
yuán jiào zhǐ zhǔ yì
  • fundamentalism
原教旨主义[yuán jiào zhǐ zhǔ yì]
  1. 当政治气候倾向于原教旨主义时,他受到了威胁。

    When the political climate tilted towards fundamentalism he was threatened

  2. 宗教原教旨主义正在这一地区蔓延。

    Religious fundamentalism was spreading in the region .

  3. 对原教旨主义者采取的铁拳政策不可能中止。

    The iron-fist policy towards the fundamentalists is unlikely to be interrupted .

  4. 政府认定他是原教旨主义者。

    The government contends that he is fundamentalist

  5. 在反对派“绿色运动”(greenmovement)等待时机东山再起之际,人们认为哈梅内伊支持原教旨主义者的内贾德完成其剩下的两年总统任期,以显示伊朗的稳定。

    He is thought to prefer the fundamentalist Mr Ahmadi-Nejad finishing his remaining two years , to show stability at a time when the opposition Green movement awaits an opportunity to re-emerge .

  6. 作为开源自由原教旨主义项目,Git没有对版本库的浏览和修改做任何的权限限制。

    Liberal fundamentalists as open source projects , Git repository browser did not modify any of the rights and restrictions .

  7. 很难想出还有哪种哲学比奥萨马本拉登(osamabinladen)的原教旨主义更难适应现代事务。

    It is hard to think of a philosophy that is worse adapted to dealing with modernity than the fundamentalism of Osama bin Laden .

  8. 在日本最近选举的准备阶段,后来胜选的首相候选人鸠山由纪夫(YukioHatoyama)便对“无节制的市场原教旨主义”开了炮。

    In the run-up to Japan 's recent election , Yukio Hatoyama , the victorious candidate for prime minister , campaigned against " unrestrained market fundamentalism " .

  9. 25年前,图帕凯在瓦济里斯坦(Waziristan)出生。该地位于巴基斯坦西北部,是一个过着部落生活的山区,在伊斯兰原教旨主义的困扰下一直生存艰难。

    Twenty-five years ago , Toorpakai was born in Waziristan , a mountainous , tribal corner of north-west Pakistan that is struggling with Islamist fundamentalism .

  10. 有人担忧埃及的Facebook阶层在投票时会被原教旨主义者压倒。皮尤(Pew)近期一次民意调查显示,有80%埃及人支持通奸者应受石刑惩罚的主张。此类数据会加剧这种担忧。

    One recent Pew opinion poll showed 80 per cent support in Egypt for the idea that adulterers should be stoned , the kind of figure that bolsters the fears of those who worry that Facebook Egypt will be outvoted by fundamentalist Egypt .

  11. 鸠山在文中表示,全球经济已损害了传统经济活动,而市场原教旨主义已经摧毁了当地社区。文中提到自民党前首相小泉纯一郎(JunichiroKoizumi)私有化日本邮局的决定。

    In his essay , Mr Hatoyama said the global economy had damaged traditional economic activities while market fundamentalism had destroyed local communities , citing the decision by Junichiro Koizumi , former LDP prime minister , to privatise Japan 's post office .

  12. 最近我在开罗一家酒店的大厅和一位蓄着浓密胡须的大肚汉闲聊,此人鼓吹原教旨主义,渴望看到埃及所有女人都戴上niqab那种包住一切只露出眼睛的面纱。

    Last week , I found myself in the lobby of a Cairo Hotel , chatting to a square-bearded , pot-bellied , fundamentalist preacher who is eager to see all women in Egypt wear the niqab the all-encompassing veil that leaves only a slit for the eyes .

  13. 巴基斯坦现在还没有面临立刻被原教旨主义接管的危险。

    Pakistan is not at imminent risk of a fundamentalist takeover .

  14. 自由市场并非一种“原教旨主义宗教”。

    Market freedom is not a " fundamentalist religion " .

  15. 摩门教原教旨主义者认为,反对一夫多妻制的法律是对宗教信仰自由的践踏。

    Mormon fundamentalists argue that anti-polygamy laws infringe [ 6 ] religious liberty .

  16. 多数此类考试似乎意在淘汰穆斯林原教旨主义者。

    Most seemed designed to weed out Muslim fundamentalists .

  17. 这就是为什么原教旨主义是十分危险的。

    This is why fundamentalism is so dangerous .

  18. 他们就是西方人称的原教旨主义派。

    They are what the West calls fundamentalists .

  19. 宗教原教旨主义者认为其特殊的神学可以提供答案。

    Religious fundamentalists believe their particular theology does .

  20. 简言之即是原教旨主义的傲慢

    in short , the arrogance of fundamentalism .

  21. 他还认同基督教原教旨主义。

    He also identifies with Christian fundamentalism .

  22. 伊斯兰原教旨主义者喜爱的一句咒骂语

    that a favorite expletive of Muslim fundamentalists

  23. 像所有不同宗教的原教旨主义者一样,他们没有发问问题,只有答案

    Like fundamentalists of all religious stripes , they have no questions , only answers .

  24. 有些时候,市场原教旨主义这种妖魔化理论的崩溃,证明了以邻为壑的经济政策的合理性。

    Beggar-my-neighbour policies are sometimes justified by the collapse of a bogey called market fundamentalism .

  25. 圣经原教旨主义者可能欢迎贾斯特罗的书,但他的科学家同行们却不以为然。

    Biblical fundamentalists may be happier with Jastrow 's books than are his fellow scientists .

  26. 在他的文章中,他谈到了在许多宗教运动中正在复兴的原教旨主义。

    In his article , he talks of the resurgent fundamentalism in many religious movements .

  27. 第一种观点的错误在于市场原教旨主义。

    The first error is market fundamentalism .

  28. 原教旨主义者认为,《圣经》是一贯正确的,是历史的真貌,对所有问题都有定论。

    Fundamentalists hold the Bible as infallible , historically accurate , and decisive in all issues .

  29. 一些哭泣着的婴儿被带走的照片引起了民众的反感,却合了原教旨主义者的心意。

    Photos of crying children being taken away created a backlash in favour of the fundamentalists .

  30. 我看到他对那些被称为激进的原教旨主义者非常愤怒

    I can 't see that he 'd be anything but utterly outraged at the militant fundamentalists