
  • 网络Spitting water;guttation;hydathode;spew;one two three
  1. 在吐水时用花粉植物激素粗提液涂抹胚珠可使雌花在处理后5d继续生长,但在第10d亦达到峰值,花粉携带的植物激素不足以促进雌花的生长与坐种。

    Female flower would continue to grow but reached its peak weight on the 10th day after guttation if it was treated with phytohormone extracts of pollen .

  2. 结果表示:银杏雌花在吐水后5d生长量达到高峰;

    The results obtained were as follows : It was found that the weight of female flower in Ginkgo biloba reached its peak value on the 5th day after guttation , then it declined ;

  3. 套管漏失水井地层吐水现象的认识与治理

    Recognization and Treatment of the Phenomena of Casing Leaked Water Wells Spiting Water to the Formation

  4. 不过,请您告诉我,这声音是不是那鲸鱼类动物鼻孔吐水时所发出来的声音呢?

    But tell me , isn 't that the noise cetaceans make when they spurt water from their blowholes ?

  5. 他使劲踩水,破水而出,他大口地吸气,一边咳嗽一边满口吐水。

    He kicked powerfully , broke through to the surface and inhaled , coughing and spitting out mouthfuls of water .

  6. 将她父亲弄到台阶后,Maddion抓起他的手,将他拽出泳池,在台阶上他开始吐水。

    Her father came to on the step and Maddison held his hand and led him out of the pool where he began vomiting water .

  7. 它们能朝着靠近水面的昆虫吐水,使昆虫掉到水里并吃掉它们。

    They are capable of spitting water at insects that are close to the water , making the prey fall into the water where it is eaten .

  8. 座基较宽,平台的转角处及四周栏下饰有螭首,作张口吐水状。

    The base is wide and there is dragon head decorated at the corner and under the baluster of the platform , opening the mouth to spray water .

  9. 紧接着,车头的冲水管也往外淌水,最后连车身的连接管处也“忍不住”往外吐水。

    Then , the front of the flush pipes are out Tangshui , finally even the body of the connecting pipe Department also " can not help but " spit out water .

  10. 释迦太子出生后“九龙吐水”洗浴其身,“九龙”是佛教输入后中国化的产物;

    Following the birth of Sakyamuni , there was a saying that nine dragons , which were the Chinese products after the introduction of Buddhism , poured out water to wash his body .

  11. 你决不靠近狗因为你以为它们会向你吐酸水。

    You won 't go near the dog becuase it may spit acid at you .

  12. 用混合溶剂提取法研究催吐萝芙木水溶性生物碱的浸提工艺。

    Extraction processes for water soluble alkaloids from Rauvolfia vomitoria Afzel with various mixed solvent systems were described .

  13. 湖北御金丹-温和和胃,用于不思饮食,胃脘满闷或泛吐酸水。

    Hubei Royal Cinnabar-moderate and stomach , for no appetite , nausea or epigastric pan full of spit Acid .

  14. 另外食欲不振,吐酸水,全身无力,晚上睡觉有时会感到关节痛。

    Another loss of appetite , vomit Acid Hydrolysis , general weakness , sometimes at night will be joint pain .

  15. 目的分析妊娠剧吐所致水电解质紊乱、酸中毒,严重者可致韦尼克脑病发生。

    Objective To discuss the disorder of electrolyte and acidosis caused by vomiting of pregnancy that might induce wemicke brain disease .

  16. 研究了臭氧氧化条件下,吐氏酸水溶液在鼓泡反应器内的COD去除动力学。

    This paper focusing on COD removal kinetics of Tobias acid solution ozonation in a bubble reactor .

  17. 医生施救后,他开始吐出大量水。

    After a doctor intervened , he began passing copious amounts of water .

  18. 地却帮助妇人,开口吞了从龙口吐出来的水。

    And the earth helped the woman , and the earth opened her mouth , and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth .

  19. 我们要赶在天黑前让她吐出所有的水来快来

    We 'll get her spit up all she has got before sunset . Com'on .

  20. 你只是把水吐出来是把水吐出来你是个硬汉

    you just spit the water out . yeah , spit the water out . you 're a tough guy .

  21. 高师:是的,她们把一种叫栳的叶子连同槟榔一起嚼,然后吐出红红的水。

    Gao Shi : Yes . They chew it with a kind of leaf called lao ye and spit out red water .

  22. 她拼命想往迈克尔脸上吐口水,但是她把嘴说干了,吐不出口水来。

    She tried to spit in Michael 's face but she had no saliva .