
  1. 矛盾双方共处于一个统一体中。

    The two aspects of every contradiction coexist in a single entity .

  2. 矛盾双方都有首先趋向自身平衡的本性。

    Both parties of a contradiction have the innate inclination towards self-balance .

  3. 平衡与失衡是矛盾双方的量的比例关系。

    Balance and Unbalance are quantity proportion relationship between two aspects in a contradiction .

  4. 我们需要的对矛盾双方充分的理解、分析、找出全面解决问题的新方式。

    We need a new pattern for drafting international players with a thorough understanding of all parties'interest .

  5. 矛盾双方的相互贯通

    Mutual penetration of the contradictories

  6. 分工负责,互相配合,互相制约原则立法评析矛盾双方的相互依存

    Legislative Comments on the Principle of Dividing Responsibilities , Coordinating Efforts and Checking Each Other interdependence of the contradictories

  7. 语言濒危的原因很复杂,但最根本的是使用中语言机制内部矛盾双方严重失衡。

    The reasons are complicated , but the essential one is the unbalance between the two sides of the language mechanism .

  8. 阴阳学说有一个很明显的特点,就是将矛盾双方的基本属性模式化,相互关系格式化。

    An evident feature of the yin-yang theories is patternize the basic properties of both aspects of the contradiction , and format their relationship .

  9. 互动关系这对矛盾双方的独立性和差异性,表现为被害人的利益不可能全部都由国家来代替,确立了被害人参与刑事诉讼的必要性。

    The benefit of the victim can not replaced by the country because of the independence and the difference of the contradiction between the two parties .

  10. 如果明确了矛盾双方的根本利益,就可以把精力用于寻找一种解决方案,来满足所有人最重要的需求。

    When both sides ' underlying interests have been uncovered , energies can be directed toward finding a solution that meets everyone 's most important needs .

  11. 为此可以从主客体矛盾双方的比较、与其它学科教育的横向比较、时代特点的纵向比较等角度来进行探析。

    This paper analyzes them from the contradiction of the subject and object and the comparison with the education in the other subjects and the feature of times .

  12. 新质的教学内容和完美的教学形式的和谐统一,意味着矛盾双方对立面的融合,并达到了一种美的境界。

    The harmonious unity of the high quality and perfect teaching form means to mix together of the two opposite side of contradiction and reach a beautiful realm .

  13. 工程的单件性同耗费能源的巨大性形成了项目管理中的矛盾双方。

    The separate work and the huge cost of energy formed the project management contradictions . At present , the traditional methods of construction project management are still used .

  14. 绝对主义是韩非政治思维方式的基本特征,他否定矛盾双方具有相互依存、相互调合的可能性,最终走向独断论。

    Han Fei holds absolutism as the basic characteristic of his way of political thinking , and denies the possibility of interdependence and mutual compromise between the two contradicting sides , consequently resulting in his theory of autocracy .

  15. 他认为对立的思想或事物不能同时存在,但矛盾的双方可以相互转化。

    He believed that contradictory ideas and things cannot coexist , but the contradictory parties are interchangeable .

  16. 冲突是升级的争议,争议或者冲突一般限于矛盾的双方之间。

    Conflict is the escalation of controversy . Controversy or conflict generally limited to the conflict between two sides .

  17. 老师与学生之间不是矛盾的双方,也不是对立的双方,而是互相补充的合作者。

    Teachers and students is not a contradiction between the two sides , nor is it antagonistic sides , but rather complement each other collaborators .

  18. 矛盾的双方是相互作用相互影响的一个整体;既相互排斥,又相互依存;既相互对立,又不可分割。

    Contradictory interplay of the two sides is a whole ; both mutually exclusive and interdependent ; not only against each other , but also inseparable .

  19. 刑事诉讼中的对质,是指让对同一事实陈述存在尖锐矛盾的双方同时在场,面对面进行质询。

    In the litigation procedure , the confrontation is the statement of facts to exist on the same sharp contradiction both sides were present , face to face question .

  20. 竞争情报功能和反竞争情报功能是提高企业情报竞争力的两个方面,是矛盾的双方,既对立统一,又相辅相成,他们共同构成了一个双赢的竞争情报系统。

    The function of competitive intelligence and counter intelligence is contradictory in improving enterprise intelligence competition and the opposites of a contradictory , the unity of opposites and supplement each other .

  21. 长达半个多世纪的克什米尔问题一直困扰印度与巴基斯坦的关系,随着印巴两国矛盾尖锐以及双方均已实际拥有核武器,克什米尔问题从根本上威胁到南亚地区乃至全球的安全稳定。

    Kashmir confliction has perplexed the relations between India and Pakistan for more than a half-century .

  22. 两个主要政党内部都矛盾重重;双方都不乏激进派、老保守派以及社会主义者。

    Both main partiesare riven by contradictions : both contain modernisers alongside a grizzled oldguard of conservatives and socialists .

  23. 从唯物辩证法上看,和谐是指矛盾着的双方在一定条件下达到统一、平衡的状态。

    From the point of Materialist dialectics , harmony means a unified and balanced status achieved under both in certain contradiction condition .

  24. 在美国的公立高等教育系统中,州政府对高等教育的效用和责任的需求,与高等学校对学术自由和学校自治的需要,导致了各种矛盾,使双方经常处于紧张关系之中。

    In the public higher education system of the U.S.A , contradictions between the state government 's requirements for efficiency and accountability of higher education and needs of institutions higher education for academic freedom and school autonomy put them into tense relation .

  25. 以色列建国使犹太人获得了一块稳定的立足之地,为了获得更多的土地,他们不断地移民、修建定居点,扩大土地面积,巴以矛盾加剧,双方爆发了激烈的军事冲突。

    The foundation of Israel made the Jews gain a stable foothold . In order to obtain more land , they continue to immigrate , construct settlements and expand the land area , the Israeli-Palestinian conflicts aggravated , both sides of the military conflicts raged .

  26. 矛盾的化解需要双方的沟通与理解,前提是实现信息的共享。

    To resolve contradictions between the two sides need communication and understanding , the realization of information sharing .

  27. 在问题解决前,千万不要使问题复杂化,使矛盾升级,影响双方合作的大局。

    Pending a solution , we must not complicate or even aggravate the issues , for it would consequently affect our overall cooperation .

  28. 因此,伊土双方一方面利用对话化解两国矛盾,并且在双方共同努力下达成了一系列的安全协议。

    Therefore , the two sides eased conflicts between the two states through dialogue and managed to reach a series of security agreement via joint efforts .

  29. 当企业与高校在产学研合作中产生矛盾冲突时,双方倾向于通过完善信息发布机制、预评估和筛选机制、中介服务体系等政策进行调整。

    When enterprises and universities conflict with each other during the cooperation , they tend to adjust by virtue of policies of improving information publishing mechanisms , pre-evaluating and screening mechanisms , agency service systems .

  30. 生态消费并非不存在内外矛盾,只有更好的缓减并协调好矛盾双方间的关系,才能实现真正意义上的生态消费。

    Ecological consumption is not without internal and external conflicts ; only better conflict mitigation and coordination of the relationship between the two sides can help us achieve real ecological consumption .