
  • 网络puge;Puge County
  1. 四川省普格县血吸虫病综合治理4年效果

    Effect of four-year comprehensive schistosomiasis control in Puge County , Sichuan Province

  2. 凉山州普格县野生荞麦资源的特征与地理分布

    Characteristics and Geographical Distribution of Wild Buckwheat Resources in Puge , Liangshan

  3. 普格县植被覆盖度遥感动态监测分析

    RS Dynamic Monitoring and Analysis of Vegetation Changes in Puge

  4. 目的了解和掌握普格县当前的计划免疫工作现状和存在的问题。

    Objective To master the present situation of EPI and to find out problems .

  5. 从恶性循环到良性循环的转折&凉山州普格县农技校的启示

    A Turn From Vicious Circle to Benign Circle & an enlightenment from a school of agricultural technology in Puge county of Liangshan district

  6. 【结论】四川普格县钉螺种群中微卫星遗传变异的空间分布表现为正空间自相关,空间自相关性随着距离增加而减少。

    【 Conclusions 】 The spatial distribution of the genetic variation of SSR was positive spatial autocorrelation in the population of Oncomelania hupensis , and the spatial auto-correlativity decreased with the distance band increased .

  7. 本文采用了质性研究法,主要运用了文献资料法和田野调查法,研究资料主要来自对四川凉山彝族自治州普格县螺髻山镇火把节节庆体育的实地考察。

    This paper used the qualitative research method , the main use a literature material method and the investigation method , and the material mainly from liangshan yi autonomous prefecture of sichuan PuGe county LuoJi , torch festival sports field trip .