
  • 网络economical enterprise
  1. 按照发展循环经济的3R原则,济钢对提高能源和资源利用率、建设资源节约型企业的发展之路进行了探索。

    According to the " 3R " principle of developing cycle economy , Jigang explores a development way to increase availability of energy sources and resource and construct a resource saving enterprise .

  2. 济钢建设资源节约型企业的实践与探索

    Practice and Exploration of Constructing Resource Saving Enterprise in Jigang

  3. 利用档案信息资源为创建节约型企业服务

    Utilizing archives information resource to serve as establishing economy enterprise

  4. 氧化铝生产中创建资源节约型企业的实践及探讨

    Practice and Study on Creating a Resource Conserving Enterprise in Alumina Production

  5. 发展循环经济创节约型企业实现可持续发展

    Developing circulated economy and establishing saving type enterprise to implement sustaining development

  6. 基于企业基因重组理论的资源节约型企业的创建研究

    On the Construction of the Resources Saving Enterprise Based on the Theory of Enterprise Gene Recombination

  7. 加快建设节约型企业,是由我国目前的基本国情决定的。

    Speeding up the building of resource-efficient enterprises is decided by the basic present situation of our country .

  8. 为建设节约型企业,必须大力推行清洁生产、走循环经济的道路。

    To build a conservation-oriented enterprise , it is necessary to promote clean production vigorously and walk the road of circular economy .

  9. 建设节约型企业,是坚持和落实全面、协调、可持续发展观,走新型工业化道路的必然选择。

    Constructing the saving type enterprise is a necessary selection for adopting and to carrying out the concept of scientific development and going on the road of industrialization .

  10. 发展循环经济,创建资源节约型企业,不仅是国家十二五规划宏观经济政策的要求,更是企业生存和发展的需要。

    Developing recycling economy and creating resources economical enterprises , are not only the macroeconomic policy requirements of the " 12th Five-Year Plan ", but also the needs of enterprises ' survival and development .

  11. 提出节约型企业就是以创新为核心,以集约为方式,以节能减排为手段,以最少的投入获取最大产出的效益型企业。

    Proposed that saves enterprise is take the innovation as the core , take intensive as the way , take conserves energy and reduced emissions as the method , used the least investment for most efficiency .

  12. 解决问题的出路在哪里?如何能提升基层员工的工作热情,更好地看管市场,并创造节约型企业?转型成为全球电信业发展的必然趋势。

    Where solves the question outlet ? How can promote the basic unit staffs work enthusiasm , safeguards the market well , and creates to save the enterprise ? Reforms into the global telecommunications industry development inevitable trend .

  13. 本着既有指导性,又有操作性的原则,提出了胜利油田创建节约型企业的基本思路、框架和配套措施,以期促进胜利油田节约型发展的能力和水平。

    According to the principles with instruction and operation , the basic thinking way , the frame and relevant measures of building economical enterprises are raised in order to promote the development capacity and level of economical enterprises in Shengli Oilfields .

  14. 为此,企业要增强资源节约意识,调整和优化产品结构,大力推进循环经济,加强制度和机制创新,加快节约型企业的建设步伐。

    Therefore the enterprise should strengthen the consciousness of saving the resources , adjust and optimize the products structure , promote the circulating economy , strengthen the system innovation and mechanism innovation , and quicken the tempo of constructing saving type enterprise .

  15. 中油集团公司把率先建成节约型企业确定为十一五发展战略目标之一,并作为贯彻建设节约型社会,落实科学发展观的重大举措。

    CNPC regards it as one of strategic targets at the eleventh " Five-Year Plan " to build up an economical-style enterprise , which has been deemed as a great measure of establishing an economical society and fulfilling the concept of scientific development .

  16. 以卤代盐减耗降本,创建节约型盐碱企业

    Reduce cost with bittern replace salt and construct economical salt and alkali enterprise

  17. 分别针对节能、节水、节材、节地、节矿、循环经济提出了相应的对策建议,从而有利于矿区进一步节约资源,建设资源节约型煤炭企业。

    These strategies points at energy conservation , water conservation , raw material conservation , land conservation , mining resources conservation and recycled economy respectively , so as to conserve resources further more and to establish an energy conservation industry .

  18. 创建资源节约型铁路运输企业探讨

    Establishing Resource Conservation Railway Transportation Corporation

  19. 构建节约型社会:中小企业集群的挑战与转型志愿者的参与形式正在从之前的长期、间集约型志愿者向短期、中的志愿者转变。

    Construct Economic Society : Challenges and Transformation facing Small and Middle Sized Enterprises Group ; A shift is underway from long-term , time-intensive volunteer participation to short-term , focused volunteer opportunities .

  20. 摘要大力发展循环经济、建设循环型节约型社会应从构建循环型节约型企业做起。

    Developing circular economy and building circular and resources-saving society should start from building circular and resources-saving enterprises .