
  1. 矛盾斗争性特点问题探析

    On the Issue of the Struggle Characteristics of Contradiction

  2. 对矛盾斗争性原理的质疑和建议

    Doubts about the " Fighting Spirit of Contradiction "

  3. 矛盾斗争性的绝对性

    Absoluteness of the struggle of contradictories

  4. WTO体系矛盾的斗争性和同一性是WTO体系矛盾的基本属性和基本关系。

    Belligerence and identity are basic attributes and relations of the WTO system .

  5. 关于矛盾的斗争性和统一性&关于列宁的对立统一规律(三)

    On the Struggle and Unity of Opposites & About Lenin 's Law of the Unity of Opposites (ⅲ)

  6. 思想政治工作内在矛盾的斗争性、同一性、联结点驱动着前沿不断地向前发展。

    The conflict , unity and ties of the work of thoughts and politics drive the front to develop forward .

  7. 正治反治不仅运用了矛盾的斗争性,也运用了矛盾的统一性。

    Routine treatrment and contrary treatment used in traditional Chinese medicine reflect not only the opposition of contradiction , but also the unity of contradiction .

  8. 矛盾的斗争性是无条件的、绝对的,只有不断创新法律制度,解决社会现实矛盾,才能实现全人类共享发展繁荣的和谐社会理想。

    The belligerence of the contradictions is absolute and unconditional . We have to innovate the legal system and solve the social conflict so that the harmonious social dream of the social development and prosperity shared by all human beings could be realized .

  9. 只有坚持辩证思维,坚持矛盾解决中的斗争性、同一性与价值性的辩证统一,掌握这种统一的适度原则,落实相关的制度安排,才能促进和谐社会建设。

    Only insisting dialectics thought , insisting the dialectics unification of value , homogeneity and the militance in contradictory solution , grasping the appropriate principles of this kind of unification and implementing related system arrangement then can promote harmonious social construction .

  10. 在对外开放过程中,社会主义中国同国际资本主义双方的矛盾同一性是占据主导地位的,同时也必然存在着矛盾斗争性,但这是第二位的。

    In the course of the opening up , the identity of contradiction between Chinese Socialism and International Capitalism occupies a leading position . Meanwhile , there must exists the struggle of contradiction , but it is secondary .