
dú mù jù
  • one-act play
独幕剧 [dú mù jù]
  • [one-act play] 整个剧只有一幕,没有换幕这一程序,适宜于情节简单紧凑的剧情

独幕剧[dú mù jù]
  1. 从这个角度来说,单折戏即可以被看作近代意义上的独幕剧。

    So , this kind of play can be seen as the one-act play in the modern sense .

  2. 在戏剧形式上融会了中外戏剧的特点,建构了五四时期话剧独幕剧的基本形式。

    It combines in forms the traits of Chinese and foreign plays , and constructs the basic form of the one-act play of the modem drama in the period of May 4th Movement .

  3. 在今年9月的纽约时装周上,OpeningCeremony的创始人卡罗尔o利姆和汉贝托o利昂以独幕剧的形式,公布了该款饰有半宝石和水蛇皮的手镯的两种样式。

    Opening Ceremony founders Carol Lim and Humberto Leon ( also creative directors at French luxury house Kenzo ) unveiled two versions of the bangle adorned with semiprecious gems and water snakeskin at their September fashion presentation ( which took the form of a one-act play ) .

  4. “开幕式”还有另一场热闹的发布会:品牌设计师休伯托·里昂(HumbertoLeon)和卡罗尔·基姆(CarolKim)把一部斯佩克·琼斯(SpikeJonze)和乔纳·希尔(JonahHill)撰写的独幕剧搬上了舞台。

    All fashion week 's a stage nd another buzzy Opening Ceremony presentation : the label 's designers , Humberto Leon and Carol Kim , put on a one-act play written by Spike Jonze and Jonah Hill .

  5. 演出以一个独幕剧圆满结束。

    The performance was rounded off with a one act play .

  6. 你是否尝试过写独幕剧?

    Did you ever try your hand in a one-act play ?

  7. 他写了几部独幕剧,但只写了一部正常长度的长剧。

    He has written several one-act plays , but only one full-length play .

  8. 施蛰存对外国独幕剧的翻译与出版及其现代意义

    SHI Zhe-cun 's Translation and Publication of Foreign One-act Plays and Its Modern Significance

  9. 独幕剧由一个演员组成的剧目。

    A play consisting of only one act .

  10. 剧作家把情节大意写成了一个独幕剧。

    The dramatist wrote up a story idea in the form of a one-act play .

  11. 我写了这出轻快活泼的小独幕剧纯粹是为了试一哈我的新碎纸机。

    I wrote this sprightly little one-acter only to test out my new paper shredder .

  12. 他假装是在写一个独幕剧,希望它能上演。

    He pretended to be writing a one-act play , which he hoped to produce .

  13. 我写了一部独幕剧,在新学校剧场里第一批初次上映。

    I wrote a one-act play , among the first the debut at the new campus theater .

  14. 菊池宽的独幕剧《父归》是一部反映父子亲情与家庭伦理问题的现实主义作品。

    Father Comes Back , a realistic one-actor written by Kan Kikuchi , reflects the affection between the father and his son and family ethics .

  15. 我曾经为在这个剧院演出的俄罗斯功勋演员维克多·雷阿波夫制作了两部独幕剧以及为德国的木偶剧院“巴布斯卡”制作了另一部独幕剧“睡美人”。

    I have made two mono plays for the Honored actor of Russia Viktor Ryabov who worked in this theatre as well as another mono play " Sleeping Beauty " for the German theatre " Babushka "( Eppingen ) .

  16. 于伶在孤岛时期创作的八个多幕剧和一些独幕剧。这些剧作在叙事方式上有一个相似点:即通过浅俗的题材来升华出庄严的主题。

    Yu Ling in the island during the creation of more than eight one-act play and a number of one-act play in the narrative , there is a similar point : that through the shallow subject to sublimation of a solemn social themes .

  17. 他率先用白话进行文学创作,创作了中国新文学史上第一部白话诗集《尝试集》,首次用白话写作了独幕剧《终身大事》,确立了现代话剧的新形式。

    He took the lead in conducting literary creation with vernacular Chinese and produced Attempts , the first vernacular poetry collection in the history of new literature in China . He was the first to write in vernacular Chinese a one-act play An Important Event in One 's Life , which radicated the new form of modern drama .