
  • 网络tyre;Tyrus;es-Sur
  1. 推罗在经过审判七十年后有何改变?

    What has Tyre changed seventy years after her judgement ?

  2. 希兰死了,而推罗的帮助再也无法加强耶路撒冷的力量。

    Hiram died , and the help of Tyre ceased to strengthen Jerusalem .

  3. 13所罗门王差遣人往推罗去,将户兰召了来。

    And King Solomon sent for Hiram and brought him from Tyre .

  4. 6推罗人哪,你们当过到他施去。沿海的居民哪,你们都当哀号。

    Pass ye over to Tarshish ; howl , ye inhabitants of the isle .

  5. 迦巴勒,亚扪,和亚玛力,非利士,并推罗的居民。

    Gebal , Ammon and Amalek , Philistia , with the people of Tyre .

  6. 离开那后,耶稣了推罗和西顿地区。

    After going out from there , Jesus went to the region of tyre and sidon .

  7. 推罗是一个多山的国家,他们要越过山坡,才能走到沿岸的平原。

    It was a hilly country which they walked through before coming out onto the coastal plain .

  8. 推罗的民、〔民原文作女子〕必来送礼.民中的富足人、也必向你求恩。

    The Daughter of Tyre will come with a gift , men of wealth will seek your favor .

  9. 又预备无数的香柏木,因为西顿人和推罗人给大卫运了许多香柏木来。

    Also cedar trees in abundance : for the Zidonians and they of Tyre brought much cedar wood to David .

  10. 直至最后,他才发现推罗人已将大部分城池迁移至一个离岛。

    Only then did he discover that the people of Tyre had moved most of the city to an island off shore .

  11. 如果你希望调查古推罗的废墟,你需要一套潜水装备。

    If you wish to survey the ruins of ancient Tyre , however , you really should have a frogman 's suit .

  12. 推罗的目的是让那些油罐车轮胎对齐指向正确的方向,没有一个积极的还是消极的辗轧角。

    The objective of tyre alignment is to get those tyres pointing in the right direction , without a positive or negative toe angle .

  13. 但我告诉你们,当审判的日子,推罗、西顿所受的,比你们还容易受呢。

    But I say to you , it will be better for tyre and Sidon in the day of judging , than for you .

  14. 属推罗城邑的居民(原文作田间的众女八节同)必被刀剑杀灭,他们就知道我是耶和华。

    And her daughters which are in the field shall be slain by the sword ; and they shall know that I am the LORD .

  15. 我看以法莲如推罗栽于美地。以法莲却要将自己的儿女带出来,交与行杀戮的人。

    Ephraim , as I saw Tyrus , is planted in a pleasant place : but Ephraim shall bring forth his children to the murderer .

  16. 他是拿弗他利支派中一个寡妇的儿子,他父亲是推罗人,作铜匠的。

    14 whose mother was a widow from the tribe of Naphtali and whose father was a man of Tyre and a craftsman in bronze .

  17. 耶稣又离开了推罗的境界,经过西顿,就从低加波利境内来到加利利海。

    31Then Jesus left the vicinity of Tyre and went through Sidon , down to the Sea of Galilee and into the region of the Decapolis .

  18. 推罗王希兰将香柏木运到大卫那里,又差遣使者和石匠,木匠给大卫建造宫殿。

    Now Hiram king of Tyre sent messengers to David , and timber of cedars , with masons and carpenters , to build him an house .

  19. 我们从推罗行尽了水路,来到多利买,就问那里的弟兄安,和他们同住了一天。

    And when we had finished our course from Tyre , we came to Ptolemais , and saluted the brethren , and abode with them one day .

  20. 推罗为自己修筑保障,积蓄银子如尘沙,堆起精金如街上的泥土。

    And Tyrus did build herself a strong hold , and heaped up silver as the dust , and fine gold as the mire of the streets .

  21. (推罗王希兰曾照所罗门所要的,资助他香柏木,松木,和金子)所罗门王就把加利利地的二十座城给了希兰。

    King Solomon gave twenty towns in Galilee to Hiram king of Tyre , because Hiram had supplied him with all the cedar and pine and gold he wanted .

  22. 我要题起拉哈伯,和巴比伦人是在认识我之中的,看哪,非利士,和推罗,并古实人,个个生在那里。

    I will make mention of Rahab and Babylon to them that know me : behold Philistia , and Tyre , with Ethiopia ; this man was born there .

  23. 又有推罗人住在耶路撒冷。他们把鱼和各样货物运进来,在安息日卖给犹大人。

    And there were men of tyre there , who came with fish and all sorts of goods , trading with the children of Judah and in Jerusalem on the sabbath .

  24. 在大水之上,西曷的粮食,尼罗河的庄稼,是推罗的进项。他作列国的大码头。

    On the great waters came the grain of the Shihor ; the harvest of the Nile was the revenue of Tyre , and she became the marketplace of the nations .

  25. 来到推罗的保障,并希未人和迦南人的各城,又到犹大南方的别是巴。

    Then they went toward the fortress of tyre and all the towns of the Hivites and canaanites . finally , they went on to Beersheba in the Negev of judah .

  26. 还有许多人听见他所做的大事,就从犹太、耶路撒冷、以土买、约旦河外,并推罗、西顿的四方来到他那里。

    8When they heard all he was doing , many people came to him from Judea , Jerusalem , Idumea , and the regions across the Jordan and around Tyre and Sidon .

  27. 推罗王希兰写信回答所罗门说,耶和华因为爱他的子民,所以立你作他们的王。

    Then huram , king of tyre , sent Solomon an answer in writing , saying , because of his love for his people the Lord has made you king over them .

  28. 所罗门差人去见推罗王希兰,说,你曾运香柏木与我父大卫建宫居住,求你也这样待我。

    Solomon sent this message to Hiram king of Tyre : 'Send me cedar logs as you did for my father David when you sent him cedar to build a palace to live in .

  29. 人子阿,你为推罗王作起哀歌,说主耶和华如此说,你无所不备,智慧充足,全然美丽。

    Son of man , make a song of grief for the king of tyre , and say to him , this is what the Lord has said : you are all-wise and completely beautiful ;

  30. 主耶和华对推罗如此说,在你中间行杀戮,受伤之人唉哼的时候,因你倾倒的响声,海岛岂不都震动吗。

    Thus saith the Lord GOD to Tyrus ; Shall not the isles shake at the sound of thy fall , when the wounded cry , when the slaughter is made in the midst of thee ?