
jié yuē nénɡ yuán
  • save energy;conserve/save energy
  1. 当局鼓励房主给住房加隔热装置以节约能源。

    Home owners are being encouraged to insulate their homes to save energy .

  2. 小松公司还计划在2020年之前投资300至400亿日元重建老化的厂房,建造使用LED照明设施,从而能节约能源的工厂和办公室。

    Komatsu also plans to invest 30-40 billion yen by 2020 to rebuild its aging plants and replace them with factories and offices that can save energy by employing LED lighting .

  3. 对房屋做隔热处理来帮助节约能源。

    Help to conserve energy by insulating your home .

  4. 为了节约能源,该共和国的工厂周末不开工。

    The republic 's factories have closed for the weekend to conserve energy .

  5. 这台机器是节约能源的样板

    This machine is a ~ of energy economization .

  6. 二公司办公场所及生产车间采用LED照明,节约能源。

    LED lighting should be used in company offices and workshops for energy conservation .

  7. 为了节约能源和保护环境,国外对低NOx燃烧技术开展了广泛研究。

    In order to protect pollution of environment and save the energy , the study on technology of low-NOx emission has been developed in gas industry .

  8. 这与近些年来自然资源匮乏的现状,人们日益提倡的节约能源、提高能效的理念相违背,不利于TiO2纳米薄膜的可持续化生产。

    Which is against with the shortage of natural resources and the idea of saving energy and improving energy efficiency that people increasingly advocated .

  9. 验证了该燃料不仅节约能源,而且减少了废气排放中的CO、HC污染物,并降低了噪声。

    The fuel an conserve energy , reduce the concentration of CO , HC of exhaust emissions and the noise emission , so the environmental condition is improved .

  10. 根据绿色照明的发展要求,本文开发设计了基于DALI的智能照明控制系统,旨在营造满足人们各种需要的光环境的同时,达到节约能源的目的。

    According to the increasing demands of green lighting , the dissertation designs the intelligent lighting system based on DALI , in order to create different lighting scenes , and save energy .

  11. 功率因数校正(PFC)技术不仅可以降低线路损耗、节约能源,还可以减小电网的谐波污染,提高电网的供电质量。

    Power factor correction ( PFC ) technology can not only reduce power line losses , energy conservation , it can also reduce the harmonic pollution and improve the quality of the power supply .

  12. 早在2006年,IBM就提出了智慧的电力理念,其就是指在目前电网中实现信息交互迅速、信息可靠、节约能源以及可持续等特点,即业界广泛提出的智能电网。

    In 2006 , IBM proposed a concept & " smart power ", which means to achieve the rapid information exchange 、 the reliable information 、 the energy savings 、 the sustainable development and other features , which is just the " smart grid " in the industry .

  13. 国际能源机构(IEA)本周警告称,如果各国政府不立即采取行动,节约能源,投资于核电和生物燃料,世界就会从一个危机走向另一个危机。

    The world is on a course that will lead it from crisis to crisis unless governments act immediately to save energy and invest in nuclear and biofuels , the International Energy Agency warned yesterday .

  14. VLC具有发射功率高、覆盖范围广、无电磁干扰、节约能源等优点。另外,VLC技术能够使LED照明灯同时具备照明与通信两种功能,丰富了光通信的无线接入方式。

    Its advantages are high transmission power , wide coverage , and no electromagnetic interference , energy conservation , etc. This dual function of LED , for lighting and communication , creates an absolutely new method of broadband access for optical wireless communication .

  15. 项目实施后,年减少污水排放量145万立方米,其中NH3-N减少80吨/年;年节约能源折标准煤51263吨/年。

    After the implementation of the project , enterprises can reduce the quantity of sewage discharged 1,450,000 cubic meters , of which NH3-N to reduce the 80 tons per year ; Energy of standard coal equivalent to 51,263 tons per year .

  16. 对47.5%Co+47.5%Ni+5.0%NiFe2O4试样进行了制备工艺研究,从减小气孔率和节约能源角度考虑,选用在1300℃烧结8h的制备工艺最为合理。

    The preparation craft was carried out on sample 47.5 % Co + 47.5 % Ni + 5.0 % NiFe_2O_4 . It turns out that the best sintering craft is sintering at 1300 ℃ for 8 hours from the perspective of low porosity and saving energy .

  17. 电渣焊接机采用了可控硅调速系统,能够保证焊接质量,并且节约能源。

    The system ensures the quality of welding and save energy .

  18. 对许多人而言,节约能源正成为一种习惯。

    For many , conserving energy is becoming second nature .

  19. 用热电冷联供方式节约能源

    Energy Conservation By Way of Jointly-Supplying Heat , Power and Cold Air

  20. 因此,为适应经济发展的需要,缓解能源供应紧张的现状,节约能源势在必行。

    Therefore , energy saving is imperative for the development of economy .

  21. 节约能源,保护环境,从我做起。

    Energy conservation , environmental protection , begin from myself .

  22. 比如我们能够从节约能源开始做起。

    We can start with saving energy , for example .

  23. 合理利用自用碱大力节约能源

    Alkali self-consumption rational utilization and energetic support to energy saving

  24. 增加自然通风和采光,节约能源。

    Raise natural draft and lighting , spare fuel .

  25. 第四,对我们来说重要的是减少浪费节约能源。

    Fourth , it 's important for us to save waster and electricity .

  26. 强化计量工作合理节约能源

    Enhance to calculate the work and reasonable economy energy

  27. 从节约能源,提高场强角度出发又提出了超声聚焦方法;

    To save energy and enhance field intensity , ultrasonic focalization is applied .

  28. 提高能源效率、节约能源。

    Increase the efficiency of energy-using , save energy .

  29. 振动放矿与节约能源

    Adoptive vibration draw-off of ores for economy of energy

  30. 投入少,压缩空气消耗量少,无需用电,节约能源;

    Small Investment Amount , Little air Consumption , free of power supply ;