
  • 网络ambivalence;Ambivalent
  1. 他的诗歌中的女性人物缺乏主体性和真实感,折射出拜伦对女性的矛盾心态。

    His poetry , and the main female characters lack realism , refraction of Byron female ambivalence .

  2. 我们发现,年轻人同居的现象日益增多。去年皮尤研究中心对婚姻的研究揭露了隐藏在数字背后的矛盾心态:44%的新千年一代认为婚姻“越来越过时了”。那么婚姻真的过时了吗?

    Last year 's Pew research on marriage unearths the ambivalence behind the numbers : 44 percent of Millennials feel that marriage is " becoming obsolete . " So is marriage on its way out ?

  3. 晚清中国传统知识分子的矛盾心态与行为&以京东第一人史梦兰为例

    Contradictory traditional intellectual mood and action in the late Qing Dynasty

  4. 论岑参边塞诗中的矛盾心态

    On the Contradictory Attitude in Cen Shen 's Frontier Poems

  5. 但是公众对这些变化抱有深深的矛盾心态。

    But the public remains deeply ambivalent about these shifts .

  6. 因此这种矛盾心态对于女性在争取两性平等时会造成极大的负面影响。

    Thus , it is this contradicting habitus that hampered the movement of gender equality .

  7. 主人公尚塔尔对身份的矛盾心态折射出作者对自身文化身份的思考。

    The protagonists contradicting psychology towards identity reflects the authors thinking of his own culture identity .

  8. 第三部分,佳人形象反映的文人心态,剖析佳人形象背后透露出来的创作者的男权中心意识,由此可见男性叙事者在父权制与男权文化交替作用下对女性的矛盾心态。

    Part three explores the writers ' male power center consciousness reflected by the Beautiful Woman image .

  9. 这一矛盾心态解释了为何没有一项希腊解决方案能够维持数月以上。

    This contradiction is a reason why no package for Greece has lasted longer than a few months .

  10. 对情与欲的分辨,既是哲学思想的反映,也体现了文人的矛盾心态。

    It was not only the reflection of philosophy , but also the expression of the scholars ' ambivalent attitude .

  11. 在他的边塞诗中,突出地反映了他出塞与思乡、建功与归隐的矛盾心态。

    In Cen Shen 's frontier poems , it reflects his contradictory attitude toward enlistment and homesickness , honor and seclusion .

  12. 吴融的这种矛盾心态正体现了晚唐士人普遍的心理特征。

    This kinds of self-contradict mindset of Wu Rong reflects the widespread mental state characteristic of scholars in the late Tang Dynasty .

  13. 第二章论述汪剧中显露出的思想,主要有风化旨归、封建宿命思想,对待功名的矛盾心态以及文人情趣。

    Chapter two discusses the ideological content of his works , which mainly has weathered tastes , feudal ideas , treat fame of fatalistic and contradictory mentality literati appeal .

  14. 其次,矛盾心态是什么?分别从基层政府和村民的角度出发,尽可能的描述他们存在的矛盾心态。

    Secondly , what are they ? From both the points of view of government and villagers , the paradoxical states of mind will be portrayed as much as possible .

  15. 同时,中国知识分子对于西方文明既被迫接受又本能拒斥的矛盾心态也是导致他们比较容易接受马克思主义的重要原因;

    Meanwhile , the contradictory mind of the Chinese intellectual is being forced to accept the Western civilization and reject it by the instinct that leads to their accepting Marxism as a whole .

  16. 《红字》中运用了伊甸园原型、亚当&夏娃原型、替罪羊原型等不同原型,从中可以窥探作家对清教既认同又怀疑的矛盾心态。

    By analyzing his use of different archetypes in the Scarlet Letter as " Eden "," Eve-Adam " " scapegoat ", etc , we will have a better understanding of the writer 's contradictory feelings towards Puritanism .

  17. 晚清时期的中西关系是中西对抗和中国失败的交错过程,两者交错反映了近代中西民族冲突的矛盾心态。

    Late Qing Danasty was a period of staggered process of confrontations between China and the West coupled with the failure of China . And the staggered process reflected an ambivalence in modern Chinese and western ethnic conflicts .

