
  • 网络PUNO;Rico Puno
  1. 本文用两个李雅普诺夫V函数对泛函微分方程建立了完全渐近稳定性的一类判别条件。

    In this paper , we obtain sufficient conditions of total asymptotic stability of functional differential equations , by using two Liapunov functional v.

  2. 作为最后一篇,综合比较了这些理论和方法,并归纳了李雅普诺夫法和暂态能量函数(TEF)法不适合电力系统暂态稳定性分析的本质原因。

    This reveals why Lyapunov function methods and TEF methods cannot be applied to transient stability analysis of power systems .

  3. 即使在情况最好的时候,普诺省也不会富起来。

    Puno province would not be rich at the best of times .

  4. 这张摄于五月二十九日的照片,是西班牙北部坎普诺体育场的全景。

    General view of the Camp Nou stadium in Barcelona , northern Spain on May29 .

  5. 于是,普诺提诺转向了写作。

    Plotinus turned instead to writing .

  6. 缅甸政府军尽管过去一再试图攻占岱普诺基地,但均未得逞。

    Despite repeated attempts to overrun Dae Pu Noh in the past , Burmese government troops have failed to take the base .

  7. 产下“真主蛋”的这只母鸡的主人是位于哈萨克斯坦东部斯坦普诺伊村庄的一名农夫。

    " Our mosque confirmed that it says'Allah'in Arabic ," Bites Amantayeva , a farmer from the village of Stepnoi in eastern Kazakhstan , told state news agency Kazinform .

  8. 古希腊人对睡眠有一个神学的解释:许普诺斯(睡眠之神)居住在俄瑞波斯(终极的黑暗地狱),每晚,他会在尼克斯(司夜女神)和他的孪生兄弟桑纳托斯(死亡之神)的陪伴下一起旅行。

    The Greeks had a mythological explanation for sleep , in the form of Hypnos , god of sleep ; he lived in Erebos ( eternal darkness ) . Every night , he traveled the land in the company of Nyx ( Night ) and his brother Thanatos , who was the spirit of peaceful death .