
shòu nàn jié
  • Good Friday
  1. 在受难节,我们为着主被订十架而忧伤,为自己的罪孽而惮悔。

    On Good Friday , we remorse over Jesus'crucifixion and our sins .

  2. 耶稣受难节是个宗教节日,但我们仍得去上班。

    Good Friday is a religious holiday , but we still have to go to work .

  3. 复活节前的星期五为受难节。

    Good Friday is the Friday before Easter Sunday .

  4. 还有两个习惯法假日:耶稣受难节和圣诞节前夕。

    There are also two common law holidays on Good Friday and Christmas Eve .

  5. 基督教主要节日有圣诞节、受难节、复活节、升天节、诸圣日(万圣节)等。

    Major Christian festivals are Christmas , Ming Festival , Easter , Ascension Day , Halloween , etc.

  6. 那时这总面包只有在受难节可提供,直到现在只有当月到复活节都可购买。

    For a time they were only available on Good Friday but now they can be bought during the month leading up to Easter .

  7. 在法国及意大利,除了受难节的前一天起一连四天,复活节钟声全年随处可闻,没有钟声是要提醒我们耶稣的死,钟声在复活节主日会重鸣,提醒我们耶稣基督已复活。

    Easter bell can be heard everywhere throughout the year except Good Friday and3 days afterwards , on the Easter Day , the bell can be reheard , symbolizing that Jesus has resurrected from the death .