
lí tuì xiū rén yuán
  • the retired;retired personnel
  1. 离退休人员尤其是低龄的离退休人员有发挥余热,为社会继续做贡献的条件。

    Retired personnel especially young retirees have the ability to continue to make contributions to the society .

  2. 包括在职人员安置费用、离退休人员费用、分流安置费用、改制成本。

    Including resettlement costs of serving officers , retired personnel costs , diverting the resettlement costs , restructuring costs .

  3. 离退休人员IGR和DM患病率最高,在校学生患病率最低。

    The prevalence rates for IGR and DM are the lowest in retired population and the highest in school students .

  4. 方法采用SSRS、PGC量表、SF-36量表和老年人生活质量调查表对苏州市167名离退休人员进行自评调查。

    MOS SF-36 and QOL questionnaire for elderly . Method The 167 elderly Chinese in Suzhou were investigated with PGC Moral scale , SSRS , MOS SF-36 and QOL questionnaire for old people .

  5. 方法采用Katz等人提出的ADL量表和Lawton的IADL量表,对居住在公司基地的离退休人员的日常生活活动能力进行调查。

    Methods The ability of the retired workers conducting daily living activities was measured with the scale of Activities of Daily Living ( ADL ) developed by Katz et al and the scale of Instrument of Daily Living ( IADL ) developed by Lawton .

  6. 浅议网络与离退休人员的社会化管理

    Discussion on the Network and the Socialized Management of the Retirees

  7. 了企业离退休人员养老金标准。

    Basic pension benefits for retired enterprise employees were increased .

  8. 构建和谐校园应发挥离退休人员的作用

    Bringing the retirees ' abilities into full play and constructing harmonious campus

  9. 北京大学医学部离退休人员超重肥胖及相关疾病分析

    Overweight and Fatty and Their Correlated Diseases of Retirees in a University

  10. 提高国有企业离退休人员的待遇。

    Benefits for retirees from state-owned enterprises were improved .

  11. 体育锻炼对军队离退休人员主观幸福感的影响

    Effects of physical exercise on subjective well being of the retired PLA officers

  12. 提高了国有企业离退休人员养老金标准;

    The pension standard for the retired of the state owned enterprises was increased ;

  13. 某高校离退休人员2003&2006年健康体检血液指标分析

    Analysis on the Blood Indicators of a University 's Retirees from 2003 to 2006

  14. 论高校离退休人员的人力资源再开发

    Re-exploitation of Human Resources among University Retirees

  15. 离退休人员是否可以从事有收入的工作?

    Whether can you be engaged in there is the job of income from retiree ?

  16. 加快推进基本养老金社会化发放的步伐,对离退休人员实行社会化管理服务。

    Finally speed up socialization old-age-pension and implement social management and service for retired people .

  17. 对河北省农村基层卫生院离退休人员待遇的调查与思考

    About Rural Health Survey of Retirees Treatment

  18. 有10447万职工和3170万离退休人员参加了基本养老保险;

    104.47 million workers and 31.7 million retirees had participated in the basic pension insurance program ;

  19. 控制源与健康行为的干预&提高离退休人员生活满意度的准实验研究

    Interventions of Locus of Control and Healthy Behavior & A Quasi-Experiment on Retirees ' Life Satisfaction

  20. 结论本公司离退休人员有较强的完成日常生活活动的能力,并以工具性日常生活活动能力失能较多。

    Conclusions The retired workers of our corporation have pretty good ability of conducting daily living activities .

  21. 企业离退休人员的养老金基本做到了按时足额发放。

    Retired employees from enterprises for the most part received their pensions on time and in full .

  22. 从企业化到社会化&大连市企业离退休人员实行社会化管理的调查与思考

    From Enterprise to Socialization & Investigation and pondering of social management of retired staff in Dalian enterprises

  23. 离退休人员基本养老金

    Basic pensions for retirees

  24. 目的了解海洋石油企业离退休人员幸福度现况及其影响因素。

    Objective To investigate the life satisfaction and its influence factors of the retired offshore oil enterprise workers .

  25. 近几年,国务院几次发布文件,提高离退休人员的离退休金。

    In recent years the State Council has issued several documents to raise the retirement pay of retirees .

  26. 结果营利性医院的人员规模小,基本上没有离退休人员的负担;

    Results The for-profit hospitals had a small number of staff and basically little burden posed by retired personnel ;

  27. 增加了机关事业单位在职职工工资和离退休人员的离退休费;

    The salary of people in the government and other institutions and the pension for the retired was increased ;

  28. 女性显著高于男性,离退休人员高于其它人员;

    The anxiety levels of the female and retired were higher than that of the male and non retired respectively .

  29. 当前,贵阳市社区体育团体中设置的专职体育指导负责人员的较少,其中,多数是离退休人员兼任。

    Current , there are full-time personnel in Guiyang city community sports , among them , the most is retirees .

  30. 目前,我国参加养老保险的离退休人员已达4200万人,今后每年还将以300万人的速度增加。

    At present , there are 4200 million retirees attending endowment insurance , with 300 million speed increase per year .