
  • 网络The consumer market
  1. 成为家喻户晓的品牌的确是一种诱惑。因此,XXX首席执行官XXX率领公司进军消费者市场的策略无可厚非。

    There 's a certain allure to being a household name , so you almost can 't blame XXX CEO XXX for trying to push his company into consumer markets .

  2. 广州艺辉演出器材有限公司经营的航空箱畅销消费者市场。

    Guangzhou Yi-hui Performance Equipment Limited trading as best-selling consumer markets in the air box .

  3. 消费者市场(Consumermarket)消费者市场是指个人或家庭为了生活消费而购买产品和服务的市场。

    All the individuals and households who buy or acquire goods and services for personal consumption .

  4. 戴尔消费者市场总监约翰•纽(JohnNew)说,我们更关注时尚而不是技术功能。

    ' We 're focusing on the fashion'rather than technical features , said John New , Dell 's director of consumer marketing .

  5. 9月份,中国移动(ChinaMobile)用户数突破5亿大关,这是一个强有力的象征,凸显中国消费者市场令人敬畏的巨大规模。

    In September , China Mobile 's customer base crossed the half-billion mark – a powerful symbol of the awesome size of the nation 's consumer market .

  6. 在IBM,我们仔细考察了这些技术以及它们在消费者市场中的应用情况。

    At IBM , we have closely observed these technologies and their adoption in the consumer market .

  7. 联想解释道,业绩不佳,是因为对企业PC市场过于依赖,在消费者市场存在弱点。

    Lenovo explains its weak performance by citing its overreliance on corporate PCs and its weakness in the consumer market .

  8. B2B营销从它出现的那一刻起,就与消费者市场营销有明显的差别。

    From the moment the B2B marketing appeared , it had significant differences with the consumer marketing .

  9. 第三章对SC足球俱乐部由球迷和赞助商构成的消费者市场进行分析,指出俱乐部应锁定的目标市场。

    Chapter 3 studies on the consumers market consisted by the football fans and sponsors . It further decides the market that the club shall target .

  10. 中国拥有成为全球最大消费者市场的潜力,但目前消费占其GDP的比重还不到40%,过去十年这个比例一直没有变化。

    China potentially has the largest consumer market in the world , but its consumption is less than 40 per cent of GDP , a ratio that has not changed over the past decade .

  11. RIM正大力宣传这些设备,以期再现其作为消费者市场领跑者的辉煌,然而,其未来在于企业级市场。

    While rim revs its engines to promote devices in the hopes of recapturing its days of consumer market leader glory , its future lies in the enterprise .

  12. 分析师表示,与神州数码的协议标志着一次重要的转变,它将令RIM公司从其在中国的传统市场公司利基领域扩张至更广阔的消费者市场。

    Analysts said that the Digital China deal was an important shift , allowing RIM to expand beyond its traditional corporate niche in China to the broader consumer market .

  13. 简单的来说,研发出一种对人体危害更小的产品并得到FDA的认准,将开拓一个完全新的更加广阔的消费者市场。

    Simply put , figuring out how to produce a less harmful tobacco product and getting an FDA seal of approval could open up a whole new , potentially huge consumer market .

  14. 联合利华(Unilever)、达能集团(DanoneSA)、星巴克(StarbucksCorp.)和麦当劳(McDonald’sCorp.)最近几个月都力推一欧元商品,刺激处于深度衰退之中的消费者市场。

    Unilever , Danone SA , Starbucks Corp. and McDonald 's Corp. in recent months have pushed one-euro products to light a fire under a consumer market in deep recession .

  15. 在消费者市场,微软凭借Xbox和近期推出的体感(Kinect)动作控制游戏设备早已大获成功。

    Microsoft ( MSFT ) has had success in the consumer market with the Xbox and most recently with the Kinect motion-control devices .

  16. 总体来说,虽然黑莓风暴在其他方面稍嫌不足,但是RIM正努力追求更广泛的消费者市场,并不仅仅是商务用户的核心基础。

    In general , though the Storm falls short in some other areas . RIM is really trying to go after the broader consumer supermarket . Not just it 's core bases of businesses users .

  17. 虽然,消费者市场营销无论是在营销模式还是在营销方法上对于研究B2B营销都具有一定程度的借鉴意义,但是两者还是有明显的差别。

    Although consumer marketing have a certain degree of reference significance for B2B marketing research both in the marketing mode and in the marketing method , but there are obvious differences bath them .

  18. 针对组织市场营销管理与消费者市场营销管理之间的差异,以4Ps理论为主线对组织市场营销管理进行了分析。

    Then towards the differences between organizational market and customers market , the author analyzes the management of organizational marketing using " 4ps " theory .

  19. 考虑到消费者市场的动态变化,在开源软件与专有软件的市场进入竞争分析中,构建了一个两期的在位者-进入者模型,并引入了横向差异化Hotelling竞争框架。

    Considering the dynamic change of the consumer market , the dissertation constructs a reigning-entering model in analyzing the market entry competition and introduces the horizontal differentiation Hotelling competitive framework .

  20. 诺基亚(Nokia)在将手机业务出售给微软(Microsoft)数月后重返消费者市场,与富士康(Foxconn)合作推出一款平板产品N1,未来还将发布其他产品。

    Nokia is returning to the consumer market only months after it sold its handsets business to Microsoft , as it launches a partnership with Foxconn to make the N1 , a tablet device , before launching other products , writes Daniel Thomas .

  21. 食品公司面临的最大挑战是找到一款和泡沫塑料功能相同又不增加成本的杯子,消费者市场研究公司NPD集团的餐饮业分析师邦尼?里格斯(BonnieRiggs)说。

    The main challenge for food companies is to find a cup that functions as well as plastic foam and doesn 't cost the consumer more , said Bonnie Riggs , a restaurant industry analyst with consumer market research firm NPD Group .

  22. Dropbox一开始致力于消费者市场,并借力消费者化浪潮深入许多公司的核心。该公司今年还大举投资于企业级产品,添加了允许企业IT部门监控和管理文件分发以及符合监管等要求的功能。

    Along with other services that began by focusing on the consumer market and have ridden the consumerisation wave into the heart of many companies , Dropbox has been investing heavily in its business offerings this year , adding features that enable corporate IT departments to oversee and manage file ­ distribution and meet ­ regulatory and other requirements .

  23. 国外奢侈品品牌纷纷进入中国抢占消费者市场。

    Foreign luxury brands have entered China to seize the consumer market .

  24. 消费者市场营销中的双因素分析

    Analysis of the Dual factors in the Consumers ' Market

  25. 南京电脑型体育彩票消费者市场的研究

    Research on Consumer Market of Computerized Sports Lottery in Nanjing

  26. 在此基础上,对我国高等教育系统中的消费者市场、劳动力市场、院校市场中的市场协调进行了深入地透析。

    The paper also analyses market coordination in Chinese higher education developing .

  27. 那一年,年抛隐形眼镜抢占了消费者市场。

    That 's the year disposable contact lenses hit the consumer market .

  28. 消费者市场经济能够产生一定程度的影响。

    The consumer will exert a measure of influence over the market economy .

  29. 中国——一个潜力巨大的消费者市场

    China - - A Consumer Market Full of Potential

  30. 如果我们先向美国消费者市场出口,那是明智的。

    It would be sensible if we export to American consumer market first .