
shòu jīnɡ zuò yònɡ
  • fertilization
  1. 野生种G.茶树受精作用的研究

    Tomentella and G. Study on Fertilization of Tea Plant

  2. 开花后3~6h,发生双受精作用。

    The double fertilization proceeded normally 3-6 h after anthesis .

  3. 泡桐属(Paulownia)受精作用及子实发育的研究

    Study on the fertilization and the development of fruit and seed of Paulownia

  4. GA3对大孢子的形成、受精作用和胚胎发育有关。

    Both embryo sac generation and double fertilization correlated with GA3 . the changeable content of GA3 and IAA is related with embryo development .

  5. 番茄的受精作用属于有丝分裂前配子融合类型。开花后6h,胚囊已受精,退化助细胞中钙含量进一步增加;

    Double fertilization is the type of the Premitotic gametogamy . Six hours after anthesis at time when double fertilization had finished , the calcium deposits in the degenerated synergid increased .

  6. 经过受精作用胚细胞开始分裂分化,到第22d便形成了具有胚根、胚轴、胚芽和子叶的完整胚。

    Embryo cell begins to split and divide , entire embryo with radical , plumular axis , plumule and cotyledon forms in 22 days .

  7. 应用常规石蜡切片与压片方法,用铁矾苏木精、汞溴酚蓝和PAS反应等进行染色观察西卡柱花草(Stylosanthesscabracv.seca)受精作用和胚及胚乳发育过程。

    Fertilization and Development of Embryo and Endosperm in Stylosanthes scabra cv . Seca The fertilization and embryo development of S.scabra were studied by means of squash and paraffin sectioning stained with iron hematoxylin , mercury-bromophenol blue and PAS .

  8. 荧光显微镜下观察授粉后不同时间段内花粉的萌发和花粉管的生长情况,可以得出,羊草柱头上有41.02%的花粉萌发。在授粉3.0h后,花粉管到达子房,进行受精作用。

    We observed the pollen germinated and the pollen tubes grew by Fluorescence microscope after pollination , results show that 41.02 % of the pollen germinated and 3h later , pollen tubes reach ovary .

  9. 硬粒小麦与珍珠栗远缘杂交的受精作用和胚胎发育

    Fertilization and embryo development in hybridization between wheat and pearl millet

  10. 梨受精作用的观察梨醋的研制

    OBSERVATIONS ON FERTILIZATION IN PEAR The study on pear vinegar processing

  11. 朴树的受精作用及胚、胚乳的发育

    Fertilization and development of embryo and endosperm in Celtis sinensis pers

  12. 梅雌蕊发育和受精作用的研究

    Studies on the development of pistil and fertilization in Prunus mume

  13. 茶树受精作用的研究作物栽培学的创新与发展


  14. 花后2天完成受精作用,初生胚乳核开始分裂。

    Fertilization course was completed in 2 days after flowering .

  15. 四倍体大燕麦与六倍体裸燕麦的受精作用和胚胎发育

    Fertilization and Embryo Development in Hybridization between Avena magna and Avena nuda

  16. 光温条件对苦荞麦受精作用的影响

    Effects of Light and Temperature on Fertilization of Fagopyrum tataricum

  17. 樟子松受精作用和原胚的选择

    The Fertilization and Proembryo Choose of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica

  18. 利用常规石蜡制片技术,观察了柽柳的受精作用。

    The fertilization of Tamarix chinensis was observed by means of conventional paraffin sectioning .

  19. 受精作用发生在开花第二天厂持续时间很短;

    Fertilization was initiated on the second day and the duration was very short .

  20. 被子植物受精作用的分子和细胞生物学机制

    Molecular and Cellular Mechanism of Fertilization in Angiosperms

  21. 橡胶树双受精作用的研究皮炎芽生菌病的临床和病理

    Double Fertilization of Hevea brasiliensis Study of pathological changes and clinical features of dermatitis blastomycosis

  22. 茶树受精作用的研究

    Study on Fertilization of Tea Plant

  23. 花粉与柱头间的信号识别与传递,是植物进行受精作用的前提条件。

    Cell-cell recognition and signal transduction between the pollen and stigma is required to achieve fertilization .

  24. 典型精子含有正常的染色质,因而能参与受精作用;

    Typical sperm , which has normal amounts of chromatin , can take part in fertilization ;

  25. 梨受精作用的观察

    Observations on fertilization in Pear

  26. 兔抗猪卵透明带抗血清对金色田鼠、小鼠与家兔卵子体外抗受精作用的观察

    Effect of anti-zona pellucida antiserum on in vitro fertilization of ova of golden hamsters , mice and rabbits

  27. 胚囊的发育属于蓼型胚囊。在胚囊发育过程中,珠被内表皮细胞特化成珠被绒毡层。(3)受精作用属于有丝分裂前型。

    The embryo sac is of Polygonum type . ( 3 ) The fertilization is of premitosis type .

  28. 当归的胚胎学研究&2.受精作用及胚和胚乳的发育

    Study of Embryology in Angelica sinensis ( Oliv . ) Diels & 2.Fertilization and Development of Endosperm and Embryo

  29. 少数植物在部分花或所有花的位置有小鳞茎,有些植物不经任何受精作用就能产生后代。

    A few plants have bulbils in place of some or all flowers and others produce seeds without any fertilization .

  30. 黄芪胚胎学研究&双受精作用胚与胚乳的发育

    The Embryologic Studies on ( Astragalus Membranaceus )( Fisch . ) Bge . - Fertilization the Development of Embryo and Endosperm