略帕尔马公爵克里斯蒂娜(Cristina),即西班牙首位出庭受审的皇室成员。

    His aunt is Cristina , the Duchess of Palma de Mallorca , who is set to become the first Spanish royal family member ever to stand trial .

  11. 另一方面,每天穿越企业“数据边界”的可穿戴设备明显会成为黑客的目标,在英国政府通信总部(GCHQ)和军情五处(MI5)工作13年后加入网络安全公司Darktrace担任技术主管的戴夫•帕尔马(DavePalmer)表示。

    Meanwhile , wearable devices crossing over corporate " digital perimeters " every day are an obvious target for hackers , says Dave Palmer , who spent 13 years at GCHQ and MI5 before joining cyber security company Darktrace as head of technology .

  12. 当bucky最终解破谜局时,《黑色大丽花》却草草收尾,使影片成为钱德勒作品后现代式的蹩脚模仿,不由令人想起了迪帕尔马早期平庸之作的古怪结局。

    And when Bucky finally solves the case , " the Black Dahlia " unravels faster than its plot , becoming a post-modern parody of Chandler that recalls the outlandish endings of earlier , less ambitious De Palma films .

  13. 里西亚,摩德纳,帕尔马,皮亚琴察,Guastalla,奥斯维辛及Zator,Teschen,Friaul,拉古扎和萨拉的公爵;哈普斯堡及蒂罗尔,Kyburg,Gorizia及Gradisca皇室;特兰托及Brixen王子;上、下卢萨蒂亚伯爵”。还有其他级别更低的头衔。

    stalla , Auschwitz and Zator , Teschen , Friaul , Dubrovnik and Zadar ; Princely Count of Habsburg and Tyrol , of Kyburg , Gorizia and Gradisca ; Prince of Trento and Brixen ; Margrave of Upper and Lower Lusatia . " His other titles were more minor .

  14. 他可以看出来帕尔马的老婆想要他走。

    He could tell Palmer 's wife wanted him gone .

  15. 帕尔马火腿,鱼,野禽,奶酪。

    Parma ham , fish , game bird , cheese .

  16. 最后,切碎欧芹并磨碎帕尔马干酪。

    Finely chop the parsley and grate the parmesan cheese .

  17. 杰里米告诉我你最爱帕尔马烤鸡

    Jeremy told me that chicken parmesan is one of your favorites ,

  18. 帕尔马借巴拿马锅煎巴哈马火腿。

    Palma borrowed Panama pan to fry the Bahamas ham .

  19. 目光纹丝不动,帕尔马说,“你还要些吗?”

    Without shifting his gaze , Palmer said ," You want some more ?"

  20. 马略卡岛帕尔马的一个市场,顾客等在一家忙碌的商店里。

    Customerswait in a busy shop in a market in Palma , Mallorca .

  21. 前任切尔西主教练拉涅利拿起了帕尔马的教鞭。

    Former Chelsea chief Claudio Ranieri has secured a return to management with Parma .

  22. 期间,油污带抵达了意大利重要的食品生产基地&帕尔马省。

    Meanwhile the oil spill has reached Italy 's important food-producing province of Parma .

  23. 从烤箱出炉时,趁热撒上现磨的帕尔马干酪。

    Bake . When hot from the oven , garnish with freshly grated Parmesan .

  24. 不过目前我在帕尔马过的也不错。

    At the moment , I am at Parma and in a very good moment .

  25. 用铅笔刀削奶帕尔马干酪

    New Pencil Sharpener Shaves Parmesan Cheese

  26. 组合的成员将于周日下午抵达帕尔马国际机场。

    Members of the group were expected to arrive at Palma de Mallorca international airport Sunday afternoon .

  27. 这种传统的意大利干酪在帕尔马北部的300个农场生产。

    The traditional Italian cheese is produced on several hundred farms around the northern city of Parma .

  28. 帕尔马坐在他桌子对面,越过卡尔登的肩头凝视着窗外。

    Palmer sat across from him at the table , staring out the window past Calderon 's shoulder .

  29. 罗西未必会在新赛季返回意大利,虽然他在租借到帕尔马时表现得很出色。

    Giuseppe Rossi is unlikely to return to Italy next season despite his recent successful loan spell with Parma .

  30. 令人难于置信的是,可食用货币家族还包括可可豆、帕尔马干酪等成员。

    It is incredible that the edible money family also includes cocoa beans , parmesan cheese and the others .