
hé gōng yè
  • Nuclear industry;nuke industry
核工业[hé gōng yè]
  1. 摘要:克服钼的低温脆性、提高钼的高温性能是扩展钼在航空航天、国防军工、核工业等尖端领域应用的关键。

    Abstract : Overcoming the low temperature brittleness and improving the elevated temperature property of molybdenum is the key to expand its application in aerospace , national defense , nuke industry and other frontier .

  2. 钛是一种耐腐蚀性好、比强度高、密度小的金属,在航空、航天、汽车、信息工程、生物医学、核工业以及造船业中都有广泛应用。

    Titanium , the so-called aerospace metal , is widely used in aerospace , automobile , information engineering , biomedicine , nuke industry , and shipbuilding industry for its various advantages , including good corrosion resistance , high specific strength , and low density .

  3. 核工业被要求证明其在运营与安全各方面都进行过充分的研究。

    The nuclear industry was required to prove that every operational and safety aspect had been fully researched .

  4. 周一,中国核工业集团(ChinaNationalNuclearCorporation)请他们的快中子反应堆专家出面讨论核安全。

    And on Monday China National Nuclear Corporation brought out their fast reactor expert to discuss nuclear safety .

  5. 中国核工业集团公司(ChinaNationalNuclearCorporation)也表示,正在就在南非建设一座核电站进行谈判。

    China National Nuclear Corporation also said it was in talks to build a nuclear power plant in the African country .

  6. 论述了核工业华北放射性计量站利用计算机技术实现自制X射线校准装置参量控制的方法。

    The method of parameters control by microcomputer of the calibration X ray device is described in the paper .

  7. 描述了GO法在核工业系统(包括核电厂高压注水系统及备用发电系统)可靠性分析中的应用,重点阐述了核电厂仪控板件可靠性预计中GO法的应用方法和结果。

    The application of GO method in reliability analysis of nuclear industry system was described including high pressure watering system and standby power generation system in nuclear power plant .

  8. 核工业某研究院职工死亡危险因素的logistic回归研究

    Study on risk factors for death among the staff in one nuclear industry institute using logistic regression analysis

  9. 中国核工业集团公司(chinanationalnuclearcorporation)和中国广东核电集团(chinaguangdongnuclearpowercorp)已经与外国矿商签署了长期供应合同,并寻求建立合资企业。

    State nuclear groups China National Nuclear Corporation and China Guangdong Nuclear Power Corporation have signed long-term supply agreements with foreign miners , as well as pursuing joint ventures .

  10. 本论文所反映研究工作的背景是四川省网络通信重点实验室与核工业部九院的合作预研项目:无人机群作战网络体系结构(UASG-TNA-UnmannedAircraftSystemGroupTacticNetworkArchitecture)。

    The background of the work presented in this dissertation is the research project on Unmanned Aircraft System Group Tactic Network Architecture ( UASG-TNA ), undertaking at Sichuan Network Communication Technology Key Laboratory ( SC-Netcom Lab ) .

  11. 铍的应用范围主要集中在核工业、武器系统、航空航天工业、X射线仪表、电子信息系统、汽车行业、家用电器等领域。

    The main ranges of its application relate to nuclear industry , weapon systems , voyage and aerospace , X ray windows , electronic message , automobile , domestic appliances and so on .

  12. 有关该工业园区的规划由中国核工业集团公司(ChinaNationalNuclearCorp.,简称:中核集团)和中国广东核电集团(ChinaGuangdongNuclearPowerGroup)共同拟定,是中国实现能源多样化、满足日益增加的清洁能源需求而发展核电的努力之一。

    Plans for the park were developed by China National Nuclear Corp. and China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group , and were part of China 's push to expand nuclear power among ever-growing demand for more and cleaner sources of energy .

  13. 7-DOF核工业机器人的轨迹规划与仿真

    Trajectory Planning and Simulating on 7-DOF Robot Applied to Nuclear Industry

  14. 作为美国核工业代表的核能研究所(nuclearenergyinstitute)首席核能官安东尼彼得兰杰洛(anthonypietrangelo)表示,美国监管机构充分考虑到了地震风险。

    Anthony pietrangelo , the chief nuclear officer at the nuclear energy institute , which represents the US industry , said seismic risk had been taken fully into account by US regulators .

  15. 10B能够吸收中子,可以作为中子吸收剂,广泛应用于核工业等方面。

    B Isotope can absorb neutrons . It 's widely applied to special aspect such as nuclear industry absorber .

