
  • 网络Wardak Province;Vardak
  1. 据NPR新闻的肖恩·卡伯里报道,嫌疑人是前美国特种部队驻瓦尔达克省的翻译人员,该省位于喀布尔附近。

    NPR 's Sean Carberry reports that the suspect is a former interpreter for US Special Forces in Wardak province near Kabul .

  2. 几个月前这些指控被揭露,总统阿尔扎伊要求美国特种部队退出瓦尔达克省的部分地区。

    When these allegations surfaced several months ago , President Karzai ordered US Special Forces out of part of Wardak .

  3. 瓦尔达克省的官员和居民长期以来一直指控美国军队虐待阿富汗平民并致数十人死亡,坎大哈里被指控是事件的主谋。

    Officials and civilians in Warkak province have long accused the US of running militias that abducted and killed more than a dozen civilians , and Kandahari is accused of being a ringleader .

  4. 惠特曼说,这项计划是由阿富汗政府发起的,得到了美国和北约部队的支持,将首先在邻近喀布尔的瓦尔达克省实施。塔利班在那里的势力几个月来不断加强。

    Whitman describes the plan as an Afghan government initiative that U.S. and NATO forces are supporting . He says it will start in Wardak Province , near Kabul , where Taliban fighters have been gaining strength in recent months .