
  • 网络consumer price;consumption price
  1. 用神经网络中的BP网络建立了烟草类消费价格指数预测模型。

    A prediction model for a consumption price index of tobacco by artificial neural network was set up .

  2. 粮食价格与居民消费价格关系的统计分析1997.12005.4年粮价与物价的实证分析

    An Analysis of Grain Price and Consumption Price

  3. 政府预测全年消费价格将增长5%。

    The government had been projecting a 5 % consumer price increase for the entire year .

  4. 国家统计局公布的数据显示,2020年2月份,全国居民消费价格指数(CPI)同比上涨5.2%。

    China 's consumer price index ( CPI ) grew 5.2 percent year on year in February , the National Bureau of Statistics ( NBS ) said .

  5. 无论那个方面,消费者与消费价格之间的关系是至关重要的。

    Either way , the nexus between the consumer and consumer prices is important .

  6. 胡润富豪消费价格指数9年来首次下降,该指数每年发布一次,主要估算中国高端人群的消费水平。

    The Hurun Luxury Consumer Price Index , an annual study that gauges1 levels of top-end individual spending in China , has contracted for the first time in nine years .

  7. 胡润报告显示,由于豪宅、出境游和奢侈品价格降低,2015年富豪消费价格指数比上年下降1.8%。

    The LCPI 2015 dropped 1.8 percent year-on-year , said wealth researcher The Hurun Report which compiles the study , due to price declines in luxury properties , overseas trips and products .

  8. 我国居民消费价格指数的FAR模型

    The FAR model of Chinese consumer price index

  9. 基于VAR模型的居民消费价格指数传导机制研究

    Research on CPI Transmission Mechanism Based on VAR Model

  10. 基于VAR模型的中国消费价格指数分析

    Analysis On VAR Model About CPI Of China

  11. 基于GM(1,1)理论的中国居民消费价格指数预测模型研究

    Expends the price index forecast model based on GM ( 1,1 ) theory Chinese inhabitant to study

  12. 中国建设银行(chinaconstructionbank)经济学家赵庆明表示,居民消费价格通胀将继续趋缓,尤其是在近期大宗商品和能源价格已开始下跌的情况下。

    Zhao Qingming , economist at China Construction Bank , said consumer price inflation would continue to ease , especially as commodity and energy prices had started to drop in recent weeks .

  13. 居民消费价格指数(CPI)并不能完全反映新产品带来的好处;

    The consumer prices index doesn 't fully capture the boon of new products ;

  14. 随着前景恶化,欧洲央行(EuropeanCentralBank)也面临着越来越大的压力,需要采取更激进的措施来避免消费价格持续下跌,从而不给经济造成持续数年的破坏。

    With the outlook deteriorating , pressure is mounting for the European Central Bank take more aggressive action to avoid a downward price spiral that could undermine the economy for years to come .

  15. 但是,在中国具有政治敏感性的整体消费价格指数(CPI)不容许这么做。

    But headline consumer price inflation , politically sensitive in China , will not allow it .

  16. 经季节性调整后,6月份居民消费价格(CPI)可能会连续第四个月环比上涨。

    Seasonally-adjusted , month-on-month consumer prices are likely to rise for the fourth consecutive month in June .

  17. 居民消费价格(cpi)在12月份上涨近2%,11月份则上涨0.6%。

    Consumer price inflation approached 2 per cent in December , from 0.6 per cent a month earlier .

  18. 消费价格指数(CPI)同比上涨2.3%,主要原因是猪肉价格大幅上扬。

    Consumer prices rose 2.3 per cent , largely on the back of a sharp jump in pork prices .

  19. 相比之下,中国国内的消费价格指数(CPI)上月达到了7.1%,创11年新高。

    In contrast , China 's own consumer price index hit 7.1 per cent last month , an 11-year high .

  20. 居民消费价格指数CPI衡量了一段时间内住户为了消费而获得、使用或支付货物与服务的总体价格的变化情况,是反映一个国家或地区宏观经济运行状况必不可少的统计指标。

    Consumer price index measures the price changes of goods and services acquired , used or paid by households over time .

  21. 采用归一化数据处理方法,选择神经网络的训练样本,建立基于BP神经网络的居民消费价格指数预测的数学模型。

    Adopted the data processing method of the normalization , choose the training sample of the neural network , the mathematical model of the consumer price index based on BP nerve network predicts set up .

  22. 在消费价格指数(cpi)大约占三分之一权重的食品价格,5月份上涨了8.3%。

    Food prices , accounting for about a third of the consumer price index basket , rose by 8.3 per cent in May .

  23. 中国当前的一年期贷款利率为7.5%,但通胀仍然处于失控状态,1月份消费价格指数(CPI)较上年同期上涨7%。

    One-year lending rates are 7.5 per cent but inflation is rampant , with consumer prices increasing 7 per cent year-on-year in January .

  24. 自去年年中以来,中国的消费价格指数(CPI)一直呈上升趋势,5月份达到5.5%的34个月高位。

    Consumer price inflation has been rising since the middle of last year , reaching a 34-month high of 5.5 per cent in May .

  25. 官方的消费价格指数(cpi)是从店铺手工收集,只能按月度发布,时间上存在数周的滞后。

    The official consumer price index data are collected by hand from shops , and only published monthly with a time lag of several weeks .

  26. 令政府更多忧心的是消费价格指数(CPI)。9月份CPI上升3.6%,显示通胀已达到两年来新高。

    More worrying for the government will be the consumer price index , which showed inflation hitting a two-year high of 3.6 per cent in September .

  27. 居民消费价格指数(consumerpriceindex,简称CPI),是反映一定时期内城乡居民所购买的生活消费品价格和服务项目价格变动趋势和变动幅度的相对数。

    The Consumer Price Index ( CPI ), is a reflection of the relative movement of the trends and extent of the price of consumer goods and services bought by urban and rural residents in a certain period of time .

  28. 根据官方的消费价格指数(CPI),英国今年4月份物价仍同比上涨了2.3%,略高于政府2%的通胀目标。

    On the UK official consumer price index , year-on-year inflation was still 2.3 per cent this April , slightly above the government 's 2 per cent target .

  29. 中国社会科学院高级研究员徐奇渊表示,尽管食品价格上涨,但中国居民消费价格指数(CPI)一直保持稳定。

    A senior researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences , Xu Qiyuan , said that despite the rising food prices , China 's CPI has been stable .

  30. 按照这个定义,通缩是不存在的:只有三个国家通胀为负,消费价格指数(CPI)中只有五分之一的商品价格下跌。

    By this definition , deflation is absent : only three countries have negative inflation and only a fifth of items in the consumer price index have fallen in price .