
  • quadratic function;Square Function
二次函数 [èr cì hán shù]
  • [quadratic function] 自变量最高次幂为2的函数,如y=4x 2 -6x+1

  1. 磷积累量与硅含量和积累量呈二次函数关系,低硅条件下表现出明显的硅促磷效应,但过量的硅也会抑制磷的吸收。

    The relationship between P accumulation and Si content as well as its accumulation was quadratic function , which implied that Si could promote obviously P absorption under the condition of low Si concentration , but excessive Si concentration would inhibit P absorption .

  2. 结果表明,跃移沙粒对风速的影响类似于床面粗糙度的影响,有效粗糙度随摩阻速度的变化关系可用二次函数表征;

    The calculated results show that the effect of the moving sand in the fluid outside the region to which saltation is confined , is similar to that of solid roughness , and the effective roughness can be depicted as the quadratic function of the friction velocity of the wind .

  3. 与甘蔗叶片含P量、中性转化酶活性亦呈二次函数曲线相关,但相关性未达显著水平。

    The same tendency was observed for neutral invertase activity and P content in sugarcane , but the correlation was not significant .

  4. 果壳中N素总量的变化呈先增后减的趋势,符合二次函数关系。

    The total amount of N in pod shells increased firstly and then decreased , according with quadratic equation .

  5. 并以二次函数形式给出了直接能隙和间接能隙与合金组分x间的变化关系。

    The direct and indirect energy gaps as a function of the alloy composition x are given in analytic form with the square polynomials .

  6. 逃逸时间算法绘制二次函数的Julia集分形图

    The Drawing of Quadratic Function Julia Set Fractal Picture Based on Escape Time Algorithm

  7. 分段二次函数的Bernstein多项式的退化性及递推公式

    The deficiencies and recursive formulas of Bernstein polynomials for piecewise quadratic functions

  8. 石灰施用量与甘蔗叶片N、K含量、Ca2+-ATP酶活性及甘蔗株高里极显著或显著的二次函数曲线相关;

    The regulative effect of lime application on N , K contents , Ca2 + - ATPase and sugarcane height resembled quadric curve .

  9. 温度对瓢虫的捕食效应具有显著的影响,寻找效率(a)和处置时间(Th)与温度之间呈二次函数关系。

    The effect of temperature on search rate ( a ) and handling time ( Th ) can be described by using the quadratic curve .

  10. 对无量纲相对流速u/v与相对水深y/h之间存在很好的二次函数关系,并确定了系数a、b、c在不同区域下受到的主要影响因素及其相应的确定函数。

    There exists function relation between dimensionless relative velocity u / v and relative water depth and the main influential factors on coefficients-a , b , c and their corresponding functions are determined . 3 .

  11. 椭圆曲线与实二次函数域的DLP等价

    The Equivalence of Discrete Logarithms between Elliptic Curve and Real Quadratic Function Field

  12. 函数族Julia集的Hausdorff维数任意一个导数为线性函数的函数都是二次函数。

    HAUSDORFF DIMENSION OF JULIA SETS OF RANDOM DYNAMICAL SYSTEM Every function whose derivative is linear is a quadratic function .

  13. 三维Minkowski空间中高斯曲率为已给二次函数的几个特殊曲面

    Special Surfaces about the Gauss Curvature to be a Quadratic Function in 3 - Dimentional Minkowski Space

  14. 仿真实例表明,改进算法对于非二次函数的优化比Powell原改进算法更为有效。

    Numerical examples show that the proposed algorithm is much more efficient than the Powell 's modified algorithm for optimization of non-quadratic functions .

  15. 从J函数的无条件极值和条件极值两个方面,综述了二次函数的极值理论,以及确定二次有心曲面主轴的线性方程组。

    The theory of extreme value of quadratic function is summarized from both conditional and unconditional extreme values and the linear equations set of the principal axis of quadratic surface is determined .

  16. 此算法的安全性主要是基于RSA破解的难度,而算法复杂度基于矩阵变换与基础二次函数运算。

    The security of the algorithm is mainly based on the difficulty of RSA crack , and the complexity of the algorithm is based on matrix transformations and quadratic function operations .

  17. 最后根据转换量测是目标运动状态二次函数的特性,用二阶EKF最优地实现了非线性跟踪滤波。

    Lastly , because the converted measurements are quadratic in the state , the second-order EKF is used to optimally implement the nonlinear tracking filtering .

