
yuán zǐ shí dài
  • Atomic age;atomic era
  1. 类似地,美国前国务卿乔治舒尔茨(georgeshultz)和亨利基辛格(henrykissinger)上月呼吁美俄政府采取措施,包括批准《全面禁止核试验条约》,阻止核扩散,以防止世界进入一个危险的新原子时代。

    Similarly , George Shultz and Henry Kissinger , both former US secretaries of state , called last month for Washington and Moscow to take steps against nuclear proliferation , including ratification of the comprehensive test ban treaty to prevent the world from entering a dangerous new atomic era .

  2. 作为实验室最常用的光学仪器之一,显微镜的出现标志着原子时代的来临。

    As one of the most important optical instruments , the appearance of microscope marks the approaching of atomic era .

  3. 你可以设想出原子时代的新世界。

    You may conceive a new world in the atomic age .

  4. 今天,爱因斯坦被尊称为原子时代的奠基人。

    Today Einstein is regarded as the architect of the Nuclear Age .

  5. 从古至今,由石器时代到原子时代,

    Throughout the ages , from the Stone Age to the Atomic Age ,

  6. 在原子时代我们有许多事情要做。

    In the age of atom we have a lot of things to do .

  7. 镭的发现使玛丽·居里成为原子时代之母

    The discovery of radium , which made Marie Curie mother to the atomic age

  8. 说现在是原子时代并不太夸张。

    It is not too much exaggeration to say that this is the atomic age .

  9. 原子时代于1942年在芝加哥大学一个弃置不用的有围墙的网球场开始。

    The atomic age dawned on an unused squash court at the University of Chicago in 1942 .

  10. 进入21世纪,人类社会正经历着从原子时代向数字时代的转变。

    Coming to the 21st century , human society is changing from the atomic age to the digital age .

  11. 21世纪将会掀起由休闲、生命科学、新的原子时代和航天时代驱动的第5次浪潮。

    The 5th surge driven by recreation , life science , new atom time and spaceflight time will emerge in the 21st century .

  12. 他的独特理论也给他最为著名的发现奠定了基础,那个发现就是E=mc2&一个打开原子时代大门的方程式。

    His special theory also provided the basis for his most famous discovery , E = mc2 , an equation that opened the door to the atomic age .

  13. 作为美国最亲密的盟友之一,以色列是否参与了盗取美国最有价值、最危险的某些材料用于制造核武器,这个问题一直是原子时代的未解之谜。

    The question of whether one of America 's closest allies was involved in the theft of some of its most valuable and dangerous material in pursuit of nuclear weapons has been one of the enduring mysteries of the atomic age .

  14. 在玻尔的领导下推进了量子力学的发展,成功的拓宽了人类的思维领域,形成了震惊物理学的原子时代。

    Bohr leaded everyone onto the right path of science , promote the development of quantum mechanics . With the leadership of Bohr , the field of human thoughts has being broaded , and the atomic age that shocked the physics has being formatted .

  15. 当实用的太阳电池在五十年代出现时,原子核时代刚刚开始。

    When practical solar cells came on the scene in the 1950s the nuclear age was just beginning .

  16. 在这个喷气式飞机和原子武器时代,缓冲国不再起缓冲作用了。

    The trouble with " buffer states " in an age of jet aircraft and atomic weapons is that they do not buff .

  17. 一本出版于1997年的图书分析了这部电影是如何对冷战时代产生影响的。这本书叫做:“美国的奇爱博士:原子能时代的社会和文化”。

    Abook published in 1997 analyses how the film reflected Cold War attitudes of the era.It is called " Dr. Strangelove 's America : Society and Culture in the Atomic Age . "

  18. 原子级加工时代与微型制造技术

    Atomic - scale processing Time And Micro - mechine Manufacture Technology

  19. 揭开原子弹战争时代的序幕,首次对日本广岛进行核袭击的飞行员于星期四逝世,终年92岁。

    The pilot of the plane that ushered in the age of atomic warfare with the first nuclear attack on the Japanese city of Hiroshima , died Thursday at the age of92 .

  20. 四年之后,他创造了第一次原子核的链反应,带领我们进入了原子时代。

    Four years later he produced the first nuclear chain reaction , leading us into the nuclear age .

  21. 自从1945年这天以来,美国已经引导了四十二次的爆炸实验。今天的原子弹大过二十五倍的强大武器跨越了原子时代,当氢武器在到大多数相当黄色爆炸的数百万范围内时。

    Atomic bombs today are more than twenty-five times as powerful as the weapons with which the atomic age dawned , while hydrogen weapons are in the ranges of millions of tons of TNT equivalent .

  22. 20世纪三四十年代,原子物理学家们发现中子轰击铀原子核的裂变现象并首次实现可控裂变链式反应,把世界带进了原子能时代。

    During the 30s and 40s of the last century atomic physicists discovered the fission of uranium nuclei bombarded by neutrons and realized the first self-sustaining controlled fission chain reaction , which ushered in the atomic age .