
  1. 本节并不是对JIT诊断的一份详尽的指南,而是简要介绍了可以改善JIT调试的基本技术,从而实现以下目标

    This section is not a comprehensive guide to JIT diagnostics , but introduces some basic techniques that would aid in JIT debugging efforts to achieve the following goals

  2. 七夕节并不是中国的公休节假日。

    The Double-Seventh Day is not a public holiday in China .

  3. 一起度过情人节并享受彼此的陪伴。

    Spend the day together enjoying each other 's company .

  4. 国际猫的视频电影节并没有引起如此多的反应。

    The International Cat Video Film Festival didn 't have that much of a reaction .

  5. 非常有意思,在世界范围内,教师节并不是同一天。

    Teachers Day is , interestingly , not observed on the same day all over the world .

  6. 如果您还没有这些产品,请参见参考资料一节并下载试用产品。

    If you do not have these products , see the Resources section for links to trial downloads .

  7. 我们认为这是值得的,我们应该尊重广州和龙舟节并做出应有的付出。

    However , we understood that Guangzhou and the dragon boat festival deserved our full commitment and respect .

  8. 这里我们十分明确地创建了单独的一节并对其增加一些说明。

    Here we make that very explicit by creating a separate section and add some explanation to it .

  9. 这点可以通过创建一个消息节并使用对方地址和消息对它进行初始化来实现。

    To do this , create a message stanza and initialize it with the peer address and a message .

  10. 该模板将确定窗体或报表上有哪些节并定义每一节的维数。

    The template determines which sections a form or report will have and defines each section ′ s dimensions .

  11. 宽札节并不是一个宗教节日,7天的庆祝活动从12月26日开始到1月1日结束。

    Not a religious holiday , Kwanzaa is , rather , a seven-day celebration that begins on Dec.26 and continues through jan.1 .

  12. 伍锐贤主席到炮台公园出席中华公所参加协办的2006年文化中国艺术节并替该活动剪彩。

    President Eric Ng attended the opening ceremony of the2006 Chinese Cultural Festival , which was co-hosted by CCBA and other organizations at Battery Park .

  13. 环境内分泌干扰物是指环境中存在的能干扰人类或动物内分泌系统诸环节并导致异常效应的物质,又称环境类激素。

    Environmental endocrine disruptors ( EEDs ) are the mass in environment which can disturb the human or animal 's endocrine system and cause abnormal effects .

  14. 来十一28他因著信,就立了逾越节并涂血的事,免得那灭长子的临及以色列人。

    Heb . 11:28 By faith he instituted the Passover and the pouring out of the blood so that the one destroying the firstborn would not touch them .

  15. 参与者坐在光线昏暗的房间里观看黑白方块组成的屏幕,屏幕上的内容分六节并逐渐变灰,即让每个方块之间的对比度逐渐下降。

    Participants sat in a dimly lit room and watched a black and white chequered screen which became greyer in six distinct stages , reducing the contrast between each square .

  16. 非常有意思,在世界范围内,教师节并不是同一天。它是广受国际重视的日子,跟其他的国际节日一样,只不过是在不同的日子里来纪念罢了。

    Taking a look at Teachers Day as it is celebrated across the world , in some countries it is marked by a holiday , in others it is a working day .

  17. 上周末,莉顿·梅斯特出席了多伦多国际电影节,并参加了自己的新片《TheOranges》的首映。

    Over the weekend , Leighton hit the Toronto International Film Festival where she promoted and premiered her new movie , The Oranges .

  18. twitterdo.pl脚本将执行Twitter搜索和发布(twitterdo.pl将在下一节介绍并包含在下载小节中)。

    The twitter_do.pl script will do a Twitter search and a post ( twitter_do.pl is discussed in the next section and is included in the Downloads section , below ) .

  19. 正是在这一时期,玛丽安(Marianne,法国自由女神&译者注)成为法国的标志,7月14日被定为法国国庆节,并修建了埃菲尔铁塔。

    It was in this era that Marianne became the symbol of France , July 14 was chosen as the national day and the Eiffel Tower was built .

  20. 结果术前缺血心肌应变率曲线中收缩期、舒张早期和舒张晚期SR峰值均小于正常节段并可出现收缩后收缩(PSS)波。

    Results Compared with normal myocardium , the peaks of strain rate curve at systole , early diastole and late diastole of ischemic myocardium all reduced , the postsystolic shortening ( PSS ) wave appeared before operation .

  21. 如果您希望作出进一步的修改,可以更改节文件并再次运行odmadd。

    If there are further modifications you wish to make , make the changes to the stanza file and run odmadd again .

  22. 在接受Dezeen采访时,AliHanan表示,他们并不是要攻击这些品牌,他们只是想展示多种例子让人们庆祝国际妇女节,并多多考虑女性的需求。

    In an interview with Dezeen , Ali Hanan stated that they are not attacking any of these brands personally , but they wanted to show a variety of examples to get people celebrating International Women 's Day and thinking about the need for more women .

  23. 小心从分动箱上分离万向节轴并向后压。

    Carefully separate cardan shaft from transfer box and press backwards .

  24. 第一节介绍并分析了美国的合并审判制度。

    The first section introduces and analyses the joint criminal trial system in America .

  25. 基坑开挖前涵节预制并按序运至工点摆放。

    Prior to foundation pit excavation , the culvert section shall be prefabricated and carried to position .

  26. 第二节探讨并分析了刘醒龙的小说特有的平民意识、反思意识和承担意识。

    Part 2 analyzes the unique civilian 's consciousness , introspected consciousness and responsible consciousness of Liu 's novels .

  27. 勇士队整个赛季统治了第三节,并在季后赛中更胜一筹。

    The Warriors dominated third quarters all season long and have kicked it into another gear during the playoffs .

  28. 演员章子怡和大陆的获奖导演殷离将出席电影节,并将在电影论坛上讲话。

    Actress Zhang Ziyi and award-winning mainland director Yin Li will attend the festival and lecture at its film forums .

  29. 如果您已经在运行该范例,您就可以直接跳过该节,并继续学习下一部分。

    If you have this example already running , you can skip this section and proceed with the next section .

  30. 而作为使和谐生产、和谐分配、和谐消费诸环节平衡并有机衔接的和谐循环,则是宏观经济和谐的必要条件;

    Harmonious circle can make the above economic links in balance and harmony , and is the essential condition of macro-economic harmony .