  18. 针对两类离散的捕食-食饵系统,以最大利润和最大捕获量为目标,分别应用微分方法、二次函数理论及Gordon理论,研究了同时捕获及单独捕获的捕获策略。

    This article would study on two types of discrete time predator-prey systems aiming at maximizing their profits and capture by using differential methods , quadratic function theory and Gordon theory respectively .

  19. 因此我们这里用两个二次函数组成的分段函数构成了这种毒物兴奋效应现象的剂量&反应模型,其中较低剂量水平下的二次函数是U形曲线。

    In order to describe this phenomenon , we characterize the overall dose-response relationship with a piecewise function that consists of a quadratic curve which is assumed to be U-shape curve and another quadratic curve at high dose levels .

  20. 方法采用Costa等模拟肿瘤免疫竞争模型,设血液灌注沿肿瘤半径分布为二次函数并调整相应参数,求解模型并和Costa等的结果进行比较分析。

    Methods Assume the distribution of blood perfusion to be quadratic along radius axis and adapt parameters accordingly . Solve the model given by Costa et al and compare with their result .

  21. 对于属于二次函数的图形,本仿真程序采用空间坐标变换的方法,选择特殊点作为新坐标系的原点,将有代表性的矢量作为新坐标系的Z轴。

    In figures of the quadratic functions , the method of space alternate coordinate has been used . A special point has been selected as the origin and a representative vector has been selected as the Z axis of new coordinate system .

  22. 该模型的消耗率参数中含有一个关于营养基的二次函数,功能反应函数则为具有内代谢的Monod类型,以更好地模拟实际问题。

    The model contains a quadratic function of the underlying substrate in the parameter of consumption rate incorporating Monod kinetics with internal metabolism .

  23. 通过加速度计的重力场1g静态翻滚实验,应用二次函数最小二乘法和多项式拟合的方法,建立了加速度计静态温度模型;

    Through the " static roller 1g acceleration of gravity experiment . " quadratic function least squares polynomial fitting and application method , the temperature accelerometers static model ;

  24. 本文根据正态分布函数的特性,将原文中用二次函数逼近的方法,改用sinx函数去逼近。

    Based on the characteristics of normal distribution function , this paper takes use of the sinx function to approach instead of the original quadratic function .

  25. 本文通过对中国对外直接投资与邓宁投资发展路径的经验研究,表明中国的对外投资实际基本符合IDP理论,我国的净对外直接投资与GDP之间存在开口向上的二次函数关系。

    This thesis shows that the empirical data of China 's net outward investment basically corresponds with Dunning 's theory of IDP . The u-curve appears in the relationship between China 's net outward investment and GDP .

  26. 基于一种分段二次函数xx,提出了一种新的混沌控制方法,使用它作为非线性反馈控制器成功地控制了DC-DCbuck变换器到稳定的周期轨道。

    Second , a new method of controlling chaos by employing a dynamical nonlinear controller is developed to DC-DC buck converters towards stead periodic orbit . The controller is piecewise - quadratic function in the form of x x .

  27. PowerDirector下九年级一元二次函数课程资源的开发研究

    The Research of Quadratic Function Curriculum Resource Exploitation Based on PowerDirector in Ninth Grade

  28. 通过回归正交设计确定了连铸保护渣基料挥发率同温度、Na2CO3含量、CaF2含量、碱度及时间的二次函数关系式。

    The quadratic functional relationships between the volatilization rate of continuous casting powder and temperature , Na , CO , content , CaF , content , basicity and time are determined by regression orthogonal design .

  29. 我们证明在一定条件下,MBFGS算法用于求解严格凸二次函数极小值时产生的迭代矩阵序列是收敛的。

    We show that under appropriate conditions , the matrix sequence is convergent if the objective function is a strictly convex quadratic function .

  30. 对有限域Eq上某些函数域K(包括全实函数域和二次函数域)给出Minkowski常数Mk。使K的每个分式理想类包含次数≤Mk整理想AOk。

    We give a ( Minkowski ) constant MK for several kinds of function field K over Fq ( including totally real function fields and quadratic function fields ) such that each fractional ideal class of the ring Ok of integers contains an integral ideal with degree ≤ Mk.