
  • 网络Conflict management;Contradictory management
  1. 矛盾管理理论

    The Theory of Contradictory Management

  2. 矛盾管理理论认为企业是个生命体,具有存续性和可持续成长性。

    The theory of contradictory management believes that an enterprise is a vital body which is a continuum characterized with continual growth .

  3. 企业绩效评估中的矛盾管理

    The Contradictive Management in the Enterprise Performance Appraisal

  4. 矛盾管理理论运用宇宙间普遍存在的矛盾现象和对立统一的基本规律来看待管理问题,为分析管理问题找到一条根本主线,为实施企业可持续成长和长寿提供了独特的思路。

    The theory applies the universal basic law of unity of opposites to look into management , providing an important train of thoughts in analyzing management problems and keeping enterprises to develop continually in a long span of time .

  5. 事实上,当下有关职场矛盾管理的大多数文章基础都是40年前的一种模型。1974年,肯尼斯•托马斯与拉尔夫•基尔曼开发了这个模型,其中将回避作为解决矛盾的五种主要策略之一。

    In fact , most of today 's literature about managing workplace conflict is based on a 40-year-old model developed by Kenneth Thomas and Ralph Kilmann in 1974 , which cites avoidance as one of five main strategies people use to deal with conflict .

  6. 在首次提出了辩证管理学的新概念,并指出辩证管理学与矛盾管理理论的区别,阐明了辩证管理学不是一门哲学而是一门全新的管理学。

    For the first time , this article brings forward a few unique concepts of Dialectic Management , along with the difference between Dialectic Management and Contrary Management , and also clarifies that Dialectic Management is not a philosophy but a whole new science of management .

  7. 人力资源的内在矛盾及管理思路

    Human Resources : Internal Contradictions and Management

  8. 个体目标与群体目标的矛盾是管理过程中的一项基本矛盾。

    The contradiction of individual and group objectives is a basic contradiction in the process of management .

  9. 高等教育改革的不断深入,使学生管理工作面临着崭新的形势,也承受着新的压力和冲击,增加了新的矛盾和管理的复杂性。

    Student management is now facing the new pressure and contradiction along with the indepth development of higher education reform .

  10. 都市区发展阶段的城郊矛盾与管理创新&以杭州市为例

    Contradictions and Management of the Fringe in Metropolitan Areas during Their Developing Stages ── based on the study of Hangzhou

  11. 在商业银行发展过程中,管理始终是主要矛盾,管理素质是银行成长与发展的半径。

    In their development process , management has always been the principal contradiction and management quality the radius of their growth and development .

  12. 而造成这些问题的原因在于:(1)矛盾的管理评价制度为教师角色转变带来困惑;

    The causes of those problems can be traced as follow : 1 . Contradictory systems of management and assessment confusing the content of the change of teacher 's role .

  13. 本文的第四章,剖析了目前大学生管理中存在着的诸如管理制度本身缺乏伦理意蕴、管理制度与学生自我中心之间的矛盾、管理者自身的伦理造诣有待提高等问题。

    In chapter four , the existent problems are analysed , such as the lack of ethnics implication in management institution , the contradiction between management institution and students ' egotism and the needing development of administrators ' ethnics accomplishments .

  14. 主要在思想观念、谁建设谁筹资、山林权属矛盾、管理体制与营销、经济效益和社会与生态效益、政府扶持和立法保护等方面问题提出自已的一些看法和对策。

    It offers view and measures on problems such as thoughts and concept , who constructs who raises funds , contradictory of mountain and forest right , administration system and marketing , economic benefits , social and ecological benefits , government support and legal protection etc.

  15. 本文先从经济环境、管理主体和客体之间的矛盾、管理活动自身的矛盾、文化价值的选择等方面分析西方管理理论产生和发展的原因。

    The emergence and development of the western management theory are analyzed in this article from many perspectives , such as the economic environment , the contradictory between management subject and object , the contradictory existed in management activities , the culture value selection , etc.

  16. 对我国青少年体校的人才培养现状进行了研究,认为在社会主义市场经济条件下,青少年体校存在着学、训矛盾,管理体制不顺以及人才输送缺乏效率等问题。

    The article makes a study on the present situation of cultivating sports talents in amateur sports schools for teenagers in china . It points out the existing problems are the contradiction of learning and training , unsuitable management system and transfering mechanism void of efficiency .

  17. 公寓大学生矛盾冲突与管理对策

    The Conflicts among University Students Living in Apartments and Corresponding Countermeasures of Management

  18. 软件开发中的一个主要矛盾是,管理代码的成本很高。

    One of the main problems in software development is the high cost of maintaining code .

  19. 管理主客体矛盾问题属于管理哲学研究领域中一个前提性、基础性的问题。

    The contradiction between subject and object of management belongs to a fundamental question in management philosophy .

  20. 初步实验证明,社区共管是一种适合我国保护区发展特点的、能积极解决发展与保护之间矛盾的保护管理模式,具有广泛推广的价值。

    The experience and demonstration of the community co_management showed its value in seeking a new reserve management model of balancing conservation and development .

  21. 根据南水北调中线水源地丹江口水库流域水资源及其管理现状,辨析出其主要矛盾为流域管理与区域管理的矛盾。

    Along with economic development and deepening of reform , great importance is attached to water management of river basins by the Central Government and river basin authorities .

  22. 企业面临的复杂的内外部环境,要求管理模式能有效控制企业管理复杂的局面,简单管理思想便应运而生,其本质是要抓住事物的主要矛盾,提高管理效率。

    The complicated internal and external environment that enterprises face demand that their management mode effectively control the complexity . In this case , simple management theory comes out as it provided the characteristis of transition .

  23. 但是公交行业大多数都是国有老企业,底子差、实力弱、服务意识和服务质量还欠佳,内部矛盾多,管理落后、浪费大。

    But the public transportation industry are the majority of the old state-owned enterprises , poor foundation , actual strength is weak , service consciousness and service quality is poor , the internal contradictions , backward management , waste is big .

  24. 在改革与实践中,社区确实出现了许多新事物、新情况、新问题、新矛盾,社区管理正在面临着新的环境、新的格局、新的任务、新的难题。

    In reforms and in the practice , the community presented many new things , the new situation , new question truly , new contradictory , the community manages is facing the new environment , the new pattern , the new duty , the new difficult problem .

  25. 人力资源内在矛盾是人力资源管理的根本依据。

    The internal contradictions of human resources are the fundamental bases of human resource management .

  26. 如何解决这些问题和矛盾成为高校教育管理者面临的一项重要课题。

    How to solve these problems and contradictions becomes an important issue for higher education administration .

  27. 这些问题和矛盾,使物业管理成为消费者投诉的热点。

    These problems and contradictions , so that the property management to become a hot consumer complaints .

  28. 选择怎样的方式处理矛盾,影响到管理者之间的关系和工作效果。

    The way chosen to settle contradiction will affect the relationship among administrators and their working effect .

  29. 而有效的直接控制机制则可以在不改变所有权结构的前提下将代理矛盾内部化,管理失误可以通过公司治理结构的内部机制加以纠正,从而节约治理成本,提高治理效率。

    But effective direct control mechanism can settle agent issue and correct management failures inside corporation , saving governance cost and improving governance efficiency .

  30. 为了有效解决生产与发展和管理与发展之间的基本矛盾。数字化油田管理模式便应用而生。

    In order to solve the basic contradictions about production , development and management . The grant of the relative Digital oilfield management is born .