
  • 网络the boxing day;boxing-day
  1. 节礼日将有猎狐活动。

    There will be a hunt on Boxing Day .

  2. 如果这年的节礼日是星期六或星期天,那这之后的星期一就会被作为公共假日。

    When Boxing Day falls on a Saturday or Sunday , the following Monday is the public holiday .

  3. 和圣诞节一样,节礼日也是公共假日。

    Like Christmas Day , Boxing Day is a public holiday .

  4. 不过,严格来说,节礼日是圣诞节后的第一个工作日。

    However , strictly speaking , Boxing Day is the first weekday after Christmas .

  5. 此外,与家人在一起和购物是现在流行的节礼日活动。

    Besides , spending time with family and shopping are popular Boxing Day activities now .

  6. 这些盒子都是在圣诞节第二天被打开,因此这天也被称作“节礼日”。

    These boxes were always opened the day after Christmas , that is why that day became known as Boxing Day .

  7. 在英国,节礼日通常是在12月26日,也就是圣诞节后的第二天。

    In Britain , Boxing Day is usually celebrated on December 26th , which is the following day after Christmas Day .

  8. 如今,为了保持传统节礼日的传统精神,企业、机构和家庭会通过礼赠穷人或帮助困难家庭来贡献时间、提供服务或捐赠款项,为食品银行献出帮助。

    Today , many businesses , organizations and families try to keep the traditional spirit of Boxing Day alive by donating their time , services and money to aid Food Banks , providing gifts for the poor , or helping families in need .

  9. 节礼日12月26日这是一个公共节日。

    Boxing Day-26 December This is a public holiday .

  10. 你节礼日有什么打算吗?

    Have you got any plans for boxing day ?

  11. 圣诞日的次日叫做节礼日。

    The day after Christmas is called boxing day .

  12. 节礼日:圣诞节过后的第一个工作日。

    Boxing Day : the first weekday after Christmas .

  13. 我会非常享受节礼日的比赛。

    I enjoy the Boxing Day game .

  14. 按照传统,节礼日就是在圣诞季节里打开教堂里的救济箱的日子。

    After the tradition of opening the alms boxes placed in churches over the Christmas season .

  15. 拉法-贝尼特斯希望节礼日在安菲尔德迎战狼队的比赛,阿奎拉尼能够上场。

    Rafa Benitez is hopeful of having Alberto Aquilani available to face Wolves at Anfield on Boxing Day .

  16. 去年,米德尔顿只是受邀参加了王室成员在圣诞第二天节礼日的圣诞狩猎活动。

    Last year Middleton was only invited to spend the following day , Boxing Day , with the royals .

  17. 我们取得了长足的进步,信心倍增。希望我们能在节礼日上展现我们的实力。

    We are a lot better and more confident and we hope we can show that on Boxing Day .

  18. 12月26日传统上也叫圣斯蒂芬斯日,但人们通常把它叫做节礼日。

    26 December was traditionally known as St stephen 's day , but is more commonly known as boxing day .

  19. 如果我们能踢出在节礼日对博尔顿的水准,我相信我们可以赢得所有比赛。

    If we play like we did against Bolton on Boxing Day then I believe we can win every game .

  20. 每年在英国、加拿大和澳大利亚,圣诞节后的第一个工作日,即节礼日当天的促销活动吸引了数以千计的的购物者前往购物中心和百货公司。

    Every year in Britain , Canada and Australia , Boxing Day sales bring thousands of shoppers to malls and department stores .

  21. 现在贝尼特斯评价他对维拉中场首发,尽管有些小伤,卢卡斯打了节礼日的比赛。

    And Benitez is now assessing his midfield line-up for Villa , with Lucas playing on Boxing Day despite a slight knock .

  22. 当贾斯汀·比伯决定出门享受这个周日的节礼日时,一大群少女发现了他并迅速引起了轰动。

    When Bieber decided to partake in the post-Christmas holiday on Sunday , hoardes of teenage girls took notice * and freaked out .

  23. 虽然两人没有子女,但他们把爱给与他们的亲戚,并一直为家人们做节礼日午餐。

    Although the couple never had any children , they lavished love on their extended family and were renowned for their Boxing Day lunches .

  24. 在英国,12月26日被称为节礼日。这是孩子们最喜欢的一天。人们在这天会打开他们的礼品盒,互赠礼物。

    Dec26 is called Boxing Day in the UK , which means everyone opens their box of presents-the most joyful day for the children .

  25. 商场销售主管韦斯特称,对于中国和一些来自欧洲大陆的消费者来说,节礼日打折是一个大日子。

    Retail director Sue West said that Boxing Day was a big occasion for Chinese customers , as well as visitors from continental Europe .

  26. 如果贾斯丁·比伯认为他能够在节礼日上街购物而不引起轰动的话,他就错了。

    If Justin Bieber thought he could hit up his local mall on Boxing Day without stirring up a frenzy , he was wrong .

  27. 但欧文说:“节礼日回到安菲尔德感觉确实很奇怪,这当然算不上完美。”

    But Owen says : " it was strange going back on Boxing day . I certainly didn 't love every minute of it . "

  28. 黑池将在节礼日下午3点对利物浦的比赛开始前3个小时对球场状况进行检测,以确定比赛能否进行。

    Blackpool will hold a pitch inspection three hours before their scheduled3pm kick-off against Liverpool on Boxing Day to see if the match can go ahead .

  29. 圣诞安然夜、节礼日和新年都是传统的节日高涨,我们都喜缓洗砦筅这时利落索性的喝酒。

    Christmas Eve , Boxing Day and New Year 's Day are all traditional high points , and we all like to have a drink to unwind .

  30. 曼联将会在节礼日前往斯托克城,面对他们的将会是狂热的球迷以及每球必争的对手。

    The Reds travel to the west midlands on Boxing Day , fully expecting to be faced by a vociferous crowd and a team scrapping for every ball .