  • primary;original;former;unprocessed
  • excuse;pardon
  • level, open country;plain
  • 最初的,开始的:~本。~告。~稿。~籍。~理。~料。~色。~始。~著。

  • 本来:~样。~型。~址。~主。

  • 谅解,宽容:~宥。~谅。

  • 宽广平坦的地方:~野。平~。

  • 同“塬”。


(最初的; 原来的) primary; original; former:

  • 原处

    original place;

  • 原单位

    the organization [unit] one formerly worked at;

  • 原计划

    original plan;

  • 原义

    original [primary] meaning;

  • 原职

    former post


(没有加工的) unprocessed; raw:

  • 原矿石

    raw ore;

  • 原油

    crude oil


(原谅) excuse; pardon:

  • 情有可原

    excusable; pardonable


(宽广平坦的地方) level, open country; plain:

  • 高原


  • 华北平原

    the North China Plain


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 原壤

    Yuan Rang

  1. 原发性肿瘤并不会置人于死地,致命的是身体其他部位的继发肿瘤。

    It is not the primary tumour that kills , but secondary growths elsewhere in the body

  2. 在16到20小时内可查出原发溶斑。

    Primary plaques were detectable in 16 to 20 hours .

  3. 我原以为她退休了,但显然她还没有退。

    I thought she had retired , but apparently she hasn 't.

  4. 一切未支付的账单将由原住户偿付。

    All outstanding bills will be paid by the previous occupants .

  5. 那两具尸体被辨认出原是两名贩毒嫌疑犯。

    The bodies were identified as those of two suspected drug dealers .

  6. 你原打算待多长时间?

    How long a stay did you have in mind ?

  7. 我原以为对方已同意支付我的费用。

    I thought it was understood that my expenses would be paid .

  8. 天气变得非常恶劣,我们不得不循原路折回。

    The weather got so bad that we had to turn back .

  9. 原材料由驳船运到工厂。

    Raw materials were carried to the works by barge .

  10. 从原公司分离出好几个企业。

    Several firms have splintered off from the original company .

  11. 你还住在原地址吗?

    Do you still live at the same address ?

  12. 嚯,我原以为它有多么严重呢!

    Whew ─ and I thought it was serious !

  13. 她转身沿原路向那栋房子走去。

    She turned around and began to retrace her steps towards the house .

  14. 我原以为他妻子要更年轻。

    I had supposed his wife a younger woman .

  15. 我们原指望会有好天气。

    We 'd reckoned on having good weather .

  16. 我原以为你不喜好运动。

    I didn 't think you liked sports .

  17. 你真让我失望——我原以为可以相信你的!

    I 'm disappointed in you ─ I really thought I could trust you !

  18. 他们原打算在雾中出发,但被劝阻了。

    They were going to set off in the fog , but were dissuaded .

  19. 这栋房子现在的位置恰与原住宅的位置一致。

    The present position of the house coincides with that of an earlier dwelling .

  20. 她原以为他很有钱。

    She had supposed him very rich .

  21. 我原以为她是一位身材娇小的金发女郎,但她恰恰相反。

    I thought she would be small and blonde but she 's the complete opposite .

  22. 你可让我担心了一阵子,我原以为你要辞职呢!

    You had me worried for a moment ─ I thought you were going to resign !

  23. 尽管我原以为会喜欢乡村生活,但实际情况正好相反。

    Although I expected to enjoy living in the country , in fact the reverse is true .

  24. 公司原打算雇用不属于工会的工人重新开工。

    The company originally intended to reopen the factory with non-union workers

  25. 原声吉他、贝斯和康茄鼓为她伴奏。

    She was backed by acoustic guitar , bass and congas .

  26. 所有的原材料都将用我们最新的分析技术进行解析。

    All raw materials are subjected to our latest analytical techniques .

  27. 我们不得不原路返回到拐角处过街。

    We had to backtrack to the corner and cross the street .

  28. 我们开过了,不得不原路返回。

    We drove past it and had to double back .

  29. 我原以为他是个酒鬼。

    I thought he was a bit of a boozer .

  30. 取材自同一原材料意味着啤酒的口味始终如一。

    Taking ingredients from the same source means the beers stay the same