
tǔ sī
  • toast
吐司[tǔ sī]
  1. 咖啡没有动过,吐司已经凉了。

    The coffee was untouched , the toast had cooled

  2. 在近10000个实验中,62%的吐司是黄油面向下落地的。

    Of almost 10,000 experiments , toast landed butter-side down 62 percent of the time .

  3. 好吧,谁想要吐司三明治?

    Right , who 's for a toasted sandwich then ?

  4. 马修斯说:“吐司上涂有黄油的那一面着地是因为人类的身高不够,让它没法以另一面落地。”

    " Toast lands butter-side down because humans aren ' t tall enough to let it land any other way , " Matthews said .

  5. 当学生们从2.5米的高度投掷吐司时,吐司的黄油面着地率只下降了47%。

    When students threw the toast from a height of 2.5 metres , the toast landed butter-side down only 47 percent of the time .

  6. 在第一个实验中,每个学生把一块涂了黄油的吐司放在盘子里,让它掉20次,然后记录它落在哪一边。

    In the first experiment , each student put a piece of buttered toast on a plate , let it fall off 20 times and noted which side it landed on .

  7. 在墨菲定律的研究中,最著名的是黄油吐司现象:当一片涂着黄油的吐司掉落的时候,大部分时间都是涂了黄油的一边落地。

    Of the studies about Murphy 's Law , the most famous one is the buttered toast phenomenon : One toast with butter falls , it lands butter-side down most of the time .

  8. 奶油状的搅打鸡蛋,放在涂有凤尾鱼糊的吐司面包上。

    Anchovy together with sweet-peppergarlic , milk , chicken stock , and add cheese toasted .

  9. 作为一个指导准则,两片厚厚的全麦吐司可提供大约每日摄入量的五分之一。

    As a guide , two thick slices of wholemeal toast would provide about a fifth of the total .

  10. 若是你对漂浮早餐没有概念,这里简单介绍一下:这是高档酒店客房服务一般都会提供的早餐——吐司、水果、咖啡等等,不过,这些早餐不是在床上享用,而是在泳池或注满热水的浴缸中享用的。

    In case you 're not familiar with them , here 's what to know : they 're your typical upscale hotel room service breakfast -- think toast , fruit , coffee and the like -- served in a pool or hot tub instead of in bed .

  11. 我想到了可能的每一件东西,如柏油(tar),吐司(toast)以及桶(tub),但都没有猜中。

    I had in vain tried everything producible that began with a T , from tar to toast and tub .

  12. 她的舌头非常的挑剔:除了吃Whiskers,她还吃吐司,各种面点,炒饭,蒸鱼。

    Not only did she enjoy cat food immensely , she also loved toast , pastries of all sorts , stir-fries and steamed fish .

  13. 如果你想让应用程序使用推送通知,即文档所说的“吐司通知”(ToastNotification),应用程序必须得到用户的许可。

    If you want an application to use push notification , called " Toast Notification " in the docs , the program must ask the user for permission .

  14. 这是大家都喜欢的水果,不仅仅是放在荷包蛋吐司上尝起来美味,同时它也富含维他命E,维他命E可有效防止胶原蛋白受到损害,牛油果可使皮肤更好,能使人更开心,也能使心脏更健康、视力更好。

    Everyone 's favourite fruit does more than just taste incredible smashed on toast with a poached egg ; an excellent source of vitamin E , which does a fantastic job of preventing damage to collagen , avocadoes make for better skin and a happier , healthier heart and eyesight , too .

  15. 吐司,一只没有牙齿的骑士查理王猎犬,它总喜欢垂着舌头,在Instagram上拥有超过21.3万的追随者。2015年夏天,在凯伦沃克的眼镜广告中与沃克女士本人一起出镜。

    Toast , a toothless Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dog , with a drooping tongue and more than 213,000 Instagram followers , stars in Karen Walker 's summer 2015 eyewear campaign alongside Ms Walker herself .

  16. 动画片《超级无敌掌门狗》(WallaceandGromit)当中的英国人华力士和他的爱犬格罗米特就生活在一座可以叫你起床、给你穿裤子、给吐司抹上果酱的房子――只不过它总是不完全按照设计初衷来运转。

    Wallace and Gromit , the animated Englishman and his dog , live in a house that can wake you , drop you into pants and spread jam on your toast -- though it never quite works as designed .

  17. 就是类似鸡蛋和吐司的热餐吧。

    Brunch is usually a hot meal , e.g.eggs on toast .

  18. 那这法式吐司条算哪门子的哥伦比亚文化

    What part of colombia are those french toaster sticks from ?

  19. 肉桂吐司和茶好耶我要

    Cinnamon toast and tea ? Yes , please ! Mmm .

  20. 我很想吃法国吐司面包,你想来点么?

    I was craving French toast , do you want some ?

  21. 亲爱的吐司马斯特会员及尊敬的客人,下午好!

    Dear fellow toastmaster members and distinguish guests , Good afternoon !

  22. 比咱们店里吐司的实际身价高了5块钱啊。

    That 's $ 5 more than our toast is worth .

  23. 我做了你的最爱,小麦吐司加早餐三明治

    I made your favorite , breakfast sandwich on wheat toast .

  24. 她做了一些吐司和一杯热茶。

    She made some toast and a hot cup of tea .

  25. 他会把肉桂跟糖慢慢地撒在吐司上

    And as he dusted the cinnamon and sugar on top ,

  26. 吐司酸萃余水相深度处理研究

    Hyaluronic Acid Complemented Subspaces Further Treatment of Raffinate Containing Tobias

  27. 您的吐司要怎样做,是稍烤一下还是烤焦?

    How would you like it , light or dark ?

  28. 例如,在吐司中加入花生酱。

    For example , add peanut butter to your toast .

  29. 拉莉在一片吐司上涂柠檬果酱。

    Lally was spreading marmalade on a piece of toast .

  30. 她在吐司上抹了一点黄油。

    She put a dab of butter on the toast .