
lí hūn lǜ
  • divorce rate
  1. 20世纪50年代离婚率下降了。

    The divorce rate turned down in the 1950s .

  2. 英国在欧洲各国中保持着不光彩的最高离婚率纪录。

    Britain held the unenviable record of having the highest divorce rate in Europe .

  3. 离婚率正急遽上升。

    The divorce rate is spiralling upwards .

  4. 他们需要一个可靠的办法来降低离婚率。

    They need a reliable method to decrease the divorce rate .

  5. 65岁以上人群的离婚率则增加了两倍。

    For those over 65 , the rate has tripled .

  6. BC组的离婚率、犯罪史、最高教育程度明显高于湖南组,评估时年龄明显大于湖南组;

    The divorce rate , educational level and conviction histories are significantly higher , and the age is significantly older in the BC group as compared with the Hunan group .

  7. Yau说,将离婚率按'职业类别'划分,'那些从事交通和材料运输职业的人员,比如乘务员和公交车司机,他们的离婚率往往更高。

    Splitting the divorce rates into ' occupation category ' , Yau said , ' Those in transportation and material moving , such as flight attendants and bus drivers , tend to have higher divorce rates .

  8. 对拉萨市离婚率上升的分析与探讨

    An Analysis and Inquiry to the Increasing Divorce Rate in Lhasa

  9. 城市离婚率的上升是时下不争的事实,加之农民工进城务工,这一比率有进一步上升的趋势。

    The urban divorce rate has been showing an increasing tendency .

  10. 离婚率升高的真正原因。

    The real cause that lay behind the rise in divorce .

  11. 幸福承诺的无法兑现导致了高离婚率。

    Unfulfilled promises of eternal happiness generate a high divorce rate .

  12. 但令人悲哀的是,现在美国的离婚率很高。

    Sadly , current divorce rates are quite high in America .

  13. 由于离婚率不断增长,破碎型家庭越来越多

    The increasing divorce rate resulted in more and more Broken families

  14. 不断上升的离婚率是“豆竿家庭”产生的一部分原因。

    The rising divorce rate partly explains the growth of the'beanpole'family .

  15. 在美国,离婚率在未来的几年将继续下降。

    In America , the divorce rate will reduce in recent years .

  16. 以那么高的离婚率,美国人是如何看待婚姻的?

    With that high divorce rate , how do Americans view marriage ?

  17. 中国的离婚率远低于美国。

    The divorce rate in China is much lower than in America .

  18. 这个时代有双收入,但也有了更高的离婚率;

    These are the days of two incomes , but more divorce ;

  19. 不能和谐相处只是不断升高的离婚率的部分原因。

    Incompatibility provides only a partial explanation for the rising divorce rate .

  20. 离婚率上升是一种世界性的现象;

    The global phenomenon in the increasing divorce rate ;

  21. 中国的离婚率与社会结构变化分析

    China Divorce Rate and Analyses on Social Structure Change

  22. 虽然离婚率很高,婚姻制度仍然普遍。

    The institution of marriage is still popular despite the high divorce rate .

  23. 这些现象也成为离婚率升高的一个重要原因。

    These phenomena also become an important reason for the rising divorce rate .

  24. 现代社会,离婚率不断攀升。

    Nowadays , the divorce rate is increasing continuously .

  25. 乘务员的离婚率为50.5%。

    Flight attendants were found to have a divorce rate of 50.5 % .

  26. 在60和70年代,离婚率上升尤为急剧。

    The increase in the divorce rate was particularly steep in the1960s and1970s .

  27. 这刚好能解释英国的离婚率为什么在下降。

    This could help explain our falling divorce rate .

  28. 当今社会持续激增的离婚率加剧了青少年犯罪。

    In modern society , that divorce rate rockets aggravates the youth crime .

  29. 离婚率攀升的越高,男人们却越热衷于此。

    The higher the divorce rate climbs , the more eager they become .

  30. 从事建筑和工程职业的人往往有较低的离婚率。'

    Those in architecture and engineering tend to have lower divorce rates . '