  18. 矛盾心态的表现主要有如下三个方面:一、乐生与忧死的矛盾,具体表现为白居易对衰老、疾病和死亡的关注与其乐天达观的人生态度的矛盾;

    One is the contradiction between being happy with " life " and being worried about " death ", that is , the contradiction in Bai Juyi between the concern for aging , disease and death and his optimistic attitude towards life .

  19. 但最近在纽约举行的一次会议上,中国银监会高官罗平表达了与沙特和日本等国高官一样的矛盾心态。沙特和日本也是大量购买美国国债的国家。

    But at a recent conference in New York , Luo Ping , a senior official of the China Banking Regulatory Commission ( CBRC ), expressed an ambivalence that is shared by senior officials from Saudi Arabia to Japan , also big buyers .

  20. 本文通过分析埃斯特在面临事业和家庭的选择时的困境、保持贞洁的矛盾心态以及其自身的心理问题,试图阐明女性在成长过程中所遭受的困惑、忧虑和失望。

    This paper analyzes the protagonist 's dilemma of choosing between career and family to the ambivalence of remaining a virgin as well as her own psychological problems , trying to illustrate young women 's bewilderment , apprehension and disappointment on the way to adulthood .

  21. 美国对中国的发展和国际影响力的提升持矛盾心态,是其对华战略定位犹豫徘徊的直接原因,并将继续影响中美关系的稳定和发展。

    The US entertains a mixed feeling about China 's development and the elevation of its international influences . That is the direct cause of US hesitation and waverer in the formation of its strategy toward China and that ambivalence will continue to influence stability and development of China-US relationship .

  22. 而强烈的家乡观念,又使徽社群体始终徘徊在家乡和城市之间,一种既想融入都市,又不愿割舍家乡的矛盾心态,在他们身上尽显,然而最终却导致了两者的尽失。

    While strong hometown values , also made them always hover between hometown and the city . An ambivalence that want to integrate into the city , also do not want to break away from hometown , was obviously filled on them , but they lost both in the end .

  23. 在证券投资领域风险是把双刃剑,投资者既想利用风险来获取收益,又担心风险造成较大的损失,这是投资者普遍面临的矛盾心态。

    In the area of portfolio investment , the risk is a double-edged sword . Investors not only want to use the risk to obtain benefits , but also they are worried about the possibility of the great risk of loss , which is faced by investors in general ambivalence .

  24. 分裂的文本矛盾的心态&新时期第四代导演创作论

    Split Text ; Contradictory Mentality & On Creations of Directors of the Fourth Generation in the New Era

  25. 由于中唐时期历史发展的特殊性,白居易虽然心怀理想抱负,但缺乏实现的环境和条件,从而导致了矛盾的心态。

    It is the historical peculiarity of that era that makes Bai Juyi , as an idealist with ambitions , failed to realize his ideals .

  26. 因此,最近两年,西方发达经济体以一种爱恨交加的矛盾的心态和政策对待新兴市场经济体主权财富基金的发展。

    Therefore , in the last two years , the western developed economies treated the sovereign wealth funds from emerging economies with a contradictive attitude as well as their policies .

  27. 一项于本周二公布的民调显示,女性对自身形象问题仍然持一种复杂而矛盾的心态。25%的受访者称,与获得诺贝尔和平奖相比,她们更希望在“全美超模大赛”中获胜。

    Women still have a complex and contradictory relationship with their own image according to a poll released on Tuesday that found 25 percent of those questioned would rather win the " America 's Next Top Model " TV show than the Nobel Peace Prize .

  28. 第3章:剖析与反思:丁玲之矛盾人格和心态。

    Chapter 3 : Analysis and consideration : Ding Ling 's self-conflicting feelings and personalities .

  29. 在1912年以后的游记里,晚清的多重文化认证下的矛盾的文化心态逐渐淡化,行旅者开始反思中西方文化差异,思考各种社会改革之路和中国文化的价值。

    After 1912 , the multiplex cultural contradiction gradually desalinated . These travelers began to think the cultural deference , the road of the Chinese social reformation and the Chinese cultural value .

  30. 相比前两部作品,樋口一叶对女主人公的心理状态描写更为细致,让我们能够完全把握住封建社会女性极其矛盾复杂的心态。

    Compared to the first two novels , she describes the psychological state of the heroine more vividly , so that we can fully grasp the extremely contradictory and complex mentality of the women in feudal society .