
  • 网络Secondary Fermentation;Second Fermentation
  1. 结果表明,C1、C3、C4菌株的性能优良,具有发酵活性高,泡沫细腻,絮凝性强等优点,适于香槟酒(起泡酒)二次发酵。

    The results show : C_1 , C_3 , C , have excellent properties such as high fermentation activity , tiny foam , excellent flocculation and tolerance to alcohol and sulfur dioxide . It is very satisfactory to use them in second fermentation of champagne .

  2. 第二次发酵添加等量酱渣、1.5%尿素、15%麸皮,发酵时间30h。

    The second fermentation used equal quantity of soy-sauce mash cakes plus 1.5 % urea and 15 % wheat bran , and the fermentation period was 30 hours .

  3. 除尿素外的所有添加剂处理均可抑制青贮二次发酵过程中氨态氮的产生,抑制蛋白降解及丁酸的产生,但对pH值的影响效果不一。

    All additives except for urea can inhibit the production of ammoniacal nitrogen , butyric acid and the decomposition of protein during silage secondary fermentation , but the effects on pH were differing .

  4. 二次发酵采用定期翻堆自然腐熟,周期30d。

    And for the secondary fermentation , windrow composting was adopted , with the pile turned up periodically . This stage lasted for 30 days .

  5. 用纳豆芽孢杆菌进行二次发酵最佳条件为:发酵温度36℃,接种量1%,发酵时间30h。

    The optimum fermentation conditions for Bacillus natto were 36 ℃, 1 % inoculum size and 36 ~ 42 h fermentation time .

  6. 酸化处理防止玉米青贮饲料二次发酵效果试验

    Effects of Acid Treatment on Preventing Second Fermentation of Corn Silage

  7. 城市生活垃圾快速高温堆肥二次发酵工艺

    Rapid and High Temperature Method for Composting of Municipal Domestic Solid-Waste

  8. 添加酵母对二次发酵牛肉风味的影响

    The Effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Addition on the Flavor of Secondary-Fermentation Beef

  9. 蘑菇培养料二次发酵新工艺初探

    Primary Studies on the New Technology of A. bisporus Compost Phase II Fermentation

  10. 降解主要发生在高温期和二次发酵时期。

    The microbes worked mostly in the high-temperature period and the second fermenting period .

  11. 发泡葡萄酒需要二次发酵作用。

    Sparkling wine undergo a second alcoholic fermentation .

  12. 三菌种二次发酵酱渣生产蛋白饲料的研究

    Studies on Producing Protein Feed with Soy-Sauce Mash Cakes through Twice Fermentations with Three Strains

  13. 结果表明:添加剂对抑制青贮的二次发酵有一定效果。

    Results showed , treat of additives inhibited the silage secondary fermentation to a certain extent .

  14. 研究了袋装食醋进行二次发酵的原因,并提出了解决方法。

    This paper studied the reason of repeating fermentation in bag vinegar , and pointed out how to solve it .

  15. 把面包团成小包形状,把它们在图好黄油的烤盘上码齐,盖上二次发酵。

    Shape the dough into buns , place onto a greased baking tray , cover and leave to rise for20 minutes .

  16. 干玉米秸混菌二次发酵处理后,粗纤维含量下降。

    After mix becteria fermentation process of dry maize stalk , the CF ( crude fibre ) of maize stalk decreased .

  17. 这是一种酿造方法,就是把新酿啤酒加入到低温发酵啤酒中致使其产生二次发酵。

    Krausening is the brewing practice of adding younger beer to a lager in the process of brewing to cause a secondary fermentation .

  18. 然后,混合物料经过一次发酵(发酵周期10天)和二次发酵(发酵周期20天左右)后可制得各项指标基本符合国家标准的堆肥产品;

    Then through main ferment ( 10 days ) and secondary ferment ( 20 days ) the mixture material is converted to composting product .

  19. 本文介绍在传统的面包加工工艺上加入芳香味美、有较高营养价值的水果&香蕉,经二次发酵,生产出优质香蕉面包。

    According to traditional bread technique 、 through double fermentation and add bananas to bread processing , it will produce high quality bread with banana scent .

  20. 过夜种子面团法是吸取二次发酵法和快速发酵法的优点研究而成的一种加工面包的新方法。

    The method of previous night seed dough is a new way on processing bread assimilating the virtues of the two stage fermentation method and fast fermentation method .

  21. 堆肥工艺流程及设备选型研究表明,堆肥整个工艺分为原料预处理、一次发酵、二次发酵、后处理四个主要部分;

    The whole composting process in factorial production can be separated into 4 main stages , i.e. , pretreatment of raw materials , first-fermentation , second-fermentation and post-treatment .

  22. 提取泡沫或罐式香槟法是在高压炉里的第二次发酵,能够使酒起泡沫,因为酵母产生了二氧化碳。

    The taking of foam or Charmat Method is the second fermentation in autoclave that makes the wine sparkling , because of the carbon dioxide generated by the yeasts .

  23. 结果表明:微生物强化堆肥能缩短堆体起爆时间,并能有效提高堆体降温期和二次发酵期的温度;

    The results showed that it could reduce the heating time of composting strengthened by microbe inoculants , and could improve the temperature of the cooling and the secondary fermentation period .

  24. 试验采用二次发酵法生产工艺,以小麦粉为主要原料,添加适量的膨化糙米粉制作糙米面包。

    A secondary fermentation was used as a research method in the experiment , to produce bread from wheat flour as major raw material and expanded brown rice flour a proper amount .

  25. 从高精面粉、即发活性干酵母、鲜酵母为试验材料,采用快速发酵法、一次发酵法、二次发酵法和低温发酵法生产主食面包和点心面包。

    High-gluten flour , instant active dry yeast and fresh yeast were used as baking ingredients for making toast and sweet bread by no-time dough method , straight dough method , sponge and dough method respectively .

  26. 本文主要是利用牛粪、大蒜秸秆等农村固废,将这些原料按照一定的配比混合,经过发酵、二次发酵后制成可用于栽培食用菌的基质,从而达到固体废弃物资源化利用的目的。

    We use the cow dung , garlic stalks and other rural solid waste , according to certain these materials mixing ratio , after fermentation , the secondary fermentation , make the substrate for mushroom cultivation .

  27. 一次发酵动态反应器容积和二次发酵构筑物有效面积的计算式,计算式主要考虑了减量、容重变化及堆肥返料量的影响;

    In the formulas for the volume of the first stage fermentation dynamic reactor and for the effective area of secondary fermentation facility , the effects of the loss of compost weight , density change and the quantity of compost recycle are considered ;

  28. 方法采用正交实验,连续二次固体发酵工艺。

    Methods Orthogonal experiment : two-time solid fermentation .

  29. 乙醇废醪生产饲料酵母及二次废水回用发酵的研究

    A Study of the Producing of Feed Yeast From Alcoholic Distillation Waste and Recycling of the Secondary Waste Water to Alcoholic Fermentation

  30. 利用体外产气技术研究了青贮玉米秸秆与稻秆组合(50∶50)与7种禾本科牧草二次组合时体外发酵特性。

    The study was conducted by using in vitro gas production technique to investigate the fermentation characteristics of a compound forage mixed by silage of corns and rice straws ( 50 ∶ 50 ) and different proportional gramineae grasses .