
quán zhī niú nǎi
  • whole milk
全脂牛奶[quán zhī niú nǎi]
  1. 虽然全脂牛奶是维生素B12、维生素D、钙、核黄素和磷的很好来源,但它也富含高饱和脂肪,能够引起高热量和体重增加等问题。

    While whole milk is a good source of vitamin B12 , vitamin D , calcium , riboflavin , and phosphorus , it is high in saturated fat and can cause problems with high calories and weight gain .

  2. 我只是今天不想喝全脂牛奶。

    I just don 't feel like drinking whole milk today . Why ?

  3. PATCH对于阐述像“在拿铁中放脱脂牛奶,而不是我原来定的全脂牛奶”这样的场景才有意义。

    PATCH might make sense to express concepts like " use skimmed milk in the latte , instead of the full fat I originally ordered " .

  4. 在咖世家咖啡店里,一个最大杯冰咖啡(massimocoffeefrescato)含有332卡路里热量,而最大杯全脂牛奶冰摩卡(massimoicedmocha)则含有361卡路里热量。

    At Costa Coffee , a massimo coffee frescato contains 332 calories , and a massimo iced mocha with full fat milk has 361 .

  5. 罗伯特的建议是使用全脂牛奶,这样能产生很多的牛奶沫。

    Robert recommends using full fat milk to create plenty of froth .

  6. 我以为我会想念全脂牛奶的味道,但脱脂牛奶和麦片一起食用时我就不会了。

    I thought I 'd miss the creamy taste , but in cereal I don 't.

  7. 传统工艺制造,植物油配方,添加了全脂牛奶,能滋润,柔软皮肤。

    A traditional base of vegetable oils enriched with whole milk which moisturizes and softens .

  8. 全脂牛奶含有更多维他命,但喝低脂牛奶就够了。

    Whole milk has more of the vitamin but the reduced fat options will do .

  9. 纽约的学校已禁止食用全脂牛奶,而用更利于健康的低脂牛奶代替。

    New York schools have banned whole-fat milk , replacing it with healthier lower fat versions .

  10. 因此我们建议你食用全脂牛奶或半脂牛奶而不是脱脂牛奶。

    It is for this reason that we suggest drinking whole milk or half and half instead of skim milk .

  11. 利布曼女士对全脂牛奶消费量的稳步陡降以及以低脂为主的酸奶日益广受欢迎表示赞许。

    Ms. Liebman applauded the steady , precipitous decline in whole milk consumption and the booming popularity of mostly low-fat yogurt .

  12. 一个是30%到40%奶油的搅拌,一个是在4%在全脂牛奶中。

    Whipping cream is from thirty to forty percent fat , in contrast to the four percent fat found in whole milk .

  13. 如果你还是想要自制奶油味沙冰,那就使用本地出产的水果、蔬菜,用酸奶代替奶油或全脂牛奶。

    Use locally grown fruits and veggies ; if you are looking for a creamier smoothie , use yogurt instead of cream or whole milk .

  14. 除低脂牛奶外,全脂牛奶和酸牛奶的ω-6/ω-3脂肪酸比率基本接近推荐值。

    Except of low fat milk , the n-6 / n-3 fatty acid ratio of the whole fat milk and sour milk was approach to the desirable ratio .

  15. 两组被调查者中都有刚刚超过半数的人认为下列食物是健康的:猪排、牛排、全脂牛奶、切达干酪和爆米花。

    Just over half of each group surveyed described the following foods as healthy : pork chops , steak , whole milk , cheddar cheese , and popcorn .

  16. 因为拿铁咖啡一般是用全脂牛奶做的,那么热量很高,容易长胖,所以很多爱美人士就要求用脱脂牛奶来代替。

    Because a latte has a lot of milk , it can be quite fattening , so people who are on a diet have it made with skimmed milk .

  17. 由于加入了糖、全脂牛奶和奶油,冰咖啡的卡路里含量已可以与饱餐一顿获得的热量等量齐观。

    It is the combination of sugar , full-fat milk and cream which appears to push some of the cool coffees into the upper echelons of the calorie scale .

  18. 一杯思慕雪的热量比它所有的原料要高出500-1000卡路里,而一杯16盎司的全脂牛奶拿铁咖啡含有260卡路里。

    A smoothie can run up to an extra 500 to 1000 calories despite all the good stuff added in , and a 16-ounce latte with whole milk packs 260 calories .

  19. 这时奥列弗插入了一段视频,内容是《今日》主持人娜塔丽•莫拉莱斯和塔玛龙•豪尔正在煞有介事地争论全脂牛奶的利弊,并各自搬出了一些科研成果作为理论依据。

    That much was teed up in a clip featuring co-hosts Natalie Morales andTamron Hall gently arguing about the health benefits of whole milk vis a vis scientific studiesregarding its pros and cons .

  20. 从描述,你需要知道你买全脂牛奶、低脂或脱脂、平原和调味料、全脂奶味的牛奶,或牛奶或烘焙产品。

    From the descriptor , you need to know if you are buying whole milk , low fat or skimmed , plain or flavoured , regular milk or flavoured milk , chilled milk or UHT product .

  21. 莫扎法里安说,普通人可能不会太过关注联邦饮食指南,但它们的影响在学校的午餐计划等方面显而易见。这就是为什么许多学校都不提供全脂牛奶,转而提供加了很多食糖的脱脂巧克力奶。

    The average person may not pay much attention to the federal dietary guidelines , but their influence can be seen , for example , in school lunch programs , which is why many schools forbid whole milk but serve their students fat-free chocolate milk loaded with sugar , Dr. Mozaffarian said .

  22. 用全脂新鲜牛奶和红茶粉进行了奶茶的试验。

    In this paper , milk tea was developed by fresh whole milk and red tea powder .

  23. 在巴氏灭菌法过程中脂肪里不是所有的酶都被破坏,而这种全脂、半脂牛奶或奶油也许会更易消化,尽管它们并不是未加工的。

    Not all the enzymes from the fat are destroyed in the pasteurization process which may be why whole milk , half and half or cream is easier to digest even when it is not raw .

  24. 全脂奶粉是鲜牛奶经净乳、消毒、浓缩、喷雾干燥而形成的乳黄色粉末。在组装期间,所有蝶阀都可能接触到润滑脂或气溶胶喷射中的硅酮。

    Full Cream Milk powder is produced from fresh cow ` s milk which is evaporated and concentrated and spray-dried . All butterfly valves may incorporate the use of silicone in either grease or aerosol form during the assembly .