
mù shi
  • priest;pastor;minister;reverend;clergyman;vicar;preacher;clerical;divine;cloth;padre;secular;oracle
牧师 [mù shī]
  • [pastor;minister;clergyman] 教士成员之一;正式被批准为宣讲福音和执行教规的人;有圣职的人

牧师[mù shi]
  1. 牧师请在场的妇女们和他一起祈祷。

    The pastor requested the women present to join him in prayer

  2. 几乎没有什么事情能使牧师在准备每周的布道时分神。

    Few things distracted the Pastor from the preparation of his weekly sermons

  3. 这个牧师开口便是千篇一律、陈词滥调的套话。

    The minister keeps coming out with the same tired formulas .

  4. 牧师讲道时用了亡羊的比喻。

    The minister preached a sermon on the parable of the lost sheep .

  5. “但是耶稣在这里!”牧师吟诵道。

    ' But Jesus is here ! ' the priest intoned .

  6. “我们来祈祷吧,”那个循道宗牧师说。

    ' Let us pray , ' said the Methodist chaplain .

  7. 牧师在大弥撒上布道驱邪。

    At High Mass the priest preached a sermon on the devil

  8. 他自行任命了牧师,还扬言要任命主教。

    He ordained his own priests , and threatened to ordain bishops

  9. 牧师紧闭双眼,以避开强光。

    The priest 's eyes were squeezed shut against the light .

  10. 宴会上不断有人给可怜的牧师灌酒。

    The poor priest was plied with drink at a dinner party .

  11. 该教会的管理机构投票通过接纳女性为牧师。

    The church 's ruling body voted to ordain women as priests .

  12. 堂区牧师在布道中提到了它。

    Parish priests have referred to it in their sermons .

  13. 军方指责该牧师将宗教与政治混为一谈。

    The military has accused the clergy of mixing religion and politics .

  14. 他以随军牧师的身份加入第40师。

    He joined the 40th Division as an army chaplain .

  15. 牧师胡乱整了整长袍上的褶皱。

    The priest fumbled in the folds of his gown .

  16. 这次礼拜仪式是由吉姆·西蒙斯牧师大人主持的。

    The service was led by the Reverend Jim Simons .

  17. 只要她在那一带,她总会去拜访教区牧师。

    She always called at the vicarage whenever she was in the area

  18. 作为牧师,他可以说是出类拔萃。

    As a pastor , it can be argued he has no equal

  19. 牧师紧张地拨弄着他的黑色念珠。

    The priest fidgeted nervously with his black rosary beads .

  20. 女牧师被指责分裂教会。

    Women priests are accused of splitting the church .

  21. 教区牧师目瞪口呆地看着他,露出不相信的表情。

    The Vicar looked at him with open-mouthed incredulity .

  22. 他赢得了“反叛牧师”的称号。

    He earned the appellation ' rebel priest . '

  23. 一名牧师照着祈祷书念祷文。

    A clergyman read the liturgy from the prayer-book .

  24. 牧师占了小岛人口的很大一部分。

    The island has a high quotient of clergymen .

  25. 这些牧师给我们带来了灭亡。

    The clerics have brought ruination on our people .

  26. 你是专家,而我是个能力有限的愚笨牧师。

    I 'm a limited and obtuse clergyman while you 're the expert .

  27. 她正努力弥补自己那段未受牧师认可的婚姻。

    She is trying to make amends for her marriage not being sanctified .

  28. 那么,是什么促使他成为牧师的呢?

    So what prompted him to enter the ministry ?

  29. 她听到楼梯上传来牧师那熟悉的单调脚步声。

    She heard the priest 's familiar , flat footfall on the staircase .

  30. 该文劝告女性不要再对丈夫和牧师低三下四。

    The essay exhorts women to cast off their servitude to husbands and priests