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mù qū
  • pastoral area;pasture;pastureland
牧区 [mù qū]
  • [pastoral area] 放牧的地区;以畜牧为主的地区

  1. 青南牧区种植不同品种燕麦草的灰色综合评价

    Grey comprehensive evaluation of Different Oat Cultivars in southern pasture of Qinghai

  2. 牧区两用暖棚设计与建设研究

    Research on design and construction of twi - purpose shelter in pasture

  3. 她刚来牧区的时候,生活上感到有点别扭。

    When she first came to this pastoral area , she found life here a bit difficult to get used to .

  4. S型布鲁氏菌感染率高的地区,R型菌感染率也相应较高,并且农村人群的感染率高于牧区。

    And infection rates were higher in countryside than in pastoral area .

  5. 研建内蒙古牧区旱灾预测GIS的分析初探

    Preliminary analysis on the research and formation of drought prophecy system GIS-based for pastoral area in Inner Mongolia

  6. 基于遥感与GIS技术的北疆牧区积雪监测研究

    Snow Cover Monitoring Based on Remote Sensing and GIS Technologies in Pastoral Area of the Northern Xinjiang , China

  7. 内蒙古牧区蒙、汉族人发铜、锌、铁、锶及钙的X-射线荧光光谱法测定

    Zinc , Copper , Iron , Strontium and Calcium Determination in Hair of Inner Mongolia Herdsmen by X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometric Analysis

  8. 在3月,公园迎来了一群内华达山脉大角羊,多年的拯救濒危物种计划之后,它们终于回到大教堂牧区(CathedralRange)。

    In March , the park welcomed a herd of Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep back to its Cathedral Range after the conclusion of a multiyear project to repopulate the endangered species .

  9. PGPR菌肥制作及其对高寒牧区3种禾本科牧草苗期株高的影响

    The making of PGPR bacterial fertilizer and its effect on the height of three gramineous forage crops in seedling stage in alpine region

  10. 四川省草原面积1600多万hm2,宜牧草场1200万hm2,主要分布于四川西部的甘孜、阿坝和凉山地区,是我国五大牧区之一。

    There are over 16,000,000 hectares of grassland in western Sichuan , in which , 120,000,000 hectare grassland is suitable for browsing . It is one of the five largest grasslands in China .

  11. 荒漠牧草区年净第一生产力的空间分布有很大的差异,禁牧区牧草的年NPP相对非禁牧区的NPP较大,这一结论与地面观测结果相一致,NPP估算值平均误差为12.6%。

    In the desert area spatial distribution of the annual NPP varies greatly and the NPP in the grazing-prohibited area is higher than that in the grazing area , and this agrees with the result in the field observation . The average NPP error is 12.6 % in the estimation .

  12. 青海省有可利用草地3161×104hm2,是我国五大牧区之一。

    Qinghai Province is one of the largest 5 stockbreeding districts in China , there are 3161 × 104 ha of grassland that can be used in the province .

  13. 多花黑麦草(Loliummultiflorum)在海拔3500m、年降水量约600mm的高寒牧区种植,因积温不足而无法完成生育周期,最高生育阶段只能达到抽穗期,从播种到抽穗历时约117d。

    Lolium multiflorum planted in an alpine region , with altitude 3 500 m , and annual precipitation of about 600 mm could not complete its growth and reproduction cycle due to insufficient accumulated temperature . It could only reach earing stage , which occurred about 117 days after sowing .

  14. 国家2003年、内蒙古2004年开始试点,建立了新型农村牧区合作医疗制度(简称新农合或INCMS),为缓减因病致贫、因病返贫发挥了重要作用。

    Pilot projects to introduce a new-type cooperative medical system in rural and pastoral areas ( INCMS ) were launched in 2003 in China and Inner Mongolia in 2004 . The new system played an important role in relieving poverty caused by disease .

  15. 内蒙古农村牧区卫生服务研究

    Investigation on Health Service in Rural Pastoral Area of Inner Mongolia

  16. 高寒牧区燕麦分期播种的试验研究

    An experiment of sowing oats by installments in alpine pastoral area

  17. 苏联沙漠牧区的发展和管理经验

    Experience of Development and Rational Management of Desert Rangelands in USSR

  18. 牧区牧工能量消耗及劳动强度

    The Energy Expenditure and Labour Intensity of Herdsmen in Pastoral Area

  19. 高寒牧区当年生人工混播草地建植试验

    The establishment experiment of annual mixed artificial grassland in alpine region

  20. 内蒙古牧区亲属制度变迁研究

    Study on the Kinfolks System in the Pasturing Areas of Mongolia

  21. 内蒙古牧区发展中的人口经济问题

    Some Population-Economic Problems of the Development in Inner Mongolian Pastoral Area

  22. 四川高寒牧区多年生牧草混播试验

    Mixture sowing experiment of perennial grass in Sichuan Alpine Pasture region

  23. 牧区协会的主席组织了一次远足。

    The chairman of the parish council has arranged an excursion .

  24. 我国草原牧区划分标准初探

    Primary discuss on division standard of grassland pastoral region in China

  25. 青海省高寒牧区人工草地的建植与利用

    Plant and Utilization of Artificial Grassland in Alpine Pasture Area in Qinghai

  26. 高寒牧区草地春季禁牧试验简报

    Test on forbidden grazing in spring grassland in alpine pasture

  27. 控制不合理的经济活动减轻牧区自然灾害

    Controlling inappropriate economic activities and reducing natural calamities in the pastoral area

  28. 牧区改革发展三步曲

    Trilogy of Reformation and Development in Pastoral Area Vice-governor of Sichuan Province

  29. 环境约束下牧区人口和种群持续增长模型研究

    Growth model of population in pastoral area under the restraint of environment

  30. 青海牧区学校体育师资现状及发展对策研究

    School PE Teacher of Pastoral Areas in Qinghai Status and Development Strategies