
jié yù
  • Abstinence;temperance;continence
节欲 [jié yù]
  • (1) [continence]

  • (2) 自我克制冲动或欲望

  • (3) 自我节制性交

  • 养生莫若节欲

节欲[jié yù]
  1. 除节欲以外,正确一贯的使用橡胶安全套,也能强有效的防止HIV感染。

    Barring abstinence , use of a latex condom , consistently and correctly , is highly effective against HIV infection .

  2. 在性教育项目的一个专家,宾夕凡尼亚州大学的JohnJemmott说,一些节欲教育项目可能会有效。

    An expert on sex education programs , John Jemmott of the University of Pennsylvania , said some abstinence education programs may show promise .

  3. 但是为她真正喜欢的人节欲的女孩说的话吗?

    But saves abstinence for the one person she really cares about ?

  4. 节欲不纵情,心情得安宁

    " In moderating , not satisfying , desires , lies peace "

  5. 但是,除了节欲,没有任何预防措施是百分百有效的。

    However , apart from abstinence , no protective method is100 % effective .

  6. 英国社会保守人士最近声称,在结婚之前节欲能塑造人格和自我控制力。

    Social conservatives have recently argued that abstinence until marriage builds character and self-control .

  7. 中国传统“节欲”修养观的价值论意义

    The value theory meaning of the Chinese traditional accomplishment point " to control desire "

  8. 他,不仅帅气迷人,也是个节欲典范。

    Seductive as he is , he , too , is a model of restraint .

  9. 节欲会带来谦逊,谦逊并不是我所拥有的良好品质。

    With temperance comes modesty , something that is not one of my personal best qualities .

  10. 上次我说了审慎,这次我来谈一下节欲。

    Last time I looked at prudence ; now it 's time for a little temperance .

  11. 调控和引导人的社会欲望的手段是:反对享乐主义,提倡节欲文化;

    The way in regulating and guiding man 's social desire is against gastronomy , for abstinence ;

  12. 我并不是只有节欲项目的坚定支持者,至少认为它对稍大一些的青少年不合适。

    I am not necessarily a defender of " abstinence only " programs , at least not for older adolescents .

  13. 让我们来看一下四个基本的道德准则:正义、坚韧、审慎和节欲。

    Now I 'm taking a look at the four Cardinal Virtues : justice , fortitude , prudence and temperance .

  14. 据组织者说,虽然一些诊所信誉良好,并按照白宫制定的政策提倡节欲,但是也不得不关闭。

    Even faith-based clinics that promote abstinence in line with White House policy have had to close , according to organizers .

  15. 最近,当大部分关于节欲教育的综合研究没有表明将推迟节欲活动的时,反对者们都准备好了要斗争。

    Opponents got high-calibre ammunition recently when the most comprehensive study of abstinence education found no sign that it delays sexual activity .

  16. 孔子的“克己”、孟子的“寡欲”的核心乃实指“节欲”之意。

    Both Confucius ' " self-restraining " and Mencius ' " few desires " essentially focused on " controlling the desires " .

  17. 然而,这些原因还没有完全弄明白,政府的数据显示,这个趋势在节欲教育变成一个数百万美元的项目之前就已经开始了。

    While the reasons are not all understood , Government data shows the trend began years before abstinence education became a multimillion-dollar enterprise .

  18. 在中西方伦理学史上,对消费的伦理评价自古就有之,形成了各种不同的消费伦理观:享乐主义、禁欲主义、节欲主义和消费主义等。

    In the history of square ethics in China and West , it has the appraisal of the ethics of consuming from ancient times .

  19. 虽然这些目的通常是为了使节欲增加,但是,这并不意味着青少年在明年不会重蹈覆辙。

    These commonly find an increase in intentions to stay abstinent , but that does not necessarily mean teenagers will still follow the script a year later .

  20. 这种无视现实的鸵鸟政策,规定把节欲作为年轻人性教育的唯一方式,把他们推向了危险的境地。

    The head-in-the-sand philosophy that dictates abstinence-only as the sole type of sex education available to our young people is a dangerous stand that is putting them at risk .

  21. 在废除节欲教育上,一些州主要说,综合的性教育项目讨论了避孕的失败率,应该有好的科学基础。

    In abandoning abstinence education , states have largely said that comprehensive sex education programs , which discuss contraception beyond the failure rates , have a better scientific grounding .

  22. 这包括了自制、信仰、体位、调息、节欲、内省、冥想和三摩地。

    These include aspects of self-control , religion , postures , regulation of breath , restraint of senses , steadying of the mind , meditation , and profound thought .

  23. 他对他设计的节欲课程充满信心,他的课程和其他的不一样,他尽量使青少年们去长远地去思考他们的行为和所带来的结果。

    He is hopeful about an abstinence curriculum that he has designed which , unlike many , tries to get teenagers to think long-term about their behaviour and its consequences .

  24. 从这个角度讲,礼的功能主要是节欲、养欲、修身和社会整合。

    Seen in this light , the function of Li mainly satisfies and controls people 's demand to some extent , cultivate one 's moral character and the society combine .

  25. 关于此,许多人认为原因在于其中将劝导避孕套使用改为劝导婚前节欲和忠诚的内容。

    The report is too diplomatic , though , to mention what many think is the reason for this & a shift from proselytizing condom use to proselytizing abstinence before marriage and fidelity within it .

  26. 其人性根据各异:节欲主义消费伦理思想以道德人性论和理性人性论为人性根据;禁欲主义消费伦理思想以宗教人性论等为根据;纵欲主义消费伦理思想则是以自然人性论为根据。

    They accord to the different human nature : abstinence socialist consumption ethics based on moral humanity and rational humanity ; asceticism consumption ethics based on religious theory of human nature ; lust socialist consumption ethics based on natural humanity .

  27. 每一产品只需贡献一丁点,通常是微不足道的一丁点,就足以酬报上面所说的劳动和节欲,就足以补偿直接生产者预付给工具制造者的报酬。

    It is enough if each product contributes a fraction , commonly an insignificant one , towards the remuneration of that labour and abstinence , or towards indemnifying the immediate producer for advancing that remuneration to the person who produced the tools .

  28. 《淮南子》在实现直觉性认识的方法上提出了养性的重要性,要求人们去智、节欲而保持虚、静、平的精神状态,从而排除知识与经验所产生的成见的干扰。

    Huai-nan Zi advocated the importance of nourishing spirits on the way of achieving intuition recognition . It demands no wisdom , decreasing desire and keeping empty , calm and quiet spiritual state . And then it deleted the obstruction of preconception prevented by knowledge and experience .

  29. 本研究根据生活史理论调查与分析了13000余名婚前节欲性教育规划中青少年的性态度、性信念与性行为关系。娱乐服务行业流动妇女性行为和性观念分析

    We follow this theoretical approach in an analysis of the sexual attitudes , beliefs and behaviors of over 13,000 12 to 19 year olds who participated in a sexual education program promoting abstinence until marriage . Analysis on Sexual Behavior and Sexual Attitudes among Migrant Women Working in Recreation Places

  30. 对于任何民族,只有一条道路从秘仪纵欲走向佛教节欲。佛教的教义,为了能够做到看破色空,就需要超空间,超时间,超个人的难得的入定境界;

    But from orgies a people can take one path only , the path to Indian Buddhism , and in order that this may be endurable at all with its yearning for the nothing , it requires these rare ecstatic states with their elevation above space , time , and the individual .