  16. Cd被广泛应用于化工、电子和核工业等领域,每年有相当数量的Cd通过废气、废水、废渣等排入环境,造成污染。

    Cd has been widely used in chemical industry , electronics industry , nuclear industry and other fields , every year a large number of Cd was released into environment through exhaust gas , waste water and waste residue in the world .

  17. 氧化物弥散强化(OxideDispersionStrengthened,ODS)铁基高温合金具有良好的高温拉伸、蠕变性能和抗中子辐射肿胀性能,是一类在航空航天、核工业等具有良好应用前景的先进结构材料。

    Oxide dispersion strengthened ( ODS ) iron-based alloys are the most promising class of materials with a potential to be widely used in aerospace and nuclear industry owing to superior properties in tensile performance , creep property and neutron irradiation-resistance at high temperatures .

  18. 根据我国核工业发展计划,预测到2000年时整个核工业产生的年集体剂量当量为59人·Sv。

    According to the nuclear industry planning of China , in the year of 2000 , it is estimated that the total annual collective effective dose equivalent resulted from the whole nuclear industry is 59 man . Sv .

  19. 人们在世界核工业该如何应对不断增长的核能需求这一问题上一直存在争议,而Areva与法国政府之间的博羿只是其中的一个缩影。

    The tussle between Areva and the French government is part of a larger debate over how the world 's nuclear industry plans to handle renewed demand for nuclear energy .

  20. 介绍了核工业西南物理研究院聚变实验增殖堆工程概要设计(FEB-E)中的氚系统设计研究。

    A summary of the tritium system design studies for the engineering outline design of a fusion experimental breeder ( FEB-E ) is presented .

  21. 功能梯度材料(FGM)是近二十年来材料科学领域出现的一种新型复合材料,在航空航天、生物医学、核工业等领域有着广阔的应用前景。

    Functionally graded material ( FGM ) is a new type of composite materials arisen in material science field in recent twenty years , and has wider application foreground in many fields such as spaceflight , biomedicine , and nuclear industry .

  22. EDF将中国广核集团和它的对手、核能运营商中国核工业集团公司(CNNC)都争取为少数合伙人,部分原因是希望这两个集团能够为未来在英国和其他地方开展的核能竞标提供资金。

    EDF has brought in CGN and rival nuclear operator China National Nuclear Corp ( CNNC ) as minority partners , partly in the hope they can contribute financing for future nuclear bids in Britain and elsewhere .

  23. 据报道,中国为购买这些反应堆支付了约80亿美元,但同时要求西屋与本国国有企业&包括中国核工业集团公司(CNNC,简称中核集团),分享设计和相关技术。

    China reportedly paid around $ 8bn for the reactors , but also required Westinghouse to share designs and related know-how with Chinese state-owned companies , including China National Nuclear Corporation ( CNNC ) .

  24. 1998年以来,核工业第六研究所将自行研制的KF-606型个人剂量计,应用于某铀矿工人的个人剂量监测,获得了常规应用的经验。

    Since 1998 , the passive personal dosimeter ( Model KF 606 , developed in RIUM ) has come into routine use in an uranium mine .

  25. 中国核工业集团(CNNC)已有在巴基斯坦建设6座反应堆的协议,但在阿根廷建设一座华龙1号反应堆的框架协议,将是在海外展现中国自主技术实力的首个例证。

    China National Nuclear Corp already has agreements to build six reactors in Pakistan but a framework agreement to build a Hualong 1 reactor in Argentina would be the first overseas example of China 's indigenous prowess .

  26. CZD-6型车载多道γ能潜测量系统,以核工业北京地质研究院研制的HDY-256型便携式多道γ能谱仪为操作台,与大体积闪烁探测器构成γ能谱测量系统。

    The car-borne multichannel gamma-ray spectrometric system Model CZD-6 is composed of a HDY-256 of portable multichannel gamma-ray spectrometer developed by the Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology and a large volume scintillation detector .

  27. 核工业工人外周血染色体畸变的分析

    Analysis of chromosome aberrations in peripheral blood of nuclear industry workers

  28. 我国核工业废放射源安全管理

    Safe management of disused radiation sources in nuclear industry of China

  29. 本文包括前言及5个部分的分析:第1部分是我国核工业发展概况分析。

    This text is divided into 5 parts besides the preface .

  30. 对于核工业而言,接下来的几天至关重要。

    For the nuclear industry the next few days are crucial .