
  • 网络R&B;R & B;Rhythm and blues;Rhythm & Blues
  1. 杰克逊与上述两张专辑的制作人昆西琼斯(QuincyJones)一道,发明了一种将灵乐、节奏蓝调(RB)与迪斯科杂糅起来的欢快的音乐形式,开创了当今的高科技机械舞。

    Together with Off the Wall and Thriller 's producer Quincy Jones , he devised an upbeat musical blend of soul , RB and disco that ushered in the high-tech dance-pop of today .

  2. 专辑大部分歌曲是节奏蓝调,还搀和了嘻哈、摇滚等其它元素。

    The album is mostly R & B combined with many other elements , including hip-hop and rock .

  3. 马克:没错,我想这是因为上世纪80年代末到90年代初是节奏蓝调音乐盛行的年代。

    Mark : Yeah , I think that 's because the late 80s and early 90s were full of R & B artists .

  4. 他最畅销的专辑《心中的日月》的灵感就源自于此,他在这张专辑中融合了时下流行的嘻哈乐、节奏蓝调和京剧的元素。

    He got the inspiration from it for his best-selling album Shangri-la , mixing stylish hip-hop , R & B and Peking opera elements all together .

  5. 音乐的类型各式各样,古典、爵士、摇滚、流行、嘻哈和节奏蓝调只是其中一些。

    There are various kinds of music : classical , jazz , rock'n'roll , pop , hip-pop , and R & B , just to name a few .

  6. 最新风格的古典爵士乐“硬式咆哮爵士”就更加热情洋溢了,它有时还会从节奏蓝调和福音书中取材。

    The last of the classic jazz styles , " hard bop , " was more soulful , and sometimes borrowed from R & B and gospel themes .

  7. 刚出道那会儿,他们演唱过一些节奏布鲁斯和美国蓝调歌曲,但随着他们的单曲《(我不)满意》一炮打响,他们开始以摇滚形象示人,并迅速在摇滚乐坛确立了难以撼动的地位。

    Although they started out covering some R & B and American blues songs , they quickly established themselves as a formidable rock act with the release of their massive hit single ( I Can 't Get No ) Satisfaction . Queen