
  • 网络red mosque;Lal Masjid
  1. 首批警讯之一出现在2007年,当时一批中国妇女在巴基斯坦遭到绑架,最终导致拉合尔(Lahore)的红色清真寺被围困。

    One of the first wake-up calls was in 2007 , when a group of Chinese women were abducted in Pakistan , an event which led to the siege of the Red Mosque in Lahore .

  2. 现在,大火正在红色清真寺内燃烧。

    Watch as fire smolders at the bullet-ridden Red Mosque complex .

  3. 2007年,在武装分子绑架多名中国公民后,在中国的压力下,巴方突袭红色清真寺(LalMasjid)。

    In 2007 , under Chinese pressure , Islamabad raided the Lal Masjid Red Mosque after militants kidnapped several Chinese citizens .

  4. 红色清真寺的冲突结束后,斯瓦特的塔利班变了。

    It was after the Red Mosque siege that the Swat Taliban changed .

  5. 这有可能是因为国家的军队跟红色清真寺的关系太过紧密。

    This was perhaps because the military had been so attached to the mosque .

  6. 他为军方攻击红色清真寺一事表示震怒,并誓言要为阿卜杜勒?拉希德之死复仇。

    He raged against the Lal Masjid attack and vowed to avenge the death of Abdul Rashid .

  7. 7月3日晚上,坦克车上的突击队员和装甲运输车包围了红色清真寺,

    Finally on the evening of 3 July commandos with tanks and armoured personnel carriers surrounded the mosque .

  8. 红色清真寺还设立了自己的法院来执行伊斯兰律法,并表示这是因为国家做不到。

    The mosque also set up its own courts to dispense Islamic justice , saying the state had failed .

  9. 现在,法兹鲁拉可以打着为红色清真寺报仇的名义发出威胁,并动员他旗下的塔利班支援他的行动。

    Fazlullah could now carry out his threats and mobilise support for his Taliban in the name of Lal Masjid .

  10. “红色清真寺”是巴基斯坦第二重要的清真寺,政府对其的围剿行动似乎是突破了一个界限,使得巴基斯坦国内的紧张情绪一触即发。

    The feeling on the street is that a line is crossed when armed soldiers stormed Lali mosque , the second most important mosque in Islamabad .

  11. 大概与塔利班开始在斯瓦特出没同时,红色清真寺旗下伊斯兰学校的女孩们开始对伊斯兰堡的街道造成威胁。

    Around the same time as our Taliban were emerging in Swat , the girls of the Red Mosque madrasa began terrorising the streets of Islamabad .

  12. 打开建筑周围缠结的铁丝网,士兵们带领记者推开贾米亚。哈法萨的铁门,这是红色清真寺旁边的一所女子学校。

    Opening barriers of tangled barbed wire around the sprawling compound , soldiers escorted reporters through the bent-back metal gates of the Jamia hafsa , a religious school for girls next door to the red mosque .

  13. 我们亲眼看到了红色清真寺、宽敞的宪法大道,以及在大道尽头的有着洁白柱廊的国会大厦与总统官邸。现在住在里面的是扎尔达里,

    We saw the Red Mosque where the siege had taken place , the wide , wide Constitution Avenue leading to the white-colonnaded buildings of the Parliament House and the Presidency , where Zardari now lived .

  14. 这些女人来自我们国家最大的伊斯兰女子学校哈福赛神学院,这所学校也是红色清真寺的一部分,兴建于1965年,因其红色外墙而得名。

    The women were from Jamia Hafsa , the biggest female madrasa in our country and part of Lal Masjid - the Red Mosque in Islamabad . It was built in 1965 and got its name from its red walls .