
  • 网络recipient;E. Coli;receptor;host strain
  1. 结果qnr基因转化子对常见氟喹诺酮类抗菌药物的敏感性较受体菌下降3~25倍,但耐药水平低于临床分离菌株4~256倍。

    Results Susceptibility of transformant containing qnr gene against common fluoroquinolones was 3 ~ 25 times lower than recipient stain , but drug-resistance was 4 ~ 256 times lower than the clinical isolate .

  2. 用改良碱酶法制备的质粒DNA(PBR322)作供体,转化经氯化钙处理的受体菌E。

    With the method combined by alkali and enzyme to prepare E. coli plasmid DNA ( pBR322 ) donor was used . The pBR322 plasmid DNA was transformed into recipient E.

  3. SDSpage分析表明,受体菌BL21(DE3)plysS表达量最高,表达的重组p24蛋白占菌体总蛋白的46%。

    SDS PAGE proved that 46 % of recombinant p24 protein was expressed in BL21 ( DE3 ) plysS .

  4. 通过将VHb基因克隆入对PTA具有降解功能的受体菌中,可使其在较低的溶解氧环境中,仍具有较高的降解率。对VHb在污水处理系统中的应用作了初步的探索。

    The gene of VHb was cloned in 6-81 cell ; it has higher rate of PTA degradation in the lower deliquescence oxygen environment .

  5. 平衡期初期的受体菌用溶菌酶和溶葡萄球菌素处理,所获得的原生质体与质粒DNA混合,以PEG诱导,涂布于含药的双层DM3再生培养基上,即可获得Tc~r或Cm~r转化子。

    Protoplasts were prepared by treating recipients at early stationary phase with lysozyme and lysostaphin . Mixed protoplasts and DNA , then treated with polyethylene glycol ( molecular weight . 6000 ), Tc ~ r or Cm ~ r transformants were obtained .

  6. 用三株金黄色葡萄球菌多剂抗生素耐药菌株8002282022和82062的质粒DNA和总DMA,分别对受体菌金黄色葡萄球菌RN1304(Y-1)的原生质体进行转化试验。

    Experiment on protoplast-transformation of S. aureus RN1304 ( Y-1 ) by plasmid DNA or total DNA extracted from multiple antibiotic resistant staphylococcal strains ( 80022,82022 and 82062 ) was reported .

  7. 以pET28a(+)为载体构建了桑树低温诱导蛋白基因的重组质粒,转化受体菌E。

    Using pET28a ( + ) as a vector , a recombinant plastid containing coding sequence of mulberry antifreeze protein was constructed . Then transfer E.

  8. 用产黄青霉HY876作受体菌,建立amds(Acetamidase)基因为选择标记的VHb表达系统。

    A exogenous gene expression system was established in P. chrysogenum strain by using acetamidase ( amds ) gene as selection markers .

  9. 将编码人免疫缺陷病毒I型(HIV1)核心蛋白p24的基因序列克隆到原核表达载体pET28(b)中,并转化不同的受体菌后,用IPTG诱导表达。

    After the p24 gene fragment coding the core protein of HIV 1 was cloned into the expression vector pET28 ( b ) and transformed to various receptor , the expression of HIV 1 Gag p24 was induced by IPTG .

  10. 以大肠杆菌DH5α为受体菌,研究CaCl2溶液浓度、感受态细胞的存放时间、转化时间及转化后的培养时间等对质粒转化效率的影响。

    The different effects of the transformative condition which included CaCl_2 concentration , of the competent cells status , of the various transformative time and of the incubative time on the transformative plasmid were investigated . The host cell was Escherichia coli DH5 α .

  11. 方法用PCR方法扩增的片段经测序后,用GoldKey分析软件进行序列分析,应用pET-28a(+)系统在受体菌BL21(DE3)pLysS中表达热休克蛋白。

    Methods The amino acid composition of the fragment amplified by PCR was deduced by Gold Key software after sequencing . The recombinant plasmid was transformed to E. coli BL21 ( DE3 ) pLysS for expressing heat shock protein A under the induction of IPTG .

  12. 丝状真菌表达分泌系统中受体菌的构建

    Construction of Recipient Strain of Expression-secretion System in Filamentous Fungi

  13. 有益芽胞杆菌受体菌研究

    Research on the receptor strain of beneficial bacilli

  14. 而常用技术手段是利用游离或整合型的表达质粒,在受体菌中表达核黄素操纵子。

    Expression plasmid , integration or not , is used to express the operon in the strain .

  15. 这些结果显示COCC101菌株在乳酸菌基因工程研究中有望成为受体菌。

    All of these results indicated that the COCC 101 strain is hopeful to be a host strain .

  16. 由于乳酸菌为革兰氏阳性菌,具有很厚且致密的刚性细胞壁,受体菌的转化通常采用电转化方法进行转化。

    Due to thick compact cell wall of gram-positive bacterium , to which category LAB belongs to , the transformation of LAB is always using electroporation .

  17. 来自受体菌自身的同源质粒,因克服了宿主的限制一修饰性,可以极显著地提高电转化效率。

    A significant increase of transformation efficiency was revcaled with the homologous plasmid isolated from recipient itself since the effects of host restriction and modification werc avoided .

  18. 方法:采用一种简单方便的突变方法&亚硝酸钠直接突变含目的基因的质粒,然后转化受体菌获得突变体。

    Methods : A simple and convenient method of random mutation-chemical mutagen of sodium nitrite mutated immediately plasmid containing the target gene and transformed host cell to obtain random mutant library .