
  • 网络Mesquite;prosopis;Ghaf Tree;Prosopis juliflora;Prosopis cineraria
  1. 牧豆树属植物不论是乔木和灌木,在北美沙漠中常常可见,在它根部系统完全生长发达到能保证提供充足的水分时才长出地面。

    The mesquite common on North American deserts in both tree and shrub forms , does not begin to grow above ground until its root system is completely developed , ensuring the plant a supply of moisture .

  2. 他用他的鲍伊猎刀砍倒了他父亲心爱的牧豆树。

    He used his bowie knife and chopped down his father 's favourite mesquite tree .

  3. 属于牧豆树属的任一小的带刺的树或灌木,有带腋生的圆柱形穗的小花,和大的富含糖的豆荚。

    Any of several small spiny trees or shrubs of the genus Prosopis having small flowers in axillary cylindrical spikes followed by large sugar-rich pods .