
  • 网络jalapeno;jalapeno pepper;chipotle
  1. 让大家有个辣度概念:正常的墨西哥辣椒约5000度。

    To put that in perspective , a standard jalapeno pepper registers around 5,000 on the Scoville scale .

  2. 在一个小碗里把橘汁,醋,墨西哥辣椒酱,油,盐,糖和胡椒粉充分调和。取一个碗,放酱油、白糖、醋、味精、清汤、水豆粉、兑成鱼香汁。

    In a small bowl , whisk together the orange juice , vinegar , jalapeno pepper sauce , oil , salt , sugar , and pepper .

  3. 嘶&我想我做好了,再加一撮墨西哥辣椒就搞定了。

    Jack : Psst & I think I 've done it .

  4. 像你这样每个人都拿一袋红墨西哥辣椒。

    Each one is like you took a bag of red jalapenos .

  5. 它更像一罐墨西哥辣椒。

    It 's more like a jar of jalapenos .

  6. 把蒜、姜和辣椒粉或墨西哥辣椒粉调好,放到一个小碗里。

    Combine the garlic , ginger , and pepper flakes or minced jalape ñ o in another bowl .

  7. 在20世纪10年代,美国人把德国法兰克福香肠浸透了墨西哥红辣椒,做成了辣椒热狗。

    In the 1910s , Americans drenched German frankfurters with Mexican chili to make chili dogs .

  8. 可是ManuelQuiroz不但可以大口吃下几十根墨西哥最辣的辣椒,还能将它们涂在皮肤上,甚至将辣椒水喷入眼睛而不会疯狂眨眼。

    But Manuel Quiroz can guzzle ( 2 ) down dozens of Mexico 's spiciest chilies , rub them on his skin and even squeeze their juice into his eyes without so much as blinking .

  9. 墨西哥沙司是由墨西哥辣椒、塔巴斯克辣酱、辣椒和酸奶混制而成,可以和许多手指食物相配。

    Mix jalapenos , tabasco , capsicums and creamy yoghurt to get a power-packed Mexican dip that goes with a range of finger foods .