
  • 网络Divorce property division
  1. 离婚财产分割若干问题的社会性别分析

    Gender Analysis of the Division of Property in Divorce

  2. 规则下的裁量&从法学社会学的角度看离婚财产分割中的法则和法官自由裁量权

    Adjudication in the Rule & the Rule of the Divorce Property 's Division and the Right of Free Adjudication from the Angle of Law-society

  3. 本文选取离婚财产分割所涉及到的法律政策,从社会性别视角加以分析,揭示其对男女两性所带来的不同影响。

    This paper examines the legislation and policies concerning the division of property in divorce from a gender perspective in order to reveal their different influence on men and women .

  4. 同时总结学界运用社会性别分析视角对离婚财产分割若干问题所作的论述,以期推动立法者在制定法律政策时,采用社会性别分析的视角,从根本上促进男女两性的平等。

    It also summarizes gender-based academic discussions on questions of the division of property in divorce so as to urge policy-makers to adopt a gender perspective and to promote gender equality .

  5. 尽管有孩子,而且女方也可能指控说自己是迫于压力签署婚前协议的,但法庭还是认为这两个协议很重要,女方从离婚财产分割中获得的金额也少得多。

    Despite the existence of children and the potential accusation of signing the pre-nups under duress , both agreements were considered significant and the women received considerably less from their divorce settlements .

  6. 在离婚财产分割涉及到知识产权的收益时,要充分考虑到知识产权的特殊性,作出合理合法的处置。

    In property division of divorce when related to the income of intellectual property rights , we must fully consider the special nature of intellectual property rights , and make a reasonable and lawful disposal .

  7. 在财产分割方法上形式化,需要建立有效的清算制度,从而实现离婚财产分割制度从形式上平等的规定过渡到实质意义上的平等,真正实现法律所要求的公平正义。

    An effective liquidation system should be established to correct its formalism in distribution methods so as to secure the transition from formal equality to real one and eventually realize fairness and justice as required by law .

  8. 况且面对目前居高不下的房价,对于多数夫妻来说,可能一辈子只能拥有一套不动产,因此不动产的归属总是离婚财产分割的核心问题。

    Besides high housing prices , in face of the for most couples , may never can only possess a real estate , so the ownership of the realty divorce is always the core issue of the division of property .

  9. 中国夫妻财产制的社会性别分析&以离婚夫妻财产分割为侧重

    Gender Analysis of Marital Property in China

  10. 也许你会结束一段诉讼,或者离婚的财产分割,或者结束一项生意。

    It is also possible you may have finalized a court settlement or the division of property in a divorce or at the end of a business .

  11. 对这些新的财产类型我国法律规定尚不明确,从而导致离婚夫妻财产分割时无确实有效的法律可依。

    For these new types of property law in China is not yet clear , leading to divorce division of property of husband and wife have a really effective laws can depend on .

  12. 因此,本论文拟研究离婚时财产分割的新问题,并就几个问题进行自己的思考和理解,旨在抛砖引玉,期待法律的进一步完善。

    This thesis is to study the time of divorce division of property , and on a few problems of their own thinking and understanding , aims to initiate , expect the law to further improve .

  13. 本部分结合案例对我国离婚案件财产分割中容易出现争议的五种财产类型:知识产权的可预期利益、按揭房屋、人力资本及其预期利益、夫妻股权、婚前财产收益进行了分析。

    In this section , we analyzed five property types which are easier to have controversy in divorce cases : expected benefits intellectual property rights , mortgage housing , human capital and its expected benefits , husband and wife share , earnings pre-marital property .

  14. 离婚时的财产分割是夫妻财产制的内容之一。

    The divorce belonging was one of the contents of the marital property system .

  15. 离婚时的财产分割也有一定的规定,反映了唐代和离制度在敦煌实施的真实面目。

    All these mirror the true fea-tures of the implementation of the divorce regulations in Dunhuang .

  16. 但是,我国离婚夫妻的共同财产分割仍然存在一些棘手的问题。

    However , there are still intractable problems of community property under divorce .

  17. 论离婚诉讼中的财产分割问题

    On Property Division in Divorce Proceedings

  18. 在司法实践中,夫妻共同财产分割遇到了很多新的问题,离婚时的共同财产分割显得更为复杂。

    In judicial practice , there have been lots of problems for the partition of community property , especially under divorce .

  19. ·由于离婚所引发的财产分割,尤其是房屋的分割不仅关系到家庭的和谐,也关系到社会的稳定。

    The division of property caused by divorce , especially housing , is related not only to the harmony of families , but also to the social stability .

  20. 你的星图的这个部分支配所有类型的财务对话,从离婚协议中财产的分割,到解决信用卡和其他债务。

    This area of your chart rules all kinds of financial talks , from reaching an agreement concerning the division of property in a divorce , to polishing off credit card and other debt .

  21. 夫妻财产制是实现社会性别平等的重要制度保障,而离婚时夫妻共同财产分割是夫妻财产制的重要组成部分,也是实现社会性别平等的关键之一。

    Marital property system ensures the institution support to social gender equality , of which property division of husband and wife is an important item and one of the keys to realize social gender equality .

  22. 从协议离婚、诉讼离婚、离婚后夫妻财产的分割等方面对港、澳、台以及大陆的离婚制度进行比较分析,并提出完善我国离婚制度的基本设想。

    It compares and analyzes the divorce system in agreement divorce 、 lawsuit divorce and segmentation of marriage belongings among Hong Kong 、 Macao 、 Taiwan and Mainland , and puts forward the basic conceives to perfect divorce system in China .

  23. 然而,随着人们变得愈加富有以及离婚率的节节高升,越来越多的夫妻考虑到离婚时的财产分割问题,会选择签署婚前协议。

    Nevertheless , as people become more affluent and divorce rates rise , an increasing number of couples are signing prenuptial agreements on division of property in case of divorce .

  24. 在离婚财产纠纷案件中,对于按揭房的处理已成为了离婚时财产分割中的热点。

    In a property dispute of a divorce case , the disposal of the mortgage housing property has already become a heatedly-discussed issue .

  25. 随着时代的变迁,人们的思想观念发生了根本变化,离婚的家庭越来越多,在夫妻感情无法维持下去的时候,离婚财产分割就成为一个重要问题。

    With the changing times , people s thinking has undergone fundamental changes , more and more families divorce , marital relations could not be maintained , divorce , division of property has become an important issue .

  26. 由于种种原因,离婚案件每年都呈现上升趋势,在这些离婚案件中处理的就是离婚财产的分割问题。

    For various reasons , the divorce case presents the trend of escalation every year , processes in these divorce case is divorces the property the division question .