
jié shuì
  • Tax savings;save taxes
  1. 浅谈煤炭企业如何节税

    Discussion on how to Save Taxes in Coal Enterprises

  2. 我们秉承“卓越服务、恪守诚信、同心协力、务实创新”的核心价值观,为企业当家理财、合法节税充当参谋和顾问。

    Adhering to core values of " Excellent service , creditworthiness , concerted efforts , practicality and innovation ", we serve as an advisor to help enterprises to manage finance and legally save taxes .

  3. 两家公司的分拆应于第四季度完成,但仍需美国国税局(irs)做出有利裁定,以确保这笔交易时代华纳股东可以节税。

    The separation , which should be completed in the fourth quarter , is subject to a favourable internal revenue service ruling to ensure it will be tax efficient for Time Warner shareholders .

  4. 狭义的税收筹划只包括节税。

    The tax planning on narrow sense only includes tax saving .

  5. 节税收益、破产成本与最优资本结构

    Tax Shield , Bankruptcy Cost and the Optimal Capital Structure

  6. 负债融资具有杠杆效应,有节税收益。

    Debt financing has leverage effect and tax benefit .

  7. 企业所得税节税筹划方法研究

    Analysis of the Methods of Enterprise Income Tax Planning

  8. 企业节税方法初探

    An Initial Discussion on the Methods of the Saving Taxes for the Enterprises

  9. 税收筹划是一种公认的合法节税行为,其在一般法理、税法理念、税制完善和税收政策等维度上都具有一定的正当性,是纳税主体的一项重要税收权利。

    Tax Planning is a sort of widely recognized legitimate Tax Saving behavior .

  10. 能不能教我一些节税的诀窍?

    Could you give me some tax saving tips ?

  11. 考虑节税收益的电网技术改造项目融资方式优选决策

    Optimal selection of financing strategy in power grid innovation project considering tax saving benefit

  12. 节税型租赁带给承租人延迟纳税的好处;

    Tax Oriented Leasing can benefit the lease holder for the delay of tax payment ;

  13. 节税:指投资或经营时采用能减少税额的办法。

    Tax-efficient : Investing or operating a business in a way that results in a lower tax bill .

  14. 纳税筹划应包括四方面内容:一是采用合法的手段进行的节税筹划;

    Tax planning should include four aspects : First , the use of legitimate means of tax planning ;

  15. 能将利润转至低税收国家的节税架构成为很多大型跨国企业的规范做法。

    Tax-efficient structures allowing profits to be shifted to low-tax countries became the norm for many large multinationals .

  16. 同时也为其他类似企业在进行合法节税、增加效益方面提供有益借鉴。

    And that also draws lessons in carrying on the legal tax saving and increasing benefit for other similar enterprises .

  17. 但是税收筹划是一项系统工程,其在给企业带来节税收益的同时也蕴涵着风险。

    But tax-planning is a systematic project and it also has risk when it can give benefit to the enterprise .

  18. 税收筹划作为的一种节税行为应当符合政府的立法意图。

    As one kind of enterprise festival tax behavior , the tax revenue preparation must conform to government 's legislation intention .

  19. 税务专家警告称,要求大型银行采用不易节税的法律架构,可能会使它们增加数亿美元的成本。

    Making the structures of big banks less tax-efficient could cost them hundreds of millions of dollars , tax experts warn .

  20. 负债利息税前支付,具有节税效应,可以帮助公司合理避税;二是财务杠杆作用。

    Debt interest duty payment before , with tax savings effect , can help companies locally-based ; Secondly , financial leverage .

  21. 它包括节税和合法避税,具有合法性、超前性、目的性、综合性和专业性等特点。

    It includes tax saving and legal tax avoidance . It has traits of legitimacy 、 objective 、 comprehensive and specialization , etc.

  22. 除此之外,津贴作为一个身份的象征在公司内外,并为高层提供节税。

    Besides , perks serve as a status symbol inside and outside the company and provide a tax saving to the executives .

  23. 全球一些最大公司早就利用巴拿马的离岸专家来研究如何以节税的方式进行外国投资。

    Panama 's offshore specialists have long been used by some of the world 's biggest companies to hold foreign investments tax-efficiently .

  24. 因此具有节税、资产永续管理及保全功能之信托筹划应运而生。

    So " trust " emerges as the times require , with functions of tax saving , perpetual asset management , and preservation .

  25. 节税、避税、偷税,是纳税人欲争取不交税或少交税采取的不同方法。

    Tax saving , tax avoidance and tax dodge are different methods used by taxpayers with a view of non-payment or less-payment of tax .

  26. 论述了税收负担的含义、衡量指标、显性税收和隐性税收、税务筹划中的税收负担判断原则。用博弈理论分析了节税和避税,企业之间也存在税务筹划的博弈。

    The article analyzes the tax saving and tax shields using game theory , analyzes the tax contract between government and enterprises , margin .

  27. 税收筹划作为纳税人合理节税的一种财务管理手段已经在国际上广为流行。

    The tax planning as one of the reasonable taxes saving method for the taxpayers to control the financial has already internationally widely popular .

  28. 税务筹划,为企业照章纳税、合理节税提供前瞻性的分析与建议;

    Tax planning , to provide foreseeable analysis and suggestion on company 's paying tax as per regulations , as well as reasonably saving tax ;

  29. 而节税、避税等概念是站在税务机关角度提出的,与纳税人无关。

    In the aspect of the tax collecting bureau , the concepts of tax-saving and tax avoidance are put forward , without relationship of taxpayers .

  30. 税收筹划是企业在国家法律法规及政策允许的范围内合理节税,减少税负,获取利润的科学方法。

    Tax planning is the scientific method for the enterprise to reduce tax and make profit in accordance with the law , regulation and policy .