
  • 网络puebla;Puebla FC
  1. 总部在墨西哥普埃布拉(Puebla)和美国马萨诸塞州坎布里奇(Cambridge)的初创公司EmoSpeech向墨西哥的呼叫中心出售其语音分析产品。

    EmoSpeech , a startup based in Puebla , Mexico , and Cambridge , Mass . , sells its voice-analysis product to call centers in Mexico .

  2. 在2013年墨西哥普埃布拉工厂的奠基仪式上,奥迪首席执行官鲁珀特o施泰德表示:到2020年,全球范围内每三辆奥迪车中,就有一辆是SUV。

    Worldwide , every third Audi will be an SUV by 2020 , Audi CEO Rupert Stadler said in 2013 during a groundbreaking ceremony at the plant near Puebla , Mexico .

  3. 普埃布拉市是达拉维尔陶瓷著名的产地。

    The city of Puebla is the most famous source of Talavera pottery .

  4. 但在人们心里却一直把普埃布拉战役胜利的那天作为墨西哥重获新生的日子。

    The Battle of Puebla is remembered as the day that Mexico began to hold its head up high .

  5. 普埃布拉城建于1531年,位于墨西哥城东约100公里的波波卡特佩特火山山脚下。

    Puebla , which was founded ex nihilo in1531 , is situated about100km east of Mexico city , at the foot of the Popocatepetl volcano .

  6. 该小组运用多种方法对墨西哥普埃布拉附近遗址的各种物质进行了年代测定,以此确保他们得出的结果是正确的。

    The team used several methods to date a variety of material from the site near Puebla , Mexico , in order to be sure they were right about the age .

  7. 24岁的莉迪亚·卡明斯曾于6月下旬前往位于墨西哥中部的普埃布拉市报道当地的洪灾灾情,当时一男一女抬着她走过了一段被洪水淹没的街道,而摄像机恰好记录下了这一幕。

    Lydia Cummings , 24 , was in the city of Puebla in central Mexico in late June when she was photographed getting ferried over a flooded street by a man and a